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The captured at Kernstown.

The following is understood to be a correct list of our men captured in the engagement on the 23d, near Winchester:

First Lieut G. G. Junkin, Aide-de-camp to Gen. Jackson; First Lieut S. C. Williams, Aide-de-camp to Gen Garnett.

Second Regiment--Nath Lawser, Samuel Nolan, B. C Washington, John W Addison, Jas W Overton, Wm Herfoot, George W Henson, Park Wooddey, George Miracle, Wm Barton, J B Bonham, C. E Bell, John W Legg, J. W. Dugan, R S Burwell.

Fourth Regiment--John T McKee, Elliott Willis, E R Davis, John S Lvle, Benj Allen, Peter S Harris, J A Lucas, Jos McMurran, S S Caddell, S S Walthal, Sergeant T C Craig, J T Sowinger, M T Saunders, A B Ramsey, J W Woods, H & Paxton, Adjutant J H Lang Horne, 1st Lieut T J Boyd, Sergeant J D Gracam, Capt H K Morrison, 2d Lieut William Wade, 2d Lieut E C Barkins.

Fifth Regiment--J W Matthews, Co H.

Twenty first Regiment--W H Patterson, Second Lieutenant John B Witcher, D W Hawkins.

Twenty-third Regiment--Henry Cliver, David A Trice. P H Duke, J L Burress, A W Keeling. J J McCarye, G Frankenhouser, Sergeant-Major Randolph Barton, S Haupt, H C Young, Captain W J Sergent.

Twenty seventh Regiment--Sergeant William Shilling, Charles B Heister, Second Lieutenant John B Lady, Captain H H Robertson, Richard McCartney, Marion Floyd, John McMann, Thomas D Branden, G W Johnson, D E Sta er A G Bottom, Charles A Rollins, L P Holloway.

Thirty third Regiment--J W Boorman, Michael Albright, Samuel Wanter, Lorenzo Davis, R Nichols, William Carver, Daniel Clerk, M C Hansberger.

Thirty seventh Regiment.--Anderson Farrell, Joseph J Field, David C Carmack, Robert A Ely, Rept Cole, J N Ison J R. Fletcher, W R Kellogg, T S McCanley, David Lowry, James Driscoll.

Forty-second Regiment.--J J Smith, co. B.

Rockbridge Battery--Robt S Bell.

Irish Battalion--Henry Forsyth, Stephen r William Dimmell, Lawrence Hart well, John Kelley, John McBride, George Heinburger, Jas Ford, Patrick Shawan.

Ashby's cavalry--John Flemmans, Wedon Maddox.

In addition to the above, we have the following, whose rank is not given, nor the regiment to which they are attached, viz:

Jno M Kitchen, P A Booth, Chas Robinson, E H Hawkins, W S Ewinbank, A P Baker, Wm Wright, Wm Daily, A Scratenfield, C Sanderson, W J Brinke, W J Siler, C E Thompson, J A Pendleton, John H Bruff John Villington, Wm Read, Jas A Witcher, F P Witcher, P P Conway, Wm Davenport, A J Scott, W S Shelton, F D Gould, John A Warner, A Brooks, W N Wilson B F Werner, John Pryor, Wm Brown, P Collins, C F Marsh, W. B Couch, L L Saulsberry, T Sherman, H W Cassady, J F Eubank, J F Hamilton, Michael Sharkey, N E Teneble, H L Brady, S Willis, F F Hamilton, Wilson Bowler, J W Slow, F E McKinney, Thomas Cronan, A J Debrush, Dan Foley, S. W Rice, Edward Flemmin, W A Hand, Dan Cocklin, Wm Cracraft, G W Nolan, Chas A Radcliff, Pat Macon, J S Johnson, D S Pollock, Mathias Lee, C W Johnson, P A Adams, W J Webb, W Barton, David Hall, Wm Gust, D McCasley, R F Kelley, B M Farmer, D C Smith, B Oresby, Dan Antler, S T Taylor, Wm Kime J F Voorhees, F G Crowan, J Graham, J P Cowley, S P Hannacahower, J B Gardner. T B Richardson, J H Cornby, Pat Ryan, L Luts, J A Rawbird, J H Fowler, W Steerns L Harrington, J W Horrycon, S G Saunderson, A W Deevan, T B Hall, C F Keller, W A, Fearn, A B Keller, S B Hurd. J W Wright, D Morgatty, W D Wetmore, W H Reggan, C E Andrews, J F A Werby, W J Harris, M Connens, W Londowald, J Silver, M Oliver, J J Dix, L M Hartwick, J E Rice, G F Crush. L A Barnard, John Howard, J C Frederick, S A Byers, J Viatle.

