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A Hint to the Government.

--The West-minister Review says that the expense of covering a single frigate with iron would be ample for covering that of a very powerful battery on shore, and that any advantage which ships can obtain by this means may be much more readily obtained for shore batteries against them, and with so much more effect that weight presents no impediment whatever. We have urged the idea on various occasions, and it demands the attention of the Government. If the Yankees are constructing iron-plated ships to attack our batteries, we should defend our batteries in like manner. Ships, without this plating, ought not to be able to overcome shore batteries properly established and manned. We trust that, after the lessons lately received upon our sea coast, we shall be prepared to give the enemy a proper reception hereafter. The enemy's strong arm is his navy; but, if we pay timely and proper attention to our shore batteries, we can easily neutralize his advantage in that respect.

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