House of Delegates.
Thursday, Feb. 8th, 1862.
The House met at 11 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Burrows.
Mr. Collier, from the Committee on Finance, reported a bill prescribing penalties against illegal assessments and collection of taxes.
Also, an adverse report to the petition of James W. Ryan, Sheriff of Clarke county, asking to be released from the payment of damages.
On motion of Mr. Hunter, the unfinished business of yesterday, which was the consideration of Mr. Steger's amendments to the substitute presented by Mr. Hunter to the bill providing for a railroad connection between the Manassas Gap Railroad, at or near Strasburg, and the Winchester and Potomac Railroad, at or near Winchester, was taken up.
Mr. Steger concluded his argument in favor of his proposed amendment, and was followed by Mr. Hunter in opposition.
After a lengthy debate, Mr. Anderson, of Rockbridge, moved the previous question; which was carried.
Mr. Robinson, of Berkeley, offered a resolution that the appropriation be stricken out, and that the bill and substitute be referred to the Committee on Roads and Internal Navigation, with instructions to report a new bill, and consider the propriety of extending the road to Martinsburg, in Berkeley county; which resolution was rejected.
On motion of Mr. Hunter, the whole matter was laid on the table.
Mr. Barrour, from the Finance Committee, reported a bill ‘ "imposing taxes for the support of the Government,"’ which was ordered to a second reading.
The House passed a bill to amend section 14 of chapter 15 of the Code, so as to authorize the enrollment of the acts and joint resolutions of the General Assemble on parchment or paper.
The House then went into secret session on the military bill.
The following bill was passed yesterday, during the secret session: ‘
An act exempting from taxation the seal of Courts attached to papers or records for the recovery of the wages or other dues of deceased soldiers, and to refund the tax heretofore paid. ’
The following resolution was also passed yesterday: ‘
By Mr. Blue.--That the appropriate committee inquire into the expediency of compensating Norman C. Smoot and Jas. Candy, Commissioners of Hampshire county, for assessing and listing the property of said county, they having failed to have their books examined and certified by the Clerk in consequence of the county being in the hands of the enemy. ’