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Death of the last survivor of the battle of Bunker Hill.

--Ralph Farnham, of Acton, Maine, the last survivor of the battle of Bunker Hill, which took place on the 17th of June, 1775.--over a year before the independence of this country was declared — died while on a visit at Great Falls, New Hampshire, on the 26th inst., aged one hundred and four years five months and nineteen days. Mr. Farnham's home was on a farm of one hundred acres, situated about half a mile from the village of Acton, Me. The farm is managed by his second son, Mr. John Farnham, who is now sixty-three years old. The old patriot was the father of seven children, the eldest, who would now have been seventy-five years old, and another are dead. There are five yet living. He enlisted, with some of his youthful comrades, shortly after Washington took command of the revolutionary forces at Cambridge. He reached the camp only the day before the battle of Bunker Hill, and was immediately marched to the expected scene of operations. He was placed in the rear in charge of ammunition and stores, when the battle began, but as it proceeded was called into action. He served in the revolutionary army through three campaigns, from 1775 to 1777. He was present at the surrender of Burgoyne, and used often to relate the following anecdote of that event: He said that after Burgoyne's surrender, General Gates invited him and other British officers to dine with him and his officers. During the dinner everybody was very presently and pleasant, or at least appeared to on sites sat at the head of the table, sat opposite him. There was some laughter amongst those seated near the British officers, and Gates inquired the cause of it.--His officer explained: ‘"General Gates, General Burgoyne says he would rather take you for an old woman than a soldier."’"Ah!" replied Gates, "does he? Well, perhaps I am an old woman — I delivered him safely of 10,000 men." The following letter, written by the old man in September last, in reply to the invitation from Governor Banks and others, shows that the weight of a century had not dimmed his faculties nor impaired his enjoyment of life:

Acton, Me., Sept. 25, 1860.
Mr. N. P. Banks, Mr. F. W. Lincoln, Jr., and others, Boston.--I have received your kind invitation to visit Boston, and I thank you for the honor you do me. When I listed in the American army, at the age of eighteen, I did not suppose I should live to be 104, and be asked by the Governor and Mayor and other distinguished people to visit Boston. It seems strange that out of all who were at Bunker Hill, I alone should be living. It appears to me, though so long ago, as if it was but yesterday. I can remember the particulars of the march after I listed — how the people cheered, and when near Andover, Colonel Abbott came out and said: "Well done, my lads," and sent out older and grog in pails. We got to Cambridge the day before the battle. Oh, it was a terrible affair to me, for it was the first time I ever engaged in fighting. I served with the army through three campaigns, and was present and on guard when Burgoyne surrendered. I don't think I deserve any special praise for the part I took in the Revolution. I felt and acted only as others. I receive every year my pension of $6166 though I have to pay $4 to a lawyer in Portland to get it for me. I have many things to comfort me as I journey along through life — innumerable are the mercies I am surrounded with. As to temporal matters — kind loving children, faithful friends. As to spiritual the Holy Scriptures and the various institutions of religion — all of which are designed for our improvement here, and to prepare us to dwell in that better world above. If a kind Providence spares my life and health, you may expect to see me in Boston about the 8th of October

Ralph Farnham.
Your friend,

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