The following patriotic address to the people of
Missouri is copied from the
Nashville papers:
It is due to you, as well as to myself, in the present juncture of our affairs, that the motives should be announced which have induced my temporary absence from our State.
Believing that our true interests demanded open, immediate and vigorous war upon the anthesis and abettors, from
Mr. Lincoln down, of the rebellion against our State sovereignty on the 10th of May last, and confident, from the Judgment of competent military men, that
Missouri was then better prepared to resist, than the
Lincoln insurgents were to carry out, their plans of annulling our State lights, I dissented, though in a friendly spirit, from the policy of the
Governor in making concessions to them in his earnest desire to preserve peace within our borders.
Aware that some arrangement with that view was about to be made, and entertaining the firm better, since fully justified by events, that, as a truce would be energetically used by our enemies in completing their arrangements to war on us, no time should be lost in making up for previous neglect in preparing ourselves for the inevitable conflict, I left our Capital on the 20th of that month.
Arkansas, by rapid traveling, on the third day thereafter, I was fortunate in meeting
Gen. McCulloch immediately on his arrival at
Fort Smith.
Since then, in
Tennessee and
Virginia, my efforts have been directed unceasingly to the best of my limited ability, to the promotion of our interests, indissolubly connected with the vindication of our liberties and our speedy union with the
Confederate States.
In view of
Gov. Jackson's declarations in his proclamation of the 12th ultimo, it is due to him that I should mention the fact that I have at no time had, and have not now, any agency of any kind from him; it is due to myself to add that since that proclamation I have cordially exerted myself to procure him support in the stand he has taken against our foes.
Rest assured of the profound sympathy with which the people of the Southern Confederacy regard our condition; though engaged in a war against a powerful, they would not hesitate still further to tax their energies and resources, at the proper time and on a proper occasion, in aid of
The a vowed and decided policy of the
Confederate States is to add her to their number as soon as her sovereign people desire the connection.
That desire being unquestionable by any one acquainted with their real sentiments, her union with her Southern sisters is merely a question of time and the opportunity which the course of events will, sooner or later, certainly afford.
You will not expect me to be more explicit; nor would the silence I have hitherto observed be now broken, had not several patriotic Missourians advised this address, with the hope that it might contribute towards confirming your determination to free your selves from the despotism now seemingly triumphant in our State.
I rejoice to learn from various sources that even amid the present gloom you remain confident of final success.
We are draining to the very dregs the bitter cup of Federal usurpation; but the medicine was needed to cure the diseases of our body politic.
The military advantages lately obtained by our oppressors are not surprising, for your perilous uprising at the call of our Governor was made without that previous concert with your natural allies which was almost indispensable for success.
But the fortune of war is prone to change; be ready to take advantage of it. Do nothing weak, nothing rash, Wherever a favorable opportunity occurs, rally to the standard of your Governor, if those co-operating with him; but partial uprisings, in defenceless positions, or without due concert of action, are worse than useless.
Watch the opportunity to strike with effect.
Mean while let each one of you quietly prepare; nearly all of you are doubtless now aware that your ordinary rifles and shot guns with Minnie balls are equal to the weapons of your foes, and in your practised hands will rarely fall of their marks.
Be not impatient of delay.
Success in war depends greatly on a proper combination of preparation, precaution and during; on blows surely given at the right time and place.
You have this inestimable advantage; if the hopes given you, by me now or by others, of effective aid, should incite the enemy to increase his forces in
Missouri, he but weakens himself else where, and hastens in
Virginia his own defeat, which is your victory; if he remains inactive, he but shortens the time of your captivity.
Be of good cheer; be but true to yourselves, invoking the aid of the Almighty who has so visibly favored the
Southern cause, and sooner or later the day of your deliverance will surely come.
With the limited information obtainable here concerning recent even is in
Missouri, it is difficult to form a judgment about our immediate future.
But as our enemies claim that they are about to capture
Gov. Jackson, you will, I trust, not consider it ostentation in me to give you this public assurance that, to the best of my ability, endeavoring to mingle prudence with energy and firmness though with a painful consciousness of the difficulty and responsibility of the charge, I shall, in humble reliance on the guidance and support of Almighty God, unhesitatingly undertake any constitutional duty events may impose upon me. And should, unfortunately, any vacancy in the Executive office occur, which under our Constitution authorizes a new election for Governor, I earnestly hope that no State officer or authority, exercising or claiming the power of Governor in my absence, will order an election until, by the expulsion of the enemy, the choice of the voters can be rendered perfectly free.
The difficulty of speedy communication with
Missouri being great, I respectfully request the newspapers friendly to our cause in adjoining States to publish this address, and thus give it a surer opportunity of reaching our own journals.
Thomas C. Reynolds.
Governor of
Nashville, July 8, 1861. ’