The War.
a Yankee view of Affairs.
We continue our extracts from late Northern newspapers received at this office.
The account of the operations of Burnside's expedition in North Carolina will be perused with much interest, and the reader will judge for himself as to now much confidence may be placed in the statements:
Fort Macon.
Beaufort, N. C., March 31.
--The chief interest of the Burnside expedition is at present mainly centred in the proposed investment of Fort Macon, which, as stated in my last letter, is situated about equi- distant from Beaufort and Moorhead City, across Bogue Sound.
The distance from these places to the fort is about, a mile and a quarter.
It is a small fortification, but very strongly built, and is, garrisoned by about six hundred men, under the command of Col. White, (not Smith, as before reported,) formerly an officer of the United States army, and a graduate of West Point.
Interception of a mail.
Major Allen, of the Fourth Rhode Island regiment, who is in command at Beaufort, a few days since intercepted a large mail from the fort, from which much valuable information was obtained in regard to the condition of the troops, the supply-of-provisions, &c.Supplies at the Fort.
The fort is supplied with sufficient of certain kinds of provisions to last several months, but of others the stock is very short. Col. White, who appears to be a misanthropic, sullen and unhealthy style of man, threatened to shell Beaufort if his fresh provisions were stopped. They have been stopped, but as many of his troops belong to, and have relatives and friends in that city, he has probably-thought better of it, his threat not having been executed. He compensates himself for this, however, by firing upon every fishing smack or other craft, however small, which attempts to pass between Beaufort and Moorhead City, both of which places are occupied by Union troops. The reduction of the fort is but a question of time and labor, but Col. White is evidently disposed to put our forces to all the trouble possible, there seeming to be no other reason for his refusal to surrender at discretion what he must soon be forced to give up. Your correspondent left Newbern Thursday, P. M., in the steam transport Union, Capt. Chambers, who took a cargo of ordnance stores and army wagons and horses, under charge of Lieut. Flagler, of General Burnside's staff, to Havelock Station, near the head of Slocum's creek, from whence they are to be sent to the scene of operations.Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad.
After the rout of the rebels at Newbern, they took away with them all the locomotives and cars of the Atlantic and North Carolina railroad (except a few platform and hand-cars) to Kinston and Goldsborough, and burned one bridge between Newbern and Kinston, besides the long bridge at Newbern. In addition to the rolling stock left by them, there are also some hand-cars, brought from the North by Gen. Burnside, all of which are found very useful in transporting army stores and material. A locomotive and additional rolling stock will also soon be here from the North, which will very largely increase the usefulness to the army of this road. It is occupied and guarded between Newbern and Moorhead City by the Rhode Island 5th.--Havelock; Station is in charge of Capt. Arnold's company, and at present is of considerable importance. The bridge over the river at Newport City was burned by a detachment from fort Macon on Tuesday, the 18th--four days after the battle at Newbern--and almost entirely destroyed. The bridge was 180 feet long, and very substantial and well built.Rebuilding of a bridge.
Major Wright, of the Fifth Rhode Island, who is an excellent civil engineer and a practical bridge builder, as well as almost valuable officer, was detailed by Gen. Burnside to inspect the ruins of the bridge and report in regard to its reconstruction. He was subsequently ordered to occupy Newport with his battalion, where they arrived on Sunday, the 28d inst. They took possession of Camp Graham, an excellent encampment of substantial dog houses, sufficient for the accommodation of a large force, which had been built by the rebels and abandoned by them after the late fight. The houses were left in very good condition, and only one or two of them had been burned. Captain M. D. Field, with a party of mechanics, had also been detailed to assist in the reconstruction of the bridge. Work was immediately commenced, and, assisted by a few contrabands picked up in the neighborhood, has been pushed vigorously ahead; and a great amount of labor performed in a very brief time. Under ordinary circumstances, the reconstruction of the bridge would have required at least five or six weeks. Cars were run ever the bridge on Friday evening, the 28th inst., and it was completed in a substantial and durable manner on the 29th. There is nothing now to prevent the rapid transmission of material required to reduce the fort, and operations for that purpose will be at once commenced and vigorously carried on. In the reconstruction of the bridge, a temporary fortification erected by the rebels to command the county road at Newport, was taken down and the lumber transported to, and used in the reconstruction of the bridge. The Rhode Island Fifth, in addition to this duty and the charge of the railroad, have pickets thrown out at Newport over a circuit of two miles--nearly every man of Major Wright's battalion being constantly engaged in these various duties.Further destruction by detachments from Fort Macon.
