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Latest Northern news.

active preparations for the prosecution of the war.

Hon. Mr. Vallandigham's speech in Congress. &c., &c., &c.

our Advices from the North this morning are to the 10th inst. The news is quite interesting, a brief synopsis of which appeared in our telegraphic columns yesterday morning.

Col. Samuel Colt died at Harrisons, Ct, on the 10th inst. His fire-arms factory will be carried on by the present corporation.

Ex-Gov. Morehead, of Kentucky, has been released from confinement in Fort Warren on his parole, and proceeded immediately to New York.

Secession troubles in the Chamber of Commerce at St. Louis are reported to have taken place on the 9th inst. The Union members withdrew to organize a New Chamber.

Advices from Missouri report that General Price has been reinforced by troops from Arkansas, and that there is some probability of a fight at Rolla.

the New York Herald says the Confederate loss at the battle of Wilson's creek, Missouri, which was fought on the 10th of August last and at which the brave Gen. Lyon fell, it has been ascertained, was five hundred and twenty killed and seven hundred and fourteen wounded. The Union loss was two hundred and twenty-three killed and seven hundred and twenty-one wounded.

the garrison of Fort Warren now consists of five hundred men, J. E. Murphy, J. H. Cusick, R. Drane, A. Dawson, and J. L. Orison were released from the Fort on Monday, and sent to Gen. Banas to be exchanged.

a young widow woman named McDonald was in charged from Col. Boone's regiment, at Paraquat Springs, Kentucky, last week, where she had been serving as a private, dressed in regiment as, for sometime. This was her second offence, she having once before been discharged from a regiment.

the following is a summary of the force which has been ordered from England to Canada:

Officers and men8,258
Commissaries coups182

Eleven of the largest sized vessels were required to transport this force.

The Burnside expedition — sailing of more vessels and troops from Annapolis.

The Annapolis correspondent of the Baltimore American, in his letter of the 9th inst., says:

‘ A portion of the fleet bearing the troops of Gen. Burnside a expedition, consisting of the 1st and 2d brigades, sailed this morning about 9 o'clock, and the vessels bearing the remainder of the troops, at the present willing have steam up, and will probably move in a short time.

Departure of the expedition from Hampton Roads.

The Norfolk Lay Book, of the 13th inst., says:

‘ The vessels of the expedition--one frigate, two gun-boats, two side wheel steamers, and a number of transports, thirty five in all — left Old Point at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and went out of the Capes. There were also a large number came down the day last night and went out. So our friends in the neighborhood of Hatteras or Wilmington may look out for them, although they may have only gone out for a ruse, and may return after dark. Some of the steamers, we learn, had scows in tow.

Important results Anticipated.

The New York Herald, of the 10th instant, has the following speculations with regard to the expedition:

‘ The sailing of Burnside's fleet, and the wishes that accompany it, dimly foreshadow in the minds of all the mighty expectations that hang upon the next two weeks. With a degree of patriotism sublime, the people appear as with one consent to have their hopes of the future upon a grand combined movement which is to sweep rebellion from existence. We see the financial world on this side of the water holding its breath, as it were to await the contemplated result; and so, with the rest, we encourage our hopes of a glorious result, whilst we indefinitely postpone our fears — if any we really have — in a cause so essential to the vindication of human progress.

How far we shall be justified by our hopes, we would fain be glad to demonstrate even to ourselves. With the popular relief pointing to a region comparatively near by as the destination of the fleet which has just left the Capital of our State, we shall not venture to conjecture the results. But when we look to the army in front of Washington, with its splendid material and its acknowledged high discipline, we cannot but hope that a forward movement, soon be attempted, will wipe out effectually the remembrance of former disasters, and thus justify the expectations of all true patriots.

Its destination.

From the Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer we take the following:

‘ It is possible that there will be much disappointment when the destination of the Burnside expedition is known. The members of the Cabinet and our leading generals, however, have given assurance to the leading members of Congress that the expedition will be attended with the most important results, and will materially change the aspect of the war.

The Washington correspondent of the Boston Traveller makes the important but rather doubtful statement that the divisions of Generals Franklin, Fitz John Porter and Smith, are to be withdrawn from Washington and sent to Annapolis to co-operate in General Burnside's expedition. It was rumored in Boston, on Tuesday, that the detention of the Constitution was in accordance with the orders from Washington, and that the part of General Butler's Brigade new on beard of her is to go to Fortress Monroe to further strengthen the military arm of this same expeditionary corps, instead of proceeding at once to Ship Island.

Preparations for a Simultaneous attack — Distribution of the forces.

The special Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer, under date of January 2, says:

‘ The Commander-in-Chief has determined on a simultaneous attack, and is so drawing the cords, by distributing the troops, making ready the transportation supplies, etc., that a grand forward movement of 435,000 men will be made simultaneously, the immense column extending from the Potomac through Virginia and Kentucky to the Mississippi.--The army on the Potomac are now ready for that movement. Gen. Banke, near Winchester, is also ready. Generals Rosecrans, Buell, and Halleck are not yet ready. Commodore Foote is not ready. The utmost diligence and industry are being excited to have a complete preparation Rosecrans, will be ready by the 20th, Buell by the 15th and Halleck and Foote by the 25th.

The Burnside expedition leave in about ten days on a mission that must necessarily be highly successful, while a fleck of boats will come up the Potomac, and McClellan will advance steadily on Manassas Banks and Rosecrans will take the enemy in their rear; Cox will strike out toward Lewisburg; Garfield will move toward Cumberland Gap; Buell, with his four divisions, toward Nashville H Wallace, Grant, Foote, and others toward Memphis, overland and down the Mississippi river, and the forces at Fortress Monroe and Beaufort will move inland, to take the enemy in the rear. Gen. McClellan will not ‘"forward"’ until he is entirely ready, so that a sudden and triumphant victory may be the crowning result of his patience and preparation.

The mortality in the Federal Army — interesting Statistic.

A Washington correspondent furnishes the following interesting statement of the mortality thus far in the Federal army.

The health of the army here is exceedingly good, and but few deaths are occurring compared with the immense number of soldiers in the field. By returns in the war Department up to the 22th of December, I learn that the mortality in our army since the war broke out will reach 82,000 man. The number killed in battle, skirmishes, he is about ...

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Vallandigham (1)
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Grant (1)
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Franklin (1)
R. Drane (1)
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J. H. Cusick (1)
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