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The "Tunkers."

--The Rockingham Register publishes the following:

Mr. David Glad well desires us to make public and honorable mention of the subscriptions taken up by himself for the benefit of the volunteers who went from the Ottobine neighborhood. These subscriptions were made chiefly by our Tunker friends, some of them by the preachers of that body at Christians. We are glad to know and to state for this large and important element of our population, that while they ‘"seek peace and pursue it,"’ yet their hearts and sympathies are with their Southern brethren in the war upon us, and they are doing what they can for the furtherance of the good cause. They are raising a magnificent harvest of bread stuffs, all of which if necessary, will be given for the cause of Southern rights and Southern independence. We know that a good portion of the breed prepared for the use of their recent Annual Conference at Beaver Creek went to feed the families of soldiers who went from different neighborhoods in the county of Harper's Ferry. We'll guarantee that both the Messonite and Tunker churches of Rockingham will do as much towards feeding the families of the soldiers who have volunteered to defend their country during the iniquitous war waged against us as any other Christian churches in Virginia.

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