Proceedings of the Methodist Annual Conference.
[reported for the Richmond Dispatch.]
Norfolk, Nov. 28, 1861.
Rev. Morris Langhorne hoped to be excused for consuming a little of the time of the Conference.
When these fraternal visitations commenced, it was certainly with no expectation of an ultimate union of the churches.
That was an after development, but it was very gratefully regarded by the ministers of the Protestant Church.
All would rejoice to have the two Churches united, and speaking for himself, he would labor and pray for that result.
But they would not have nor would this body admit of union on any but just and honorable terms.
If these could be arranged, and it seemed to him it could be done, all would rejoice, and none more than himself.
The resolutions were adopted, and the report accompanying, and the Conference appointed John C. Granberry, Wm. B. Rowzie, and Nelson Head, fraternal messengers to the Protestant Methodist Conference.
Rev. P. A. Peterson announced that those preachers who came by way of the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad could return free of charge, by procuring a certificate of membership from the Secretary of the Conference
Bishop Andrew announced to the Conference that the Louisiana Conference resolutions were to be acted upon, and asked what order this body would take.
Rev. George W. Langhorne moved ‘"that the Virginia Conference non-concur,"’ and expressed the hope that the question might be taken without debate.
These resolutions, I may remark, memorialize the General Conference to change a rule of the discipline, so as to allow the Bishops of the Church to continue a preacher at one station or circuit for the period of four years. The rule now is, that a preacher cannot be continued at a charge more than two years.
Messrs. W. A. Smith, R. O. Burton, H. B. Cowles, D. S. Doggett, P. A. Peterson, G. W. Langhorne, Nelson Head, J. D. Coulling, participated in the discussion.
The speakers stood arranged thus: A part opposed a change from two to four years, but advocated a change, fixing the limitation at three years, which is the period adopted by the English Wesleyan Methodists, and of this number were Messrs. Smith, Doggett, Head, and perhaps others.
Another part opposed any change whatsoever, of whom were Rev. G. W. Langhorne, H. B. Cowles, Burton and others, and J. D. Cowling only advocated the resolutions proposed by the Louisiana Conference.
This diversity of sentiment very fairly represented the actual state of opinion in the body at large
While the discussion was in progress Rev. A. G. Brown offered a resolution which the chair ruled out of order; and its author gave notice that it would be presented and pressed whenever the direct vote had been taken upon the resolutions of the Louisiana Conference.
The vote upon the resolution of Mr. Langhorne was sixty-three for, eighteen against; and so this Conference did not concur with the Louisiana Conference.
On motion, the morning session was extended for half an hour.
The Rev. A. G. Brown's resolution was then put to Conference, which proposes a change of the rule, so as to allow preachers to be appointed to the same charge for three years.
Rev. P. A. Peterson offered as a substitute, that, in the judgment of this Conference, any change in the rule is unwise and inexpedient.
The vote upon the substitute, was fifty-eight for the substitute, and thirty-five against it, which, therefore, stands as the sense of the Virginia Conference.
Rev. James A. Duncan desired to know whether the action just had instructed the representatives of this body in the General Conference
The Bishop said that it did not instruct the delegates, where freedom of action was in nowise affected.
Rev. T. A. Ware offered a resolution asking the General Conference to change the rule concerning admission of members, so as to have no Probationers, save Seekers Adopted.
A. M. Hall, at his own request, was granted a supernumerary relation.
J. Spriggs, at his own request, was left without an appointment.
On motion, it was resolved that when the Conference adjourns, it be to meet this evening, at 8 o'clock.
And then the Conference adjourned, with the benediction from the Bishop.
At 3½ o'clock the Young Men's Relief Society met in the Cumberland Street Church, Rev. W. W. Bennett, President, in the chair.
No business of interest was transacted, and the Society adjourned to meet in the same place at 7½ o'clock.
At that hour the Society was called to order by the Rev. W. W. Bennett.
On motion, it was determined to go into the election of officers for the ensuing year, and thereupon the following were elected: Rev. J. S. R. Clarke was elected President; Rev. A. G. Brown, first, and Rev. P. F. August, second Vice President: J. C. Granberry, Secretary; James A. Duncan, Treasurer; and W. W. Bennett, Brown, and Duncan, Executive Committee.
Rev. James A. Duncan was unable to give any report as Treasurer, and desired to be excused from acting further as Treasurer.--Subsequently he resigned.
Rev. Nelson Head was elected to supply the vacancy.
