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Confederate States of America, medical Purveyor's office,

Richmond, Va., Nov. 25, 1861.
I desire to acknowledge the receipt of the following contributions:

From Miss E. C. White and twenty other ladies of Philadelphia, East Tennessee--19 blankets, 2 comforts, 48 handkerchiefs, 5 pairs socks, 20 towels.

From the ladies of Athens, East Tennessee--7 quilts, 7 shirts, 3 sheets. 2 pillow-cases, 1 pair pants, 3 blankets, 2 pillows.

From Mrs. Lenoir, Tennessee--3 blanket, 1 quilt.

From J. F. Jones, Tennessee--1 blanket, 1 red quilt, 1 pillow case, 1 sheet.

From the ladies of New Market, Tennessee--24 blankets, 15 comforts, 10 comforts.

From J. R. Reed, J. W. Lusk, and others, Tennessee--5 comforts, 1 blanket, 4 pillows.

From the ladies of Louisville, Blount co., Tennessee--11 blankets, 17 comforts.

From Mrs. John Browden and Mrs. Alexander, Tennessee--7 comforts, 3 blankets, 3 pillows.

From Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Saffell, Mrs. Love Mrs. Hudson, Mrs. Taylor, Louisville, Tennessee--21 blankets, 7 quilts.

From M. P. Burkhart and others, Rodgersville, Tenn.--6 blankets, 7 bed-quilts

From Mrs. Martha Johnson, S. Sensaborough, and Misses F. & R. Davis--5 blankets, 2 bed-quilts.

From Mrs. Mary Lyon and 9 other ladies, Hawkins county, Tenn.--27 blankets, 7 bed-quilts.

From Mrs. Harmony, Baptist Church, McMinn county, Tenn.--29 blankets, 11 bed-quilts, 9 sheets. 4 pillows, 61 slips.

From Walnut Grove, Green county, Tenn.--6 blankets, 14 bed- quilts, 4 pillows.

From New Canton, Hawkins county, Tenn.--30 blankets, 16 towels, 21 sheets, 17 comforts.

From Mrs. Sarah E. Colloutry, Knox county, Tenn.--2 blankets, 3 quilts, 2 pillows.

From Mrs. Donaldson and Mrs. Harton, Benton, Tenn.--8 bed-quilts, 4 blankets, 1 sheet.

From Mrs. Briggs, Mrs. Hannah, and Mrs. Wallick, Benton, Tenn.--19 bed-quilts, 6 blankets, 3 sheets, 10 pillows.

From Mrs. Nancy Gooch and Mrs. M. J. Bagby, East Tennessee--6 pillows, 2 sheets.

From the ladies of Murfreesboro, Tenn.--18 quilts, 11 blankets.

From Mrs. Julia Lany, Greensville, Tenn.--17 blankets, 6 pillows.

From Mrs. L. Bradford, Mrs. W. J. Moore, Mrs. N. Hood and other ladies of Dandridge, Tenn.--16 bed quilts, 37 blankets.

From ladies of New Providence, Tenn.--13 blankets, 5 comforts.

From ladies of Cleavland, Tenn.--4 sheets, 1 pillow-case, 11 bed-quilts, 2 pillows.

From ladies of Boone Creek, Washington county, Tenn.--34 blankets.

From Mrs. Crawford and other ladies of Cleavland, Tenn.--8 comforts, 3 blankets, 4 sheets, 2 pillows, 4 towels.

From ladies of Cooke county, Tenn.--6 bed-quilts, 8 comforts, 4 blankets, 2 pillows.

From Mrs. Stringfield, Mrs. Butler, and Mrs. Hynes, Strawberry Plains, Tenn.--5 blankets, 4 bed-quilts, 5 pillows.

From ladies of Hawkins county, Tennessee--28 blankets, 10 bed quilts, 10 pillows.

From Mrs. E. Moore, Mrs. Denton, and Mrs. Sally Mee, Bradley county, Tennessee--7 pillow, 7 sheets, 1 blanket.

From Mrs. Russell, Knox county, Tennessee--5 blankets, 3 sheets.

From ladies of Satsville, Southwestern Virginia--53 blankets.

From ladies of Washington county Va.--86 blankets, 6 sheets.

From Southwestern Virginia, persons unknown--30 blankets, 1 comfort, 58 pillows, 18 bed ticks, 11 sheets, 7 bed-quilts.

Through Mr. Thompson, Southwestern Virginia--10 blankets.

From R. McGavrick--15 pillows, 10 blankets, 2 sheets; 6 quilts.

From ladies of Abingdon, Va.--31 blankets

From ladies of Glade Springs, Southwestern Na.--3 blankets, 7 pillows, 7 pillow-cases, 6 sheets.

From Mrs. Fonher, Henry and Emory College--1 blanket, 3 sheets.

From Abingdon, Southwestern Virginia--7 blankets, 2 sheets.

From persons unknown--8 pillows.

From ladies of Christiansburg, Va.--12 pillows, 12 quilts, 1 blanket.

From ladies of Montgomery county, Va.--11 blankets, 7 pillows, 1 sheet.

E. W. Johns,

Sur. and Med. Parveyor U. S. Army

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