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Hoarded specie.

--The New Orleans Delta suggests some very valuable hints in regard to the relief of the public, which, being to this latitude, are worth copying:

Everybody knows that there is an abundance of specie in this city for all the uses of the people. The only danger is, that persons who have it will hour and hold on to it. How to prevent this should be the object of all patriotic citizens? There can be no doubt how this may be done. If our brokers will all unite in refusing to give premiums for specie, it will pretty soon get afloat, leaving the old pockets, stockings, and other hoarding places, and passing freely on a par with Confederate bank bills. In the present state of affairs in our city, every man is expected to recognize the demands of patriotism, and to abstain from all speculation upon the necessities and straits to which the war has subjected us. The man who gives a premitterion specie above the issues of the Confederates Government is virtuality discrediting our Government, and harassing and impeding the people in the maintenance of the Government and the conduct of the war. Brokers are as much bound to aid the country as any other people. If they do not fight in the ranks of the army, they ought at least to sustain from taking and burdening those who do. By abstaining from the profits of the trade in specie, they may contribute, in a patriotic and substantial way, to aid the war and the Government, Such a course on their part, for a few weeks, would soon bring out all the specie in the city in free and abundant circulation. Public sentiment demands that the experiment at least should be made.

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