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Yankee rascality.

--A gentleman has shown us a specimen of Yankee rascality, which, as usual, is on a par with wooden hams and nutmegs, but only more apt to deceive the unsuspecting. The Yankee swindle before us is an engraved note, of the denomination of fifteen cents, on the corporation of Winchester, and so like the original, which is lithographed, that it can only be detected by the words, in very small print underneath the border line, ‘"Facsimile rebel shinplaster — cold, wholesale and retail, by S. C. Upham, 408 Chesnut street, Philadelphia."’ Who is this man Upham? A knave swindler, and forger of the most depraved and despicable sort. It is said that there is honor among thieves. The rule does not hold good in his case; for he has robbed both friend and foe, as the Yankee soldiers received them in change, as well as the, loyal and disloyal (if there be any) in Winchester and the Valley of Virginia. Doubtless the counterfeits in question have been scattered broadcast wherever an execrable Yankee soldier polluted the soil with his cloven foot. ‘"To what base ends, Horatic, do we come at last!"’

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