The detachment from Fort Macon, in addition to the destruction of this bridge, burned a large rebel encampment at Caroline City, which had also been abandoned by them after the Newbern fight.English vessels detained.
The Ships Alliance, Captain DeForrest, from St. John, N. B., and Condor, of Liverpool, Captain Goodwig, are lying at the dock at Moorhead City. The Alliance is loaded with a cargo of rosin and turpentine; and has also, four bales of cotton on board. She was originally from Liverpool, and arrived off Charleston in June, 1861, and finding that port blockaded, proceeded to St. John, N. B., where she discharged her cargo and took in an assorted cargo; what it was, I believe the Government are fully informed. She arrived at Beaufort August 22d, and landed her cargo on the 25th, at the dock at Moorhead City. Two days after, she was loaded with her return cargo; but the United States blockading steamers arriving off this port, the ship has not since attempted to go to sea. The Condor is also loaded with rosin and turpentine. Guards have been placed on both vessels by Major Allen. A vessel was burned near the Fort on the 28th, but by whom is not known, probably to prevent her falling into the hands of the Union forces.Matters seen at the Fort.
The Stars and Bars float defiantly over the Fort, and with a glass the sentinels can be seen pacing to and fro upon the ramparts.--Colonel White has taken down the light, house to the left of the Fort and burned other buildings, in order to leave nothing to interfere with the range of the guns, which are placed enbarbette. Moorhead City and Beaufort are occupied by a detachment. The Union flag which floats over Beaufort was found in the Post-Office in that place.Doubtful Union sentiment.
None but Union men, of course, are to be found in the district occupied by the Union troops, but the genuineness of this pretended Union sentiment is very doubtful. It is remarkable, if we may believe the stories told by those who have friends in the rebel army, that so many have been forced unwillingly that the rebel service. As yet I have been unable, in conversing with the citizens of this States, to hear of any one under the rank of Captain in their army who has not been drafted, or volunteered to save themselves from being drafted. That there are genuine friends of the Union here is unquestionable, and some of them white, but the majority are of the contraband class, who seem universally delighted that our presence and the discomfiture of their masters. They appear to be well informed in regard to the causes and the probable effect of this struggle, and willing and anxious to do all they can to aid us. A good many of the more valuable of the slaves have been carried off by their owners in their flight, and the jar at Goldsboro' is said to be filled with them placed there for safe keeping.Genuine Union Feeling at Beaufort.
There appears to be more real Union sentiment at Beaufort than in any other place in North Carolina yet occupied by our troops. Our forces were met by the Mayor on landing, and cordially welcomed to the city. A large majority of the citizens profecs to be favorable to the Union cause, and Major Allen's quarters are constantly thronged with those desirous of taking the oath of allegiance. The Postmaster and some other citizens have left the city, but the most of them have remained, and are, as far as possible pursuing their usual occupations. The Confederate Collector of the port attempted to get away, but was pursued and captured.--Twenty-one hundred dollars in Confederate currency, which he had received for the duties on the cargoes of the vessels which had run the blockade, was found in his possession. He is now held a prisoner. He is represented as having been one of the most violent Secessionists in this section of the State.Blockading vessels.
There are four vessels outside blockading the port, and which will co-operate with the land forces in the reduction of Fort Macon. They are the steamer State of Georgia, the gunboat Chippewa, the propeller Albatross, and the bark Gemsbok. The officers of the blockading fleet communicate with the officers in command at Beaufort, First Lieutenant Haxton, of the State of Georgia, having landed a few days since, and, subsequently, another officer from the fleet, without molestation.Services at the Episcopal Church.
At the Episcopal Church in this town, this morning, services were held as usual — the regular clergyman officiating. There was a very good attendance of the people of the place, and the rector read the prayer for the President of the United States, the Senators and Representatives, and all who are in authority, in place of the one for the President of the Southern Confederacy, &c., previously used.Letter from Newbern.
Newbern, N. C., April 2d, 1862.
After a few days' absence at Beaufort I returned to this city yesterday afternoon.
The streets are still alive with troops, reinforcements coming forward rapidly.
Among the recent arrivals I notice the Seventeenth Massachusetts--who present a fine appearance and are much admired — and the First Maryland Regiment.
Attack on our pickets.
