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Latest from the North.

We have received Northern papers as late as the 29th ult., five days later than the last advices from that quarter. The following extracts are about all of interest that is to be found in then:

From Richmond.

Near Mechanicsville, six miles from Richmond, Monday, May 26.
All along the right wing, to-day, the rebels have shown themselves in strong force. Deserters and contrabands confirm the stony that Beauregard is in Richmond, though none have seen him. The rebels were cheering loudly over something all this morning; they are throwing a strong force down to the river, and are again moving down their army to the front, as though they meant to give us battle.

Three brigades have paid in front of Mechanicsville all day, threatening an attack, but we still hold it, though our pickets have been driven in along the river. We still hold both sides of the bridges, and can no doubt hold them. A drizzling rain has been failing all the afternoon, and no movements of the troops have been made that it is advisable to publish. We lie now side by side with the large camps, but three miles distant, and though any hour may plunge us into a fight, we do not lock for one for some time to come.

Washington, May 28--Midnight.--Gen. McClellan telegraphs to the Secretary of War that the battle of yesterday, at Hanover Court-House, resulted in a complete rout of the enemy. It is stated that we have taken 500 prisoners and more are coming in. The lost of the enemy is set down at 1,000. Our men, buried one hundred of their dead. Our lost is 379 in killed, wounded and missing, of which fifty-three were killed.

The forces opposed to us were principally from North Carolina and Georgia. The prisoners from the former State express themselves very tired of the war. They also say that their defeat will have a demoralizing effect on the rebel army.

Information from Gen. Halleck, dated yesterday, indicates that no engagement had taken place.

No particulars of Gen Banks's affair have been received.

The New York Times, of the 29th, has the following items from its correspondent in the Federal army before Richmond:

Three miles over the Chickahominy,
Saturday, may 24, 1862.

We crossed the Chickahominy, yesterday, without opposition, a previous reconnaissance having discovered the country clear of the enemy for some distance back of the river, their videttes failing back before the advance of our troops.

A deserter who comes in this morning, brings a confirmation of the suggestion in my last letter, that their failing back is a ruse to draw us into difficulty. He reports that the rebel pickets have instructions to fall back before our men until within a few miles of Richmond, when, as at Williamsburg, they will make a sudden attack upon our advance in superior force. The main body of the Confederate army he reports on the north side of the railroad, the brigade of Tennessee troops, to which he belongs, doing picket duty on this side.

The rebels claim 150,000 men, but 20,000 he asserts will cover their entire force. Much dissatisfaction exists among them on account of the conscription act, and many would be glad to lay down their arms did not pride for The leaders are determined to make a stand, having chosen a position near Richmond for this purpose; their works, as I have before stated, running from a point close to the city for several miles toward the Chickahominy.

The rebels are not lacking for food, such as it is — bacon being the only meat, the beef being all gone.

A reconnaissance was made yesterday, by Gen.--to within three miles of the James river. No signs of the rebels were discovered except the scouting-parties, who fell back on each other until a body of about one hundred had gathered.

A similar reconnaissance was made at the same time, on the Richmond road, by Col. --, who found a body of several hundred infantry three miles this side of Bottom's bridge. Gen. -- has gone out on another reconnaissance this morning, intending to push as far on toward Richmond as he can with safety. The sound of brisk firing, in the advance as I write, reports that he has met the enemy.

Affairs at Corinth.

Before Corinth May 27.
--Gen. Halleck has issues an order prohibiting unnecessary skirmishing with the enemy.

The pickets on each side are now friendly, and being within speaking distance they improve the opportunity of conversing with each other.

Last night five rebels, including one Sergeant, came over to our lines.

All along the line our forces are within two miles of the rebel works, and in some places our heavy guns are within battering distance; but the dense woodlands intervening prevent either party from opening fire.

Camp rumors say that Vicksburg had surrendered, and our fleet was on the way to Memphis.

