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"Sawery" Bennett's opinion of old Abe.

The New York Herald, of the 17th inst., has quite a lengthy editorial upon the recent change in the Cabinet, in the course of which Bennett lands Old Abe to the skies, and makes him out a second Washington. For the edification of our readers we copy the following concluding paragraphs.

We congratulate the country that, in ‘"Honest Abe Lincoln,"’ we have a man who appreciated his official responsibilities and his official prerogatives of power, his promises to the country, and the Importance of as riot adhesion to his pledges. The retirement of Mr. Cameron from the War Office, is an event of the highest significance and encouragement in this broad view of the subject. There are rumor afloat of other impending Cabinet changes. If required to harmonize the Cabinet upon the President's conservative war policy--‘ "the integrity of the Union"’--we have no doubt that these changes will be made. Let our abolition disorganizes be warned in time. We have this rebellion new so completely invested and over shadowed by on over whelming military strength, that if the administration and the army, for even a month longer, are sustained instead of being thwarted and embarrassed by Congress, we shall have peace with the return of spring. That President Lincoln is confident of this we have every reason to believe, and we feel assured that so strong are his convictions, that he is right in prosecuting this war for ‘ "the integrity of the Union,"’ and not for the extirpation of Southern slavery by fire and sword, that if necessary he will change every member of his Cabinet rather than suffer any embarrassing discords upon this subject in his ministerial family.

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