On motion of D. P. Wills, it was determined to appoint a person to preach a sermon before the Society at the next Conference, and Rev. Nelson Head was elected by the Society.
An order was made for the publication of the proceedings in the Richmond Advocate, and the Society adjourned.
The Conference assembled at 8 o'clock.--Long before that period, indeed, the members were all in their places, and the house in every part crowded with ladies and gentlemen.
The profoundest interest sat upon the faces of preachers and people, all alike anxious to learn what, if any changes, are to be made in the appointments of the members.
Punctually at the hour named, Bishop Andrew ascended the pulpit, and, coming forward, asked if there was any further business to be transacted, as, otherwise, he would proceed to close the session.
Rev. Leonidas Rosser, in a few earnest remarks, asked to be left without an appointment for the succeeding year.
Dr. Doggett moved that the request be gritted, if in the judgment of the Presiding Bishop, there was-no legal impediments.
Bishop Andrew was of opinion there was none, and therefore the Conference voted unanimously to grant the request.
Rev. H. B. Cowles offered a series of resolutions of thanks to the citizens of Norfolk, to the several churches of the city, to certain railroad companies, to the secretary and assistants, and to Bishop Andrew, which were severally adopted unanimously by a rising vote.
The Bishop responded very happily to the resolution referring to himself, and concerning the officers, said, ‘"he had never seen officers who pleased him better." ’
It was ordered that on the several circuits and stations a collection to defray the expenses of the delegates to the General Conference, be taken in the month of March, and forwarded to Rev. D. S. Doggett, at Richmond, Va.
Several standing committees of the Conference were announced; and there being no further business, the Bishop proceeded with the closing exercises.
The Bishop gave out the hymn on page 190 Methodist hymn book, commencing
‘"Draw near, O, Son of God, draw near,"’ and the whole immense auditory united in singing it to the tune Woolridge.
The effect was truly magnificent.
The Bishop then offered a most impressive and fervent prayer, at the conclusion of which the appointments were announced, which are as follows, (errors excepted:)
Richmond District--James D. Coulling, P. E. Richmond; Centenary, W. W. Bennett; Sidney, to be supplied; Clay Street, Thomas H. Haynes; Oregon, to be supplied; Broad Street, David S. Doggett; Trinity, A. G. Brown; Rocketts,--Pritchett; Union Station, Wm. H. Christian; Seamen's Bethel, F. J. Boggs Manchester, Chas. C. Pearson; Charles City, Oscar Littleton; James City, Wm. G. Lumpkins; Williamsburg, Jacob Proctor; Hampton.
to be supplied; York, J. W. White; Gloucester, J. B. Day, one to be supplied, (William H. Wheelwright, in the army;) Matthews, Jas. G. Lumsden; King William, B. H. Johnson.
Fredericksburg District.--James A. Proctor, P. E.-- Fredericksburg, A. Bledsoe; Spotsylvania, H. C. Cheatham; King and Queen, A J. Beckwith; Middlesex, John G. Rone; Lancaster, John M. Saunders; Westmoreland, Wm. F. Bain, --Porter; King George, L Moore; Stafford, James E. McSparrin; Fauquier, James H. Cronin; Rappahannock, James P. Fitzpatrick; Culpeper, John F. Poulton, J. Carson, supernumerary; Rapid Ann Mission, to be supplied; Loudon and Leesburg.
James M. Anderson; Potomac, John H. Baylev; Warrenton, Robert W. Watts, James Williamson; Winchester, J. W. Shipley; Clarke, J. G. Hammond; Washington, D. C., George H. Ray; Alexandria, W. Wallace Duncan; Rock Creek, Fairfax, Patterson's Creek, Springfield, and Prince William, to be supplied.
Charlottesville District.--Jos. H. Davis, P. E. Charlottesville, Thos. H. Early; Albemarle, John L. Clarke, James W. Grant; Nelson, Samuel Robinson; Scottsville, H. H. Gary; Fluvanna, H. M. Linncy; Goochland, Thos. I. Bayton; Hanover, Davis P. Wills; Louise, James R. Waggoner; Orange, Henry M. Lattimore; Madison, James O. Moss; Piedmont;----Harrisonburg, Joseph H. Amiss; Elk Run and Graves Chapel, F. L. Way.
