The battles near Richmond.
interesting details — Additional reports of casualties.
We continue to give such details of the bloody fight, which commenced on Saturday last at the ‘"Seven Pines,"’ below Richmond, as have reached us since our last publication, together with further official reports of casualties in the various regiments engaged.
A correspondent furnishes an interesting narrative of the part sustained by Feathers on a Brigade, in the first day's battle, which, is more full and authentic than any account previously published:
Featherston's brigade.
Much has been written and many corrections made relative to the fight of the 31st, but I have seen nothing yet professing to state accurately the commencement and progress of the fight. As this battle is destined to become histories as the commencement of the defence of the Confederate Capital, I propose to furnish to the press, the daily historians of the times, what I know of the beginning and progress of the fight, being part of the time an eye-witness or what I propose to relate. The fight did not begin early in the morning, as has been stated. The signal guns were not fired until after one o'clock, and it was immediately after the second gun that the first conflict begun by the advance of our forces. According to previous arrangement, the brigade of Gen. Rhodes commended the fight on the right, and that of Gen. Garland on the left. Gen. Rhodes was supported by the brigade of Gen. Raine, and the brigade of Gen. Garland was reinforced by the brigade of Gen. Featherstone, commanded on this occasion by the Senior Colonel, Col. Geo. B. Anderson, of the 4th regiment North Carolina State Troops. I will state here that Gen. Featherstone had been in the city for several days, confined to his room, but returned to his command against the remonstrance of his physician, as soon as he could possibly procure conveyance. In ten minutes after the firing of the first volley, the two armies were in deadly strife in a general engagement. I was on the left of the Williamsburg road, and consequently shall confine my remarks to that wing, leaving it to some writer who witnessed the operations on the right, to do that justice to history which shall record the glorious and heroic deeds of that branch of our army. The brigade of Gen. Garland was actively engaged in the thick woods when Featherstone's (Col Anderson's) brigade advanced to its support. The fire was deadly, and many of the brave men of the latter brigade fell while they were yet in the rear of Garland's troops. Advancing, however, they took position in line with their coadjutors. The Florida regiment of Garland's brigade was in the open field on the left of the Williamsburg road, and as Featherstone's brigade came up, the 4th North Carolina, under the command of Major Grimes, filed to the right of the Florida regiment, which threw it across the road and partially in the woods on the right. The 49th Virginia, Col. ‘"Extra Billy"’ Smith, took position on the immediate left of the Florida regiment. To his left were the 28th Georgia Captain Wilcox commanding, and the 27th Georgia Col, Levi B. Smith, which threw them (the two latter) far into the thick woods, confronting the skirmishers thrown out on the Yankee right. Col. Anderson having previously given the forward order, the brave boys halted not, but pressed on, regardless of the terrific shower of Yankee bullets. The 4th stormed the Yankee breastworks, but were compelled to fall back for want of reinforcements. The retrograde was not, however, more than 100 yards, which was made in perfect order. Col. Giles's regiment of South Carolina troops then came up, another charge was made and the Yankees driven from their redoubt into the woods. Prior to the arrival of Col Giles's reinforcements Gen. Hill ordered up a section of artillery, which engaged the Yankee battery and did some fine shooting, no doubt weakening the enemy's force at that point to a considerable extent. The less of the gallant 4th was terrible, nearly every officer having been disabled, and Major Grimes having his horse killed under him. The 49th Virginia charged upon and took the Yankee artillery camp, driving the enemy beyond it into the woods, when, getting out of ammunition, they withdrew in perfect order. Their loss was heavy. Colonel Smith was several times touched, but received no serious wound. His noted horse ‘"Morgan,"’ which was wounded under him at Manassas, was thrice wounded, and died that night Lieut. Col. Gibson was wounded twice; his horse was also wounded, but not disabled; be himself remained on the field until night closed the conflict. I did not witness the action of the 28th Georgia, it being hid from view in the woods, but its list of- casualties shows how nobly they did their duty. Nor did I see the 27th until the Palmetto regiment of Colonel Jenkins came up to reinforce the left. These two regiments charged upon the Yankees under a terrific fire, compelling them to retire at once, and still pursuing them, without an opportunity of reloading our guns, used the bayonet in driving them out of their main camps (to the rear of the battery) and putting them to rout, after several ineffectual attempts to regain their ground. Col. Smith (Levi B) was severely wounded in this charge, but remained on the field. Capt. Bacon, the regimental commissary, and several other officers, were killed. The reinforcements of Gen. Longstreet's division fought gallantly, and doubtless rendered effective service in preventing the Yankees from regaining their camps, but the division of Gen. Hill had practically won the fight and repulsed the enemy by desperate fighting, rendering the work of the reserve comparatively an easy task. I by no means desire to detract from the valor of these brave troops, nor to intimate that they would not have gained the day had the positions of Hill and Longstreet's divisions been reversed; but it is due to the intrepid men who broke the Yankee lines that they should be awarded the fullest mead of praise. Col. Anderson, who commanded Featherstone's brigade, behaved with the most distinguished gallantry, winning the admiration of all who observed his intrepidity and coolness. A spent ball struck his coat, over his heart, and fell to the ground, doing no damage. Beyond this he was untouched. Col. A. was some time since recommended for the position of Brigadier General by high officers who knew his skill and daring. On this field it must be conceded he nobly wen his promotion. Possessing as he does, the most perfect gentleness of manner, with a stern regard of duty and great skill as an officer, he is at once an ornament to the army, and would grace any rank. The staff of Gen. Featherstone accompanied Col. Anderson on the field. Capt. George P. Foote, of Mississippi, as Adjutant General; displayed great coolness, and materially aided the commanding officer in the discharge of his duties. He had his horse shot under him. Col. Anderson and Capt. Foote were compelled to dismount at the abattls, and led the brigade for over a mile on foot. Capt. Foote, as the commander of a company in the 17th Mississippi regiment, had previously won distinction at the battle of Leesburg. His fresh laurels will rest upon a brow not unused to wear them. Lieut A. G. Haley, aide-de-camp. had his horse killed under him early in the fight, and was afterwards severely wounded in the face. Lieut. A. N. Parker, volunteer aid, also rendered valuable and meritorious service. The couriers all behaved well — the Sergeant, Mr. Bost, having two horses shot under him. The brigade of Gen. Featherstone is one of the best in the army, and is capable even now, decimated as it is by the late fight, of doing further good service. Gen. Featherstone, its commander, it will be recollected, was promoted for his gallantry in the battle of Leesburg, being at that time in command of the 17th Mississippi regiment. The following is a list of the casualties in this brigade, on the 31st. They were not under fire on the 1st: Killed--Four Captains, 3 Lieutenants, 14 Sergeants, 9 Corporals, and 122 privates. Total 153. Wounded--One Colonel, 1 Lieutenant Colonel, 10 Captains, 52 Lieutenants, 35 Sergeants, 33 Corporals, and 536 privates. Total 649. Missing--Forty-seven--making a total of killed, wounded, and missing of 848, of a force of barely 2,000. I have thus endeavored to give a fair and brief review of the operations of this brigade. Let some one do the same for each of the others, and the history will be complete. Observer.Honor to whom. Honor is due.
It is impossible to say what regiments are entitled to greatest credit for the part taken in the late battle. It would seem scarcely to be just to discriminate where so many have done well. Distinctions will, however, be made. The active zeal of the friends and members of some regiments will give them undue prominence, while others will remain unnoticed until the official reports give a record of their conduct. From personal observation, and from what I learn in commingling with the various commands, the following regiments mingled most actively in the contest: The 4th North Carolina regiment, the 2d Florida, the 6th Georgia, the 6th Alabama, the 12th Mississippi, the 24th Virginia, the 27th Georgia, and Jenkins's South Carolina regiment. The list of casualties in these regiments will show that they were in the hottest fire, and we have the assertion of those high in command that they bore themselves like veterans Others may have done equally well, but these have been made the subject of especial commendation by those leader who witnessed their bravery. Junios.The late General Robert Hatton.
The Richmond Dispatch, of Saturday morning, 31st of May, announced in befitting terms the appointment of Colonel Robert Hatton as a Brigadier General in the army of the Confederate States. At sunset the same day he died in battle, heroically discharging his duty. General Hatton was a native and citizen of Tennessee. His father (yet living) is the Rev. R. C. Hatton, a widely-known Methodist minister of great partly of character. General Hatton was thirty six years of age. At on early age he entered the Cumberland University, at Leeston, Tennessee. Not born to residence, he lacked means to complete his collocate education. Money was tendered him by many friends, but with the sturdy independence which was the marked feature of his character, he declined all offers, and, by teaching school, he soon inquired means, and graduated with distinction. At once he was appointed tutor, and at the end of a year entered the Law School of the University, again graduating with distinction. At the bar he soon assumed a first position; he was an able, energetic and successful lawyer. His client's cause was always his own cause. In 1860 he represented the county of Wilson in the General Assembly of Tennessee. In 1856 he was on the Fill more and Donelson electoral ticket, and made a brilliant canvass. In 18 7 he was the candidate of his party for Governor of Tennessee. In 1859 he was elected to the House of Representatives of the United States Congress. Up to the Publication of Lincoln's infamous proclamation Gen. Hatton was a decided Union man. He at once saw there was no hope for the South but in resistance. He soon raised a flue company, and at the organization of the 7th Tennessee regiment. on the 27th May, 1861, he was elected Colonel. He has not since seen his once pleasant but now desolate home. Gen. Hatton was a military man by instinct, and he had studied hard to make himself master of the details of his new profession. Rigid and energetic in his discipline, he was yet greatly beloved and respected by his soldiers. In his high courage incorruptible integrity, and fine judgment, they had unbounded confidence. The last me the writer of this saw him, he was in the charge, waving his hat. Even in the midst of the roar of arms, his voice was heard cheering his men. In a few moments his favorite horse. ‘"Ball,"’ was killed under him. He extricated himself from his horse and dashed forward. He had hardly gone thirty steps when he fall pierced with a Minnie ball, and died without a struggle. In the noble army now assembled around the Capital, there is not a truer, braver, more gallant spirit than Robert Hatton. He was a Christian soldier, and had long been a devout member of the Methodist Church. Gen. Hatton leaves a wife and three young children. When the news of the battle of Saturday reaches Lebanon there will be deep grief. A whole community will assemble around the stricken widow of our General.--And the mothers of the noble Boys who fell by his side will mingle their tears with her's. Gen. Hatton's remains will be removed to Tennessee. When independence and peace is restored to this now distracted land his soldiers-will see to it that his grave is marked by a stone which shall commemorate the noble and manly virtues of his heroic character. J. K. H.
Casualties in the Palmetto Sharpshooters, (Col. Jenkins)
Col. M. Jenkins, contusion on the knee by a musket ball. Company A, Capt Goss.--Killed: Private J. S. Turner. Wounded; Lt J. T. Kitchen, slightly; sergt W Wilkins, severely; corp'ls E Ray, mