Late Northern news.
the Observance of New Year's day at the North--Story of a Yankee Refugee — Facts and incidents, &c.We give below some extracts from late Northern papers received at this office:
New Year's day in Washington — the President's reception — Entertainments by the Recreating--Gen. M'Clellan's health, &c.
From the following special dispatches to the Philadelphia Inquirer, dated Washington, January 1, it will be seen that the Yankees had quite a gay time in the Federal metropolis on New Year's day: Never, within the memory of the oldest inhabitant, have we enjoyed such a warm, pleasant New Year's day at the national metropolis, and never has it been so decorously or generally observed. Our Southern friends were sad roystered, and in former years by noon there was a large number of intoxicated gentlemen of the F. F.'s V.'s to be seen.--This year, everything is orderly and quiet, although they have kept up an incessant firing of heavy guns and small arms across the river since midnight, giving rise to reports that an engagement is going on. The ‘"engagement"’ happened to be a friendly one, got up by the soldiers, who subscribed a certain sum with which to celebrate the birth of '62. At eleven o'clock the Plenipotentiaries, Ministers Resident; Secretaries of Legation, and attaches of the foreign Powers represented here, called on the President, wearing the uniforms or court costumes which they sport at the courts of their imperial or royal masters. Some of these are gorgeously embroidered with gold and set off by crosses of honor. Lord Lyons, attended by his numerous suite, was cordially received by President Lincoln, and after shaking hands they had a familiar chat, Other Ministers were then presented by Mr. Seward. The diplomatic corps was followed by the Justices of the Supreme Court, the officers of the army, headed by Gen. McDowell, and the officers of the navy, headed by Captain Wilkes. The army officers were generally in undress uniform, but these of the navy were in ‘ "full toggery,"’ with cocked hats and epaulette. Among the prominent visitors was Major W. F. M. Arny, successor of Kit Carson, U. S. Indian Agent in New Mexico. He wore a full suit of buckskin, made in the Mexican style, elegantly embroidered with silk and beads. He private represented to Mrs. Lincoln a splendid blanket as a New Year's offering. It is an evidence of the taste and skill of the Rocky Mountain Indians. The blanket was made by a squaw of a Navajo chief, she having been employed upon it for five months. It is of large size, of wool, the figures upon it being white, red and blue. --Major Arny says there are about 10,000 Navajos in New Mexico, who own, with the Mexicans in the territory, probably a million of sheep, which are used principally for food. The animal remain unshorn of the wool, which would make good blankets and clothing for our troops. Patriotic airs were performed by the full Marine Band, stationed in a vestibule of the White House. At noon the doors of the White House were thrown open to the people, who poured in for two hours in a steady tide, which swept past the President whirled around the east room, and emerged by a temporary doorway cut through a window, to avoid the usual crowd. The President was in excellent spirits, and Mrs. Lincoln (who wore a most becoming dress of black brocade with woven bunches of flowers) received the through with her usual affability. A large number of volunteers were present among them General Blanker, with all the field officers of the General Division, in full uniform. After having been present at the Diplomatic presentation, the members of the Cabinet repaired to their houses, where they in turn received their friends. The Diplomats all called on Mr. Seward, whose daughter-in-law, Mrs Frederick Seward, did the honors. Mr. Cameren and the ladies of his family received calls from all the officers and many citizens. Mayor Wallack kept ‘"open house"’ at his residence on Louisiana avenue, and his predecessor; Col. Berrett, was among the first who partook of his hospitalities. The police in their becoming new uniforms, paid the Mayor a visit, and were reviewed by him at 9 o'clock. The President was gratified to learn, at the commencement of his reception, by one of the medical attendants at ‘"headquarters,"’ that General McClellan is slowly recovering from what was doubtless an attack of typhoid, yet was fortunately checked in time. Owing to his illness, a guard has prevented bands from serenading him for several nights past. The ‘"Anderson Zouaves"’ issued large cardaj informing their friends that they were ‘"at home,"’ and a jolly time they are having. The ‘ "Ellsworth Avengers,"’ in Butterfield's Brigade, had a grand fantastic parade this morning, and throughout the camps there has been holiday rejoicing without license or intoxication. All had hoped to fee the well known form of General Scott ‘"head the column"’ of officers to-day, but it has been announced that he does not intend to visit the metropolis at present. He is in excellent health, the swelling of his lower limbs having disappeared, and with if the attacks of vertigo with which he was troubled.New Year's day on the Virginia side — serenading.