No engagement of the least consequence had occurred at Corinth, or the vicinity, up to half- past 11 o'clock last evening.

Gen. Halleck's Headquarters, May 27. --The Savannah News, of the 17th says:

‘ "Two Yankee steamers opened a fire of shot and shell on Darlon, on Friday, without doing any damage."

’ The Mobile Register, of the 22d, says:

‘ "All is quiet at Fort Morgan."

’ It publishes the correspondence attending the demand for the surrender of Vicksburg.

The Vicksburg Citizen, of the 20th, says:--

‘ "Some of the Federate have landed at Warrenton, and a few slight skirmishes have taken place."

Governor Shorter, of Alabama, calls out all the male population not subject to the conscription act, for the State guard.

Cincinnati, May 28.--A special dispatch to the Gazette from Indianapolis, says that an officer who left Corinth on Monday morning, reports that the army moved to within three-quarters of a mile of the enemy's fortifications on Sunday night, and are entrenching.

General Halleck says that his position will not warrant risking anything, hence his moving by regular approaches, and fortifying as he goes. It was expected that our forces would open on the enemy by Thursday.

General Lovell is reported as having arrived at Corinth on Sunday night, with 7,000 raw troops from New Orleans.

Deserters say that the rebel army have more confidence in Bragg and Price than Beauregard.

The rebel army is on half rations. They get fresh beef twice a week, and spoiled corn beef the balance of the time, but no pork.

The sickness in their army is fearful and increasing while the health of our army is rapidly improving. Their officers have sent all their baggage and personal effects to Grand Junction.

Affairs in Norfolk — a good batch of Munchausen.

The Norfolk correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer sends that paper, the following information, under date of the 27th ult.

There appears to be an uneasy feeling existing as regards the result of the pending battle. The outposts towards Suffolk are being strengthened. The blockade is more rigidly enforced, as an evidence, the passengers from Old Point, notwithstanding they had passes, were put under arrest and marched off to General Vicle, who, after strict examination, found they were loyal, and permitted them to depart.

Rebel soldiers are coming in every day from beyond Suffolk. They take the oath and are glad of the opportunity. They represent the rebels to be in a starving condition. One of them stated this morning that when he deserted the men were allowed but six ounces of meat and half a pound of bread per day.

There was service in several of the churches yesterday. The prayer for the President in the Episcopal Church was omitted, but a minister of the Methodist congregation happened to be blessed with the idea that there existed in America two nations, so he concluded to pray for them both to case his conscience.

The rebels still hold out and refuse to submit and take the oath of allegiance. or their obstinacy General Wool maintains the blockade. If they desire starvation in preference to Yankee notions and the protection the Government offers them, the General has no objection to allowing them time to repent.

Many of them are so ignorant as not to believe the Merrimac out of existence. They think she is gone up to Richmond. One of the reasons they give for not yielding to the United States is, that in a few days the Confederate army will re-occupy Norfolk.

You will almost doubt the assertion, but it is true, nevertheless, that not a few of them supposed the Yankees had horns. Several evidences of their ignorance I have witnessed. By way of illustration I will give two cases: One of the privates of the 1st Michigan regiment stopped at the house of a rebel lady in Portsmouth, for the purpose of getting a drink of water. He was refused. She said, ‘"You Yankees have horns,"’ and actually took off the soldier's cap to get a look at them. Another, not seeing the horn, said, ‘"You Yankees must be queer fellows; your horns must drop off when you come down here."’

Between four and five hundred citizens took the oath of allegiance to-day.

Deserters from the Sixth Virginia regiment are brought in almost hourly. Three to four hundred are reported as having left.

The Provost guard are continually on the hunt for contraband goods.

This afternoon they pounced upon a large amount of hospital stores, comprising surgical instruments, medicines, books, uniforms, &c., &c., the property of a Dr. Wilson, surgeon in the rebel army.