These are understood to have been captured without injury. In addition, we have a list of eighty-four wounded, who are in the hospitals and private houses of Winchester, as follows:

‘ T S Carroll, Baltimore, 21st Va reg; Jno McClure, Washington co; W T Adams, 21st reg't, Pittsylvania, dead; Lt Jas McNeille, Irish battalion; Jno Wr gut, 4th reg't, Grayson; Capt James Vance, Southwestern Virginia; Capt John Pittmac, Shenandoah; Jos Spence, 4th reg't; Geo Ship, 33d reg't; W J Bell, 4th reg't, Augusta; Fielding Wright, 4th reg't; W Holland, 27th reg't; Lt George E Neill; 27th reg't; Jno Moore, 21st reg't, White Sulphur Springs; Ro Grace, 33d reg't, Hampshire; James Daily, 33d reg't, Hampshire; Lt P S Hagey, 37th reg't; Thos Spindle, 4th reg't, Montgomery; T Smith, 4th reg't, Montgo'ry; R B Roye, 2d regiment; Charles Thomas Washington co; Winfield T Jones, 42d regiment Bedford; W A Kilgore, 37th regiment; Cornelins Shea, Irish battalion; Samuel McVeigh, Washington co; Jas McVeigh, Washington co; John Wright, 4th regiment; Jos Silvers, 27th regiment, Allegheny; The Orpheus Hawkins, John Howard, Charlotte; L H Barnett, 2d regiment; S G Hansberger, 33d regiment; E W Cornutt, 4th regiment, Grayson; Thos H Hendricks, 4rd regiment; Campbell; J W Blanks, 21st regiment, Pittsylvania; Dennis Morjarty, Irish battalion; W W Buchanan, 37th regiment, Washington co; Jos F Slover, 23d regiment, Luray; Geo Washington, 2d regiment; Robert Annon, 2d regiment; Hugh Strallon, 5th regiment; Jas C Cornutt, 4th regiment, Grayson; Capt G F Antrum, 5th regiment, Augusta; Serg't Jas F 5th regiment; Jas M Beard, 6th regiment; James H Payne, 5th regiment, Rockbridge; Chas Withers, 2d regiment; --Turner; James Hamilton, Winchester, dead; James Myers, Captain Colston's company; John J Widner, 37th regiment, Co F, dead; James H. Payne, Floyd, dead; unknown, dead; Jas H Barnes, 16d regiment, Halifax, dead; unknown, dead; Capt Rector or Capt Withers, not certainly known, dead; Benj G Hubbard, Col Taliaferro's regiment, dead; Capt Jas G Jones, Irish Battalion, Co E, dead; W E Doley, 42d regt, dead; Jas J Evans, 21st regt Co C, dead; John H Hoffman, Shenandoah Co, dead; Abner A Cornett, 37th reg't, Co H; Michael Corbin, Irish battalion; J P Armstrong, 4th regt, Co I; Howard Fisher, 27th regt, Co E; James Dugeon, Irish battalion; H F Neillo, 17th regt, Co C; Richard Pencan, 21st regt, Co G; Flerson; John Colburn, 33d regt, co B; Capt R C No non, Maryland, dead; Harris Towner, 2d regiment, dead; Michael Moriarty;--Pierson.

At Newtown.--P G Eubank, Charlotte co; John Pine, 27th reg't, Alleghany county; Hy Scruggs, Buckingham county; John Yowell, Frederick county; Geo N. Gall, Washington county Md; Jacob Sperow, 21 reg't, Berkley county; W H Bird, Rock Artillery, Lexington; Chas W Bingham, 4th reg't, Capt Wade's co; Geo A McCoy, 4th reg't, Capt Newby's co; --Reed, 42d reg't.

List of dead.

Seventy-seven buried on the battle field — names not known John J Widner, co F, 37th Va; Jas H Payne, company and residence unknown; one unknown; M Bucker, Captain Holliday's co; R Ho p lluas, Lee; W Grubb, Capt Neilson's company; J W Wilson, supposed from Clarke county; one supposed to be Jones, of Charlestown; one supposed to be Lieut Percival; Jas E Barness, Co E, 23d reg't Va; one unknown; John A Wallace, Capt McClenaghan; Capt R Withers, 42d reg't; B G Hubbard, Col Taliaferro's reg't, Loring's division; Capt Jas Y Jones, Co R, 1st Battalion; W E Daley, 42d reg't Va Vol; Jas Hamilton of the Ocutinentals; W T Adams, 21st reg't; J H Hoffason, 27th reg't; Jas McNeal. Botetourt county; H T Neal, Co D, 37th Va reg't two on three more will die to day, (April 2, 1862,) 31 in all.

