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Contribution of Bolls.

The correspondence which follows explains itself. We give it a place in our columns as showing he determined spirit with which the malice religious denominations are resolved men the prosecution of the present war. It this spirit which will eventually bring triumphantly through the present struggle to achieve the independence for which we are contending. Sacrifices are to be made in the example set by the Christian destinations of Georgia, in surrendering the sells which have summoned their congregations to the house of worship, will have a effect inspiring in the highest degree.

Ordnance Office, Richmond, March 28, 1862.

Publisher Richmond Dispatch.
Enclosed is a copy of a letter from four clergymen of Marlette, Georgia, tendering is bells of their churches to be case into cannon for the use of the Confederate State. The offer has been accepted.

It is presented that you will deem the letter worth publication in the columns of your journal.

very respectfully,
Your obd't serv't,

Smith Stansevay, Capt.
For the Chief of Ordnance.

Marietta, Ga., March 17, 1862.

Hon, J. F. Benjamin, Secretary of War.
The several congregation of the town of Marietta, Georgia--viz: Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methodist, and Baptist — having resolved to present their church sells to the Government of the Confederate States, to be converted into cannon for the public defence, have charged the undersigned with the duty of tendering the same. We therefore table pleasure in stating to you that they are subject to your order, whenever the Government shall think it proper to make use of them for the purpose all early mentioned.

With fervent prayers for the success of our cause, we are, with great respect, yours, &c.

E. Porter Palmer,
Pastor Presbyterian Church.
T. B. Cooper.
Action Pastor Baptist Church.
Samuel Benedict.
Master St James Church.
Alex, Geanam.
Honor Methodist. Church.

the following little weight of the several bells thus magnanimously tendered:

Presbyterian Church740 lbs.
Episcopal338 lbs.
Baptist130 lbs.
Methodist.400 lbs.
1.623 lbs.

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