There is communication by steamers three times a day, between Old Point and Norfolk. No papers are allowed to be sold or brought into Norfolk or Portsmouth. The captain of one of the steamers was arrested on Friday for selling a Baltimore paper, and yesterday a contraband was sent to jail for selling five copies of the Inquirer that he brought from Old Point.

We are encamped in the shadow of the Navy Yard wall. The said wall is pierced with loop-holes for muskets. The gate next us is defended by an earthwork, as are also the corners of the wall, through which cannons are projected. But, with a single exception, these were removed before our rival. The main gate is defended by a three-gun battery on the reservoir. These guns are sheltered by sand-bags. The guns and their appurtenances we found intact, and around them was an ample store of grape and cannister, which we have got, though I doubt if it came into our possession in the manner originally intended by the chivalry.

The dry dock (not a dry dock now) serves as a grand bathing tub.

The timber sheds are used for the brigade leads. The remaining machine shop is used as a Smithery, where our horses are shod, and an office in a corner of the shop has been converted into a gunsmith's workshop by an enterprising regiment of the brigade.

In this shop and in the foundry we found many articles packed for transportation, and directed to ‘"Charlotte; N. C.,"’ where the rebels will doubtless make their next bonfire.

This locality is fruitful in towns. Nearly opposite us we have Norfolk. We are in Gosport, and north and west of us are Portsmouth and Newtown. This cluster of towns is ‘"successionally"’ located on the edges of a marsh, in which the aquatic grass grows luxuriantly, making an elegant nest for fevers to batch in. This marsh is crossed by long; narrow, wooden causeways, which the inhabitants call bridges; and these ‘"bridges"’ are the boundary lines of the three towns Portsmouth is the largest of this swamp trio, and its Secession proclivities are as rank as the grass in its delectable swamp.

Nearly all its stores are closed, its stateliest houses deserted, and its daughters are of the rebels, rebellions. Newtown and Gosport exhibit more loyalty. The former town is producing a good crop of Stars and Stripes May Portsmouth soon do likewise, as it doubtless will, for — our drums are sounding the call for regimental drill; so I must fain drop my pen, and seize my crimson flag, for the regiment cannot be formed (correctly) without the assistance of Your, respectfully,

A Marked.

From Fortress Monroe.

Fortress Monroe May 27th.
--The Norfolk Day Book, which was allowed to continue its issue by Gen. Wool, after the occupation of Norfolk by the United States forces, on condition that it should be respectful in its tone, was to-day suppressed, in consequence of a communication in yesterday's paper, signed ‘"Inquirer,"’ which, in severe language, assails those Union citizens who have taken the oath of allegiance to the United State. A meeting was held last night, in which the course of the paper was discussed, and the committee having waited upon Gen. Vicle, and stated their request that the paper should be suppressed, he acquiesced, and the order was issued this morning.

After a hard rain, lasting all night, the weather is now pleasant, but very warm.

Things in New York.

New York May 28.
--The news from New Orleans, announcing the appointment of General George F. Shepley as Military Commandant of New Orleans — in the absence of Gen. Butler--gives great satisfaction here, where Gen. S. is well known. He is a man of very conservative principles; has been a Democrat.

The ‘"red tape,"’ which prevented all our volunteer regiments, except the Seventh, from getting off to Washington, has been removed by order of the President, Capt. Larned, U. S. A., now here, having received a dispatch to-day commanding him to muster into the service such regiments as had their rolls ready. Uniforms will be furnished them forth with, and they will leave immediately. The Seventy-first, Eleventh, and Thirty-seventh will probably get off this evening or to-morrow morning.

A saint under the Confiscation Act was brought in the United States District Court, to-day, before Judge Smalley. The defendant is a Mr. James B. Guthrie, the owner of $15,000 Virginia bonds. The District Attorney, on the part of the Government, contends that he was about removing said property to Virginia, in September last, in violation of the act prohibiting commercial intercourse with the rebellious States. Guthrie denies that he intended to remove to Virginia, and claims that he is a loyal citizen. Guthrie was recently released from Fort Lafayette, whither he had been sent for uttering disloyal at sentiments.