There has been some excitement here today, in consequence of an attack, on Monday night, by a party of rebel cavalry on our pickets, who are stationed for about ten miles towards Kinston. During the night two mounted pickets, who were stationed in the advance, were suddenly attacked by a party of about thirty mounted mail. They fell back rapidly towards the infantry pickets, and one of them escaped, receiving quite a severe wound in the back of his head. He was pursued by one of the party nearly up to where the other pickets were stationed. The horse of the other man came in without his rider. A strong party was immediately sent out, but failed to find the missing man, who is supposed to have been made a prisoner. They found the dead body of one of the enemy shot through the heart, and captured another of them. It is reported that the rebels have advanced a brigade eight miles this side of Kinston, where they are said to be in considerable force. It is not probable, however, that they will make an attack on the forces stationed here, although such may have been their intention previous to the arrival of reinforcements.Contrabands in the Union breastworks.
General Burnside has a large force of contrabands engaged in constructing breastworks about half a mile beyond the railroad depot, which, with the aid of the gunboats, will of factually prevent any advance of the rebel forces and secure the safety of the town.--The rage of the rebels at their humiliating defeat on the 14th and the subsequent occupation of this city by the Union forces, is so great that they would undoubtedly rejoice at its destruction; but the vigilance of the General and his officers and men leave them no hope of accomplishing even this. They must wait as contentedly as possible, until the policy of General Burnside and the plan of the campaign causes another advance upon them and adds another defeat to those already experienced.The prisoners taken on the 14th.
The sick and wounded prisoners taken at the battle of the 14th ult., have since been released by Gen. Burnside, and sent to Washington, N. C. They were sent to Pamlico river in the steamer Hussar, and there transferred to the captured steamer Albemarle.--The pilot of the Albemarle, either through ignorance or accident, run her upon the obstructions which had been placed in the river, and she finally sunk, but not until after the prisoners were landed. It is thought she may be raised and repaired. She was a very useful boat to the Expedition. The balance of the prisoners are still confined on board the Albany.A reorganization.
The enlarged proportions of the division under Gen. Burnside's command, when the reinforcements are all here, will require a reorganization of the whole force.Operations Elsewhere.
The following extracts were prepared for yesterday's paper, but excluded by the heavy demand upon our columns:The Peninsula.
Washington, April 13, 1862.
An intelligent observer, who left the scene of operations in front of Yorktown late yesterday afternoon, and arrived here to-day; furnishes the latest details from that region, where the most terrible conflict on land and water is hourly expected.
It is evident, from the movements of the rebel monster Merrimac, that it is not the intention to engage the Monitor and the other vessels of Com. Goldsborough's fleet outside the bar. It is believed that the object of the rebels is to draw the Monitor out of her position, so as to enable the two iron-clad steamers, Jamestown and Yorktown, to pass the blockade.
The preparations of General McClellan are vigorously prosecuted.
His vigilance is sleepless and his arrangements complete.
The force of the enemy has been rather underrated than overestimated.
There is reason to believe that the rebel strength is over one hundred thousand, and that a large number of the best cannon in their possession are in position, and the rebel troops there are the best drilled and the best armed in the rebel service.
The deserters and prisoners that have fallen into our lines are armed with improved rifles.
From Gen. Fremont's Department.
A dispatch just received from Gen. Milroy, at Monterey, under date of yesterday, states as follows: ‘ The rebels, about one thousand strong, with cavalry companies and two pieces of artillery, attacked my pickets this morning, about ten o'clock, and drove them some two miles. I sent out reinforcements, consisting of two companies of the 75th Ohio, two companies of the 2d Virginia, two companies of the 3d Ohio, one gun of Captain Hyman's battery, and one company of cavalry, all under Major Webster. The skirmishing was brick for a short time, but the rebels were put to flight with considerable loss. The casualties on our side were three men of the 75th badly wounded. The men behaved nobly. ’ Wheeling, April 13.
--Intelligence has just arrived that transportation, long since asked for this department, has at last been ordered; also, that reinforcements, under General Blenker, are coming — when and what number is not stated.
A telegram from Gen. Schenck, district of Cumberland, gives a rumor that the rebel General Jackson has ordered his Greenbrier force, four thousand, to Moorefield, not yet in sight.
Gen. Milroy, at Monterey, reports organized bands of thieves and murderers, under commissions from Ex-Governor Letcher, in that vicinity, and prompt measures to exterminate them.
Gen. Cox sends encouraging news from the Kanawha, but speaks of bottomless roads and rivers over the banks, and a week of terrific storms.
From Gen. Shields's division.
Edenburg, Va., April 13, 1862.
--A review of his whole division has been made by General Shields, who rode in a carriage, with his staff, amid the most enthusiastic applause of the soldiers.
The appearance of the whole command was quite noticeable.