Lynchburg District.--G. W. Langhorne P. E. Lynchburg Centenary, N. P. Mitchell; Court street, John E, Edwards col. Mission, to be supplied Lambeth; Fincastle, Jas. P. Garland; Bedford, Wm. G. Cross; Staunton, E. A. Gibbs; Campbell, T. A. Pearce; Appomattox, J. W. Blanco; Buckingham, Geo. F. Doggett; State River, W. H. Camper; Cumberland, Cyrus Doggett.
Henry District--Thomas A. Ware, P. E.--Henry, Thos. H. Boggs; Pittsylvania, Jacob Shough; Patrick, L. H. Greyhill; Patrick Mission, John G. Bayley; Smith's River, Charles D. Bingley; Franklin, Robert A. Gregory; Alleghany, James Shelton.
Randolph Macon District.--P. W. Archer, P. E. R. M. Station, J. S. Lindsey; Danville, Frank Stanly; R. M. Circuit, B. C. Spiller, Union and Clarksville, S. V. Hoyle; Mecklenburg, James C. Watson; Charlotte, John J. Lafferty; Charlotte Mission, John D Southall; South Staunton, John W. F. Jones; Halifax, James J. Lamkin; South of Dan, Wm. Carter and — Wallace; Ringgold, W. A. Valden; R. M. College, W, A. Smith, President; Danville Female College,--Jameson, President.
Farmville District.--J. R. Finley, P. E. Farmville, Nelson Head; Prince Edward, M. M. Dance; Colored Mission to be supplied; Powhatan, W. W. Spain; Chesterfield, Alfred Miles, and nominally, J. W. Connelly, T. S. Campbell; Coalfield, Jesse K. Power; Amelia, John W. Howard; Colored Mission to be supplied; Nottoway, Lemuel S. Reid, J. L. Spencer, supernumerary; Colored Mission to be supplied; Lunenburg, Paul Whitehead; Colored Mission, to be supplied; Brunswick, D. J. C. Slaughter; Colored Mission, to be supplied; Greensville, Wm. B. Rowzie; also; agent of Murfreesborough Female College; Northampton, W. E. Allen; J. C. Garlick, supernumerary; Colored Mission, William Grant.
Norfolk District--L. M. Lee, P. E. Norfolk city; Cumberland street, Ro Michaels; Bute street, And. J. Coffman; Granby street, Jno. D. Blackwell; James street, James C Martin.
Portsmouth; Dinwiddie street, P. A. Peterson; North street, to be supplied; Wesley Chapel, to be supplied; Second street, Thos. Y. Cash. Princess Anne, Jno. W. Wonnicutt; Indian Ridge, Currituck Mission, Aaron Boone, and one to be supplied; Elizabeth City, Wm. L. Delby; Elizabeth City Mission, to be supplied; Pasquotank, Jos. J. Edwards; Hertford, Jer. McMullen; Edenton, Wm. J. Starr; Colored Mission, Wm. J. Norfleet; Gates, Jos. Lear; Suffolk, Ed. M. Peterson; Jos. Riddick, supernumerary; Suffolk Colored Mission, A. R. Bernard; Norfolk Circuit, Jas. W. Compton.
Atlantic District.--Left without appointments, Eastville, Cape Charles, Atlantic Circuit, Taylor's Island, Berlin.
Petersburg District.--R. O. Burton, P. E.--Petersburg; Washington street, Charles H. Hall; Union street, to be supplied; Market street, Ro. M. Sleade; City Mission, to be supplied; High street, W. E. Judkins, J. Kerr; Factories Mission, Jas. H. Jefferson.
Dinwiddie, H. B. Cowles, Jno. N. Guy; Colored Mission, to be supplied; Sussex, L. J. Harnsberger, J. A. Riddick, sup.; Prince George, N. Thomas, A. Stuart, B. Woodword, sup.; Surrey, Jas. A. Crowder, Jno. P. Woodward, sup.; Smithfield, Jos. S. R. Clarke; Southampton, Jos. G. Potts, J. M. Arnold, sup.; Murfreesboro, Larkin H Crenshaw; Bertie, Thos. L. Williams, R. J. Carson, sup.
Several preachers were left without appointments at their own request.
John C. Granberry, P. F. August, James E. Joyner and some others not now remembered appointed Chaplains in the Army, and B. R. Duval agent of the Bible and Tract Society of the Conference, and James A. Duncan editor of the Richmond Christian Advocate.
The Bishop remarked that if he had overlooked any member of the Conference, he would rectify the error if reminded of it in the morning; and then pronounced the benediction, thus dispersing the Conference until the next year.