The case of Hamilton E. Towle, against the Great Eastern, came up before Judge Betts to-day. Mr. Towle claims $100,000 salvage for saving the vessel from shipwreck — not that he wants the money, he says, but that his claims of saving the big ship from destruction may be recognized by the owners as well as by the public. The consignees, Messrs Howland & Aspinwall, have given sureties for the payment of the amount that may be recovered by Mr. Towle.

Jeff. Davis's colored coachman, Wm. A. Jackson, is announced to deliver an address this evening, in the Zion Baptist church, in Sullivan street. The coachman is quite a lion in his way, and is much sought after. He is making considerable money, but not so much probably as he would have made had he closed with an offer Barnum made him on his arrival in this city a few days ago.

A letter from London, by the last steamer, states that there is a strong probability that Madam Goldschmidt (Jenny Lind) will revisit this country early next autumn.

Thurlow Weed is expected home in the next steamer at this port. His personal friends have made arrangements to give him an entertainment on his arrival, with the view of drawing out of him his impressions of men and things a broad in respect to the rebellion at home.

The German cabinet makers are on a strike. They say that their average wages just now is not more than from $3 to $5 per week. For middling hands they think $7 to $8, and for first rate hands $10 to $12, would be no more than fair.

Southern trade is beginning to look up a little. The hotel registers show a number of names from Nashville, and other places in that region. They don't bring much money with them, and their credit is none of the best. But there are numerous exceptions to the general rule. Dry goods, shoes, and hats, are what they want most. Genin is supplying them liberally with these latter. He wants to encourage them. Just like Genin.

The weekly report of the Commissioners of Emigration exhibits a large falling off in the number of arrivals this year as compared with last year. From January 1st, 1861, to May 28, 1861, the number was 32,118--to same date 1862,17,706--a decrease of nearly 15,000. The arrivals last week were 3,475.

It was reported in Walls rest this afternoon, and the report was very generally credited, that the news had been received that General McClellan was in Richmond. Doubtless the story was one of the canard family, that are just now so numerous, and the object of which is to affect the stock market.

The Stevens Battery.

Washington May 28.
--The Secretary of the Navy has furnished Congress with the result of the examination, made by a special board, of the Stevens Battery, as an efficient means of coast defence. They think that for this purpose it will require essential modifications, owing to the recent improvements in naval warfare. As the Secretary believes that it was intended by Congress to apply the nearly $800,000 heretofore appropriated upon the battery according to the original plan, had it been approved, he does not feel authorized to expend the money to carry out the suggestions of the board.

Proceedings of the Federal Congress.

Washington May 28.
--Senate--Mr. Sumner (Mass.) offered an amendment as a new section, providing ‘"that any person who shall claim the service or labor of any person for life, under the laws of any State, shall be taxed, on account of each person so taxed, the sum of ten dollars."’ He claimed that such a tax could be laid without in any way recognizing the offensive doctrine that slaves were property. It was simply a tax on person.

Mr. Sherman (Ohio) believed that slaves were persons, and were entitled to all the rights of persons, and as such they could not be taxed in this way, and certainty the Senator from Massachusetts would not propose to tax them as property. Besides, if we undertook to collect such a tax, it would only fail on the loyal men of the Border States, and be looked upon as an indirect attempt at emancipation. He was willing to meet the question of emancipation openly when the time comes, and if he believed the Union could not be preserved without it, he would support the President in emancipation. The only practical way to tax the larger portion of the South was to tax cotton.

