
"R. I. I. B."

Recruits wanted for the Richmond Light Fantry Blues.

Each recruit enters active services as soon as listed.

Any number of good Recruits will be received into this corps, permission having been obtained to erease the same to a complete . The Blues are attached to the how in service in Western Virginia, under the command of Brigadier General Henry A. Wise.

The Blues are enlisted for the entire contingence of the war, and no recruit will be received for a less period of enlistment.

Apply to Capt. Hammond Duncan, W Legion Office, over P. H. Taylor's Music Store, No. Main street, between 9th and 10th, Richmond, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 6 P. M.

None need apply but men of good character and robust health.

Honorary members of the Blues, and other friends throughout the country, are requested to assist us.

Uniforms and other necessary clothing furnished

O. Jennings Wise,
Captain R. I. I. B. au 30--wtf

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