Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.
Sudden death--anniversary of the Va. Military
Institute — the Canal, &c.
Lexington, Va.,Nov. 12, 1860.
George B. Poindexter, Esq., an acting Justice of the Peace for this district, was attacked suddenly in the Court-House, this morning, with apoplexy, which terminated fatally in a few hours.
Mr. P. enjoyed an extensive acquaintance in Eastern Virginia, (of which he was a native,) where, as in this locality, he was esteemed by his numerous friends as a worthy, high- toned, old Virginia gentleman.
The November Quarterly Court has been in session since the 5th inst., and will continue its sessions for several days longer.
This unusually long term has been caused by the large number of criminal cases to be tried.--What with hog-stealing, saddle-stealing, shooting with intent to kill, which only wounded, and shooting that did actually kill, the criminal docket indicates a worse state of morals than usually prevails in this staid county of Rockbridge.
The firing of cannon this morning awakened our people to the recollection that yesterday (Sunday) was the 21st anniversary of the Virginia Military Institute. It is a just cause of congratulation with the many friends of this noble institution, that it has now attained, by the liberality of the Legislature and the munificent donations of several of its friends, together with the admirable management of its corps of Professors, a position of equal rank with its prototype at West Point; and, in some respects, has outstripped other merely literary institutions of greater age and experience.
With its 250 cadets, thoroughly drilled in all the arts and strategy of war, should trouble come as is now threatened, the educated talent of its graduates, scattered over every county of the State, will prove a bulwark of defence against all the assaults that may be made against our citizens or its institutions.
The anniversary celebration at the Barracks was opened this evening with a handsome display of fire-works, and followed up with a number of appropriate addresses.
Navigation has been resumed on the North river branch of the James River and Kanawha Canal, the damage by the recent freshet not having been as great as was anticipated.
The work of completion to "Jordan's Point" is progressing slowly — so slowly that there is now no hope of making a finish this year.
The Law School of Judge Brockenbrough, assisted by Col. J. W. Massie, of the Lexington bar, opened last week with about 30 students.
Allow me to correct your statement of the vote of this county.
The official vote is, Bell 1,231; Douglas 641; Breckinridge 361.