Bennett's account of the force at
Roanoke Island is full of errors.
He has manifestly taken up some old list published last summer, not even then correct, since which there have been numerous changes in officers and companies.
The following four cavalry companies which now belong to
Col. B. H. Robertson's 4th Virginia cavalry, and are at
Manassas with his command, are set down in the column of ‘"Rebel garrison at
Roanoke,"’ viz: Chesterfield Guard,
Governor's Guard, Han-over Dragoons, and
Goochland Light Dragoons,
Bennett names as the officers of these companies, in the order in which they are printed above:
Capts. Wm. B. Ball,
J. G. Cabell,
Williams C. Wickham, and
Julien C. Harrison.
They have all been promoted, as follows:
Lieutenant Colonel Wm. B. Ball, on duty in the
Julien Harrison,
Lieutenant Colonel, and
J. G. Cabell,
Major Sixth Virginia Cavalry.
Williams C. Wickham,
Lieutenant Colonel Fourth Virginia Cavalry.
The four companies are now officered as follows:
Chesterfield Guard,
W. B. Wooldridge,
Captain Hanover Dragoons,
W. B. Newton,
Governor's Guard,
Francis Chamberlain,
Goochland Light Dragoons
A. M. Hobson,
Not one of these companies were ever in the
Wise Legion nor was ever
Major Thomas E
Goode in that organization.
Indeed, we might almost say that
Bennett makes a
legion of errors on the subject.
We call attention only to a few.