All the troops on the Virginia side, at eight o'clock this morning, were making extensive preparations for enjoying New Year's day. The programmes were read, theatrical representations and pig races being prominent in the bills. The occasional firing of guns were but incidents of the jubilation. An order has been issued prohibiting any bands in the service of the United States from going out on serenading parties, unless by previous permission of the Provost Marshal. There has, it appears, been an excess of such music at night, and in many cases proved more an annoyance than a compliment.Celebration of New Year's day in New York
New York, Jan. 1.
--The day was generally observed in the spirit for which New York is famous.
All the stores, banks and public offices were closed, and every body seemed bent on enjoyment.
The weather was beautiful throughout.
Lies of a Yankee Refugee — his Representation of the condition of the South, &c.
From the Frankfort correspondent of the Cincinnati Times, dated December 25th, we extract the following: Mr. Nelson R. A. Biddell, a merchant of Philadelphia, who married his wife in Savannah, Georgia, and who left there on the 2d instant, has just arrived here by way of Nashville, Bowling Greece, and Louisville. Mr Biddell had great difficulty in getting out of Savannah, having labored faithfully, but in vain to do so for several months. Mr. Biddell describes the alarm and panic at Savannah, after the Federal attack on Port Royal, as most extraordinary. Fear seized every one, and all the citizens fled from the place. The city has no protection for defences whatever, all the guns, ammunition, and cannon having been sent to Virginia. There were no soldiers there but one regiment, which was encamped near the town temporarily, on its way to Virginia. During the residence of my informant in Savannah there were two or three drafts for soldiers, and he was compelled to furnish two substitutes for the rebel army, one of whom, an ex-lumber merchant of Maine, was the most violent Secessionist in the place. The South, he believes, has all the force in the field that it can possibly raise, having made the most determined and persistent efforts to furnish men and money for the cause. The people have been most severely taxed, and those at all suspected of Union sentiments, or proclivities, have been forced to contribute enormous sums. Many of the merchants and professional men have been impoverished by the exactions of the ‘"Confederacy."’ The strongest and oldest Union man is Hon. John E. Ward, formerly our Minister to China, and he is dreadfully persecuted by the rebels, who have arrested him at least twenty times while attempting to escape, robbed him of his entire property and some $400,000, and threatened several times to hang him. Mr. Ward says they can kill him if they like, but that he will never surrender his allegiance to the Federal Government, or cease to detest and denounce the miserable abortion known as the Southern Confederacy. He is very anxious to go North, but is so closely watched that he cannot escape. Mr. Biddell thinks that it is not at all improbable that Mr. Ward will be assassinated. in Savannah, unless he succeeds in getting out of the State. The greatest excitement, Mr. Biddell says, reigned throughout the South on the subject of way, and the women of Savannah daily practiced with fire-arms to perfect themselves in their use. He thinks that even in Savannah the presence of the Federal army would be hailed with joy by a majority of the people. Savannah, like all the Southern towns through which Mr. Biddell passed, is entirely barren of business, and complaints are rife of the stagnation of trade, and the scarcity of money. --Mr. B. had the greatest difficulty in obtaining $500 in gold, although his brother-in- law had $90,000 of Georgia currency in the Planters' Bank, and when he did procure coin, was compelled to pay fifty cents premium for it. Mr. Biddell says that the most astounding fal ods are daily circulated and believed throughout the South, and that he himself had no doubt, at one time, that Lincoln had been hanged. Suck stories as the taking of Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, very common, and the Savannah newspapers publish accounts of false victories won by the rebels, five or six times every week.Mrs. Greenhow--a Cake sent her is cut open by a Yankee Lieutenant.
The outrageous persecutions which have been, and are being inflicted, upon this true and noble woman, will some day or other be revenged upon the heads of the fiends incarnate who are enforcing their indignities upon her. The following paragraph is taken from the Washington correspondent of the New York Herald, of Dec. 31: ‘ Several days ago Mrs. Greenhow, who was among the first female arrests, and who is still in prison, received a cake from some friend of hers unknown to the guard. Before delivering it into her hands, Lieut G. E. Sheldon, of the Sturgess Rifles, suspecting something wrong, examined the cake, found embedded therein a note informing that lady that arrangements had been made for her escape and conveyance to Richmond, naming the day and hour for her deliverance. This information, however, was not communicated to her by the Lieutenant, nor has the writer of the note been discovered. ’Naval affairs.
Washington, Jan. 1.
--The Putey came up from the flotilla last night, but brings no news of interest from the lower Potomac.
Vessels continue to run the blockade when the wind is fair.
The navy-yard to-day presented a Sabbath like containt to its usual week-day scenes of activity, and its usual week-day sounds of hammering, clicking, steaming and brewing; all work being suspended.