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JAs (11)
Thomas Jones (4)
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John T. Smith (3)
James H. Payne (3)
Wm Johnson (3)
James Hamilton (3)
Grayson (3)
Bell (3)
Wm Wright (2)
Witcher (2)
John Wilson (2)
Elliott Willis (2)
William Wade (2)
Taliaferro (2)
Rice (2)
Samuel Nolan (2)
Mathias Lee (2)
John Kelley (2)
Keller (2)
Robt John (2)
Hubbard (2)
John Howard (2)
Hawkins (2)
Charles L. Harris (2)
Hansberger (2)
Marion Floyd (2)
Eubank (2)
Chas (2)
Randolph Barton (2)
Adams (2)
John Yowell (1)
John Wright (1)
Fielding Wright (1)
Jno Wr (1)
Park Wooddey (1)
S. C. Williams (1)
Wetmore (1)
Werner (1)
Webb (1)
Geo Washington (1)
Charles Thomas Washington (1)
Walthal (1)
Voorhees (1)
Bruff John Villington (1)
James Vance (1)
Turner (1)
Harris Towner (1)
Thos (1)
Thompson (1)
Jno Thomas (1)
Taylor (1)
Hugh Strallon (1)
Sta (1)
Jacob Sperow (1)
Jos Spence (1)
Siler (1)
William Shilling (1)
Sherman (1)
Shenandoah (1)
Jno Martin Shelton (1)
Cornelins Shea (1)
Patrick Shawan (1)
Michael Sharkey (1)
Hy Scruggs (1)
Andrew Scott (1)
Saunderson (1)
Robert Saunders (1)
Sanderson (1)
Pat Ryan (1)
Robt (1)
Chas Robinson (1)
Robertson (1)
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Reed (1)
Rector (1)
Ramsey (1)
John Pryor (1)
Pollock (1)
John Pittmac (1)
Pierson (1)
Percival (1)
Richard Pencan (1)
Paxton (1)
Patterson (1)
Overton (1)
Oliver (1)
Nichols (1)
Newby (1)
Neilson (1)
Neill (1)
Neal (1)
James Myers (1)
Morrison (1)
Dennis Morjarty (1)
Michael Moriarty (1)
Jno Moore (1)
Montgomery (1)
Samuel McVeigh (1)
Jas McVeigh (1)
Lt Jas McNeille (1)
Jas McNeal (1)
Jos McMurran (1)
John McMANN (1)
McKinney (1)
McKee (1)
Jno McClure (1)
McClenaghan (1)
Richard McCartney (1)
John McBride (1)
Matthews (1)
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Wedon Maddox (1)
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David Lowry (1)
Loring (1)
Legg (1)
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Thomas G. Jackson (1)
Ison (1)
Hurd (1)
Lang Horne (1)
Holloway (1)
Holliday (1)
Holland (1)
Hoffman (1)
Henson (1)
Hendricks (1)
Heister (1)
George Heinburger (1)
Haupt (1)
Lawrence Hart (1)
Danish Harrington (1)
Jas Hamilton (1)
Hall (1)
Grubb (1)
Graham (1)
Gould (1)
Lt George (1)
Geo (1)
Gen Garnett (1)
Gardner (1)
Geo N. Gall (1)
Fowler (1)
Henry Forsyth (1)
Dan Foley (1)
R. Fletcher (1)
Edward Flemmin (1)
John Flemmans (1)
Howard Fisher (1)
Field (1)
Fearn (1)
Anderson Farrell (1)
Evans (1)
Duke (1)
James Dugeon (1)
J. W. Dugan (1)
James Driscoll (1)
Dix (1)
William Dimmell (1)
Lorenzo Davis (1)
Hector Davis (1)
Wm Davenport (1)
Daley (1)
Thomas Cronan (1)
Craig (1)
Cowley (1)
Couch (1)
Michael Corbin (1)
Conway (1)
Colston (1)
Collins (1)
Cole (1)
John Colburn (1)
Dan Cocklin (1)
Henry Cliver (1)
Cassady (1)
William Carver (1)
Carroll (1)
Carmack (1)
Campbell (1)
Caddell (1)
Burwell (1)
Burress (1)
Bucker (1)
John Buchanan (1)
Wm Brown (1)
Branden (1)
Brady (1)
Boyd (1)
Wilson Bowler (1)
Boorman (1)
Bonham (1)
Bird (1)
Bingham (1)
Benj (1)
Beard (1)
Wm Barton (1)
Barnett (1)
Barnes (1)
Baker (1)
Alice Ashby (1)
Armstrong (1)
Dan Antler (1)
Robert Annon (1)
Samuel R. Andrews (1)
Benj Allen (1)
Michael Albright (1)
Addison (1)
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