A Shower of gold.
--From present appearances, the most abundant thing in New York will be
gold. Coin is pouring in upon us from all quarters, in almost unprecedented amounts, and while the Banks in so many of our neighboring cities are watching their coin as closely as a cat watches a mouse, our own are threatened with a positive plethora.
The following are the receipts by the steamers since Saturday last:
Per North Star, from California | $1,083.213 |
Per Europa, from Liverpool | 540.000 |
Per Etna, from Liverpool | 330.000 |
Per Atlantic, from Liverpool | 861.000 |
Per Borussia, from Southampton | 17.500 |
Per Persia, from Liverpool | 3,100.000 |
| $5,931,713 |
Averaging but little short of a million per day. And as long as the Exchanges remain as much in our favor as they are at present, there is nothing to prevent a continuance of the flow of gold to this point, to pay for the
Western breadstuffs and the
Southern cotton, shipped on English account, long before our politico-financial crisis set in. With the foreign importations down to an extremely moderate point, the balance of trade is largely in our favor; but for the lack of confidence and credit, growing out of the dissolution of the
Union, the country at this moment would be enjoying an unparalleled prosperity.--
New York Express, Friday.