On the suggestion of several Senators, M Sumner modified his amendment, so as to be in the language of the amendment offered by the Senator from Rhode Island (Mr. Simmons)--‘"That an annual tax of five dollars shall be paid by every person or persons, corporation or society, for and on account of every other person, between the ages of ten and sixty-five years, whose service or labor for a term of years or life is claimed to be owned by such first-mentioned person or persons, corporation or society, whether in a judiciary capacity or otherwise under the laws and customs of any State; and said annual tax, shall be levied on and collected of such person or persons, corporation or society making such claim, and of their goods, chattels and lands; but in no case shall the person or persons whose service or labor is so claimed, be sold for the purpose of collecting the said tax."’ It further provides that this tax shall not apply to service due to patents.

Mr. Sumner, in reply to Mr. Sherman, said we might as well tax the slaveholder as the auctioneer, or any other employment. The slaveholder's employment is to make slaves work — be an auctioneer in human liberty, a broker in human rights, and a juggler in human suffering.

Mr. Sherman (Ohio) said he would not reply to the Senator's denunciation of slaveholders. Though he abhorred and opposed slavery, he believed that slaveholders had some constitutional rights, and he would not use such language about them. But this was simply a proposition to tax slaves; therefore we must tax them as property, for we could not tax them as persons. Yet the indirect effect of this amendment would be, for a small amount of money, to recognize slaves as property.--If we wanted to tax the South, cotton was the element by which we could do it. He would not degrade the slave, who was invested by the Almighty God with the rights of person, to the level of the brute, for a paltry tax. He would not stigmatize a whole class of men as ‘"jugglers in human suffering,"’ or other opprobrious epithets, though he believed the tendency of slavery was degrading to the masters; yet there were many gentlemanly, courteous and patriotic men among the slaveholders. Some of the most courteous men he had ever met were slaveholders. He offered as an amendment to Mr. Sumner's amendment a proposition to tax cotton one cent per pound.

Mr. King (N. Y.) was in favor of a tax on both cotton and slaves. He should vote for both if he could, and therefore hoped the tax on cotton would not be passed as a substitute for the tax on slaves. Those persons who have assailed the Government should not be allowed to escape from all the burdens imposed by war.

Mr. Pomtoy asked if he would tax anything he did not protect?

Mr. King said that so long as the slaveholders remained loyal, they had ample protection under the laws. He was in favor of having all the protection given which was accorded by the laws of the country, and in favor of having all the laws of the country executed.

Mr. Saulsbury (Del.) asked what the Senator thought of those persons in New York who resisted the Fugitive Slave law. Were they good citizens or not?

Mr. King was astonished that the Senator asked such a question. If he knew New York as well as be (Mr. King) knew it, he would not come here and talk about her citizens resisting that law.

Mr. Sumner said this was not a tax on slaves but on slave-masters. The Senator from Ohio had divided his speech into two heads. One a enology on slave-masters, and the other a plea for a tax on cotton. Jefferson had said that all commerce between the master and his slaves was the act of boisterous passion, and Mason said ‘"every slaveholder was a petty tyrant. "’ If men continue to uphold an institution which violates all human rights, they must expect no soft words. If the Senator from Ohio Chose to sound their enology, he could follow in their denunciation.

Mr. Fessenden (Me.) said he looked at the proposed tax simply as a matter of dollars and cents; and denunciation on the one side or enology on the other, had nothing to do with the question. The simple question is, have we a right to tax slaves according to the Constitution? Of this he had no doubt at all.--The slaveholder has peculiar privileges, and a large amount of property in some of these States is invested in slaves; and he saw no reason why they should not be taxed for those peculiar privileges.

Mr. Sherman's amendment was rejected — yeas 15, nays 22.

Mr. Henderson (Mo.) offered an amendment that the tax herein prescribed, shall not be levied on or collected in any of the States, where the system of gradual emancipation may have been adopted at the time of its collection.

Mr. Fessenden said that according to the Constitution, the tax must be equal in all the States.

Pending the question, the Senate adjourned.

House--Mr. Porter (ind.) moved to postpone till Wednesday next the motion made by him yesterday, to reconsider the vote by which the House on Monday rejected the bill to confiscate the slaves of rebels.

