Shocking tragedy in New York.
A Mother Kills Her Child and then Commits Suicide--As one of the results from the unholy invasion which the
South is now experiencing at the hands of Yankeedom; we copy the following from the New York
Herald, of the 27th ultimo:
A sad affair growing out of the present war occurred at No. 382 Avenue A, on Sunday evening. Some months ago, it appears, a Frenchman named
Jean Phillipe joined the Excels for brigade and departed for
Washington, leaving behind him a wife and an interesting child about five years old. On Saturday
Madame Phillipe received a letter from the seat of war, announcing the death of her husband in a recent engagement.
She was devotedly attached to him, and so terrible was the shock produced by the sad tidings, that her reason was dethroned, and she determined to follow her husband even to the grave.
Accordingly, on Sunday she made the necessary preparation for the disposition of her remain, when the curtain should fall upon the last act of the melancholy tragedy.
She determined to destroy the life of her child also, and thus complete the drama by killing herself.
Having procured a phial of laudanum, she administered a portion of the poison to her offspring and then swallowed the balance herself.
Some hours afterwards the unhappy woman was discovered to be in a dying condition, with her child folded closely to her bosom.
She was immediately removed to Bellevue Hospital for medical attendance, but died in an hour or so after her admission.
The child lingered until yesterday afternoon, when it succumbed to the influence of the poisonous draught and expired about three o'clock.
Coroner Callin investigated the affair, and upon searching the effects of the suicide, he found a note which she had written the night before, giving all the necessary direction for the disposition of the bodies.