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Religious Revival among the soldiers — remarkable Liberality.

Savannah, Ga., Feb. 1. 1862.
Editors Dispatch:
A few weeks since a number of Testaments were sent into a camp near this point. The religious soldiers immediately determined to organize themselves into a Sunday School, and to invite their comrades to meet with them to study the Word of God. They also began a prayer meeting, and now religious services are being carried on every day and night, and many are becoming interested in religious matters. All this, my informant states, is due to the Testaments which were sent out, for till then no such effort had been made or thought of.

In order to supply all the soldiers on the seacoast, I am now visiting prominent points and establishing depositories. We have one now at each of the following cities: Wilmington, Mobile, Montgomery, and Savannah. The soldiers are invited, ‘"without money and without price,"’ to call at these depositories and supply themselves with religious reading, and all who have a heart to labor as tract distributors are invited to supply themselves on the same terms. At Charleston I received $1,650, at Wilmington $206.78, at Greenville, S. O., $269.75, at Columbia, S. O., $390, and liberal amounts are being handed me by the friends of the cause in this city.

A. E. Dickinson,
Gen'l Supt. Army Colportage.

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