Mr. Rolman (Ky.) moved to lay Mr. Porter's motion on the table.

Mr. Blair (Pa.) moved a call of the House, which was disagreed to by three majority.

Mr. Edwards (N. H.) moved that the House adjourn. Negatived almost unanimously.

Mr. Potter moved a call of the House, Negatived by 14 majority.

Mr. Rolman's motion to lay that of Mr. Porter's on the table was disagreed to — yeas 69 nays 73.

Mr. Porter's motion was adopted.

The Speaker stated that the motion to reconsider the vote by which the bill to confiscate the slaves of rebeldom was rejected can, as a privileged question, be taken up next Wednesday, immediately after the reading of the journal.

The House went into Committee on the Senate bill to collect direct taxes in insurrectionary districts, and for other purposes.

Various amendments were made perfecting the arrangements for carrying the act into effect, and the bill was passed by a vote of 97 against 17.

It provides for the appointment of a Board of Tax Commissioners, to enter upon the duties of the office whenever the Commanding General of the forces of the United States, entering into any insurrectionary State or District shall have established the military authority throughout any parish, or district, or county of the same. In all cases where the owners of land shall not pay their proportion of the tax and consequent expenses, the property is to be sold. Provision is made for the redemption of the land; if it be shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioners that the owner has not taken part in, or in any manner aided or abetted the rebellion, and that by reason of the insurrection he has been unable to pay the tax.

In cases of owners having left their lands to join the rebel cause the United States shall take possession, and may lease them until the civil authority of the United States is established, and the people of the State shall elect a Legislature and State officers, who shall take the oath to support the Federal Constitution. The Board of Commissioners may, under the direction of the President, instead of leasing the land vested in the United States, cause the same to be subdivided and sold in parcels to any loyal citizen, or any person who shall have faithfully served in the army, navy, or marine corps. The preemption principle is also engrafted on the bill.

The House went into Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, on the bill to purchase the hospital in the District of Columbia, known as the Douglas Hospital, and appropriating seventy-five thousand dollars for that purpose.

Mr. Edgerton (Ohio) reviewed the Democratic address recently issued, which, while it assumed to support the Government, had not a word against the rebellion — the prime movers in which were the Democrats, the party that made and unmade Presidents with the aid of their Northern allies. It came with bad grace to talk about the loyally of the Democratic party, the maintenance of the Constitution as it is.

His colleague (Mr. Vallandigham) was the author of this address, and the life and animating spirit of the movement which it contemplated. He reviewed the record of his colleague, to show that the latter had made the declaration as early as 1860 that he would give no money to put down treason and rebellion, and that he had lived up to it with religious fidelity. His colleague had repeated this speech on various occasions, finding fault with the Government, but not complaining against the rebellion, and endeavoring to paralyze the energies of the Government.

He had no doubt that this address had inspired the camp of Secession with joy. To talk of peace tends only to strengthen the arm of the rebels. There would be no peace till they are subdued, not by compromise and concession, but by bullets and men.

On motion of a member, a resolution was adopted, calling on the Secretary of the Treasury to furnish a statement of the public debt up to this date, together with a statement of the average rate of interest.

Mr. Wickliffe (Ky.) introduced a bill which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, providing, that whereas, 190,000 more volunteers than were authorized by the act of July last have been mustered, and the money to pay them appropriated during the present session, that the corps of volunteers shall not exceed the number now in the service, unless further authorized by act of Congress. Also, that it shall not be lawful to receive as soldiers, or arm, the fugitive slaves that may be captured by the army or reduced by any one to leave their owners and come within the lines of the camp of any officer; the officer who shall violate this section to be cashiered upon conviction by a Court Martial.

Mr. Frank (N. Y.) introduced a joint resolution, which was referred to the Committee on Elections, that whenever either House of Congress shall decide adversely upon the claims of any contestant to be admitted to a seat, it shall not be lawful for such House to allow to such unsuccessful applicant a greater sum than $1,000 for compensation and mileage.

The House then adjourned.

Yankee view of the field around Richmond.

The Philadelphia Inquirer, of the 29th, has the following ‘"View of the Situation"’ around Richmond:

Of the very field upon which every eye is so eagerly strained, it is impossible, from want of detailed intelligence, to give much description or to make much comment upon the movements which are there transpiring. But this very uncertainty makes it evident that McClellan is completing his strategic combinations to entrap or resist the enemy, and securing his rear by making adequate bridges over the Chickahominy.

There are few or none in the country so stupid at the present time as to find fault with his caution. He is opposed by superior numbers, strongly entrenched; and he knows that the success of our movements, and his own reputation as a General, rests upon his complete triumph there. He is daily making himself master of the position by careful reconnaissances; by opposing strong columns at proper strategic points, and by a deliberate combination of his own movements with those of McDowell, Banks, Fremont, Wool, and Burnside. Daily he makes progress. Nearer and nearer come the colossal hosts, and at any moment we may have tiding of the great battle.

There is much speculation as to whether the

rebels will fight at Richmond or fall back. For the reasons we gave yesterday, and for the additional one that it would cost them a great loss of prestige to give up Richmond, it may be regarded as tolerably certain that they will fight there; certainly that they will not abandon their capital without a struggle.

They may, however, take precautionary measures to fall back upon some new fancied stronghold, if defeated there — Lynchburg, for example. Should they make such provisions for defeat, it will cause them to fight badly at Richmond, and their Generals probably feel the force of this difficulty. It were better for them to cast all upon the hazard of battle, and fight the more desperately. Scouts and deserters report that they are fortifying the Fair Grounds, two or three miles north and east of Richmond; but, after the experience of Yorktown, the fact of their fortifying does not seem conclusive.

If the news of the counter-revolution in Raleigh — the raising of the old flag — be true, their rear is very seriously threatened, and the sense of insecurity in Richmond must be increasing daily.

Around their centre or focus at Richmond, the position of our troops is about as follows: McClellan in their immediate front with a large army, and the gunboats making their way up the James river. McDowell beyond Fredericksburg, commanding the Richmond and Fredericksburg road, and one running Westward to Gordonsville. Fremont at Lewisburg, on the unfinished line of the Covington and Ohio Railroad, and, in some degree, threatening the line of their retreat by the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad.--Wool at Norfolk and Suffolk; and Burnside, or his influence, felt in Goldsboro', Weldon and Raleigh. If the railroad gap between Danville and Greensboro' has been completed, that and the Tennessee road, observed by Fremont, are their only lines of retreat.--But of all these movements and ways of movement, we can only speculate for the present, leaving it to a future, not remote, to develop results of which we can now only surmise the probability.

The retreat of Banks will neither influence nor retard the great plan, which for many reasons must proceed slowly, but surely to its consummation.

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Sumner (5)
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King (4)
Halleck (4)
Hamilton E. Towle (3)
H. T. Porter (3)
James B. Guthrie (3)
Gen Banks (3)
Vicle (2)
William D. Sherman (2)
Rolman (2)
McDowell (2)
Fremont (2)
Fessenden (2)
Burnside (2)
Beauregard (2)
Wilson (1)
Thurlow Weed (1)
Vallandigham (1)
Smalley (1)
Simmons (1)
Shorter (1)
George F. Shepley (1)
Saulsbury (1)
Price (1)
Potter (1)
May Portsmouth (1)
Pomtoy (1)
Munchausen (1)
Mason (1)
Lovell (1)
London (1)
Jenny Lind (1)
Jefferson (1)
William A. Jackson (1)
Howland (1)
House (1)
Goldschmidt (1)
Frank (1)
Edwards (1)
Jefferson Davis (1)
Butler (1)
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Betts (1)
Barnum (1)
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