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In answer to a serenade from Gen. Price's band, a few nights since, at Corluth, General Beauregard made a speech, in which he said he hoped soon to be in possession of some Northern cities to compensate for the loss of New Orleans.

The Vicksburg Whig. of the 9th, learns that all the cotton along the Mississippi river is being burned. Judge Perkins alone consigned 1,300 bales to the flames.

On the morning of May 4th, the Federal fleet was at Fort Adams, 50 miles below Natchez, Miss., An early attack upon Vicksburg was apprehended.

The New York Herald. seems to think that a General and a showman are alike, by calling on McClellan, instead of Baroan, to exploit the executor.

A Wise ruler will preserve the liberty of the press, because it is his interest to know the true state of the nation.

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