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The Potomac Fisheries.

--The Fredericksburg Herald, of the 3d inst., has the following well timed and appropriate remarks on the propriety of using every effort that can be to occupy and cultivate our fishing shores the Potomac:

‘ We are gratified to learn that Mr. Wm. L Pratt commenced fighting the seine yesterday at the fishery on Potomac which empties into the Potomac river. The point of fishing is well secured from the attacks of the Lincoln river craft, being under the protection of the guns of Smith's battery.

There was no fall fishing at all, either in the Potomac or Rappahannock, in consequence of the fact that the army numbers in us ranks the men mostly engaged in this pursuit. There are other points on the Potomac which we hope to see occupied shortly. We have an unfailing meat-house at our very doors, which has been too long neglected. Let the Rappahannock river also be occupied with fisheries. It will pay well, and why they have not been heretofore opened is a marvel to us. The whole army on our frontier may easily be supplied with fresh fish, and the change of subsistence from beet and bacon will not only be palatable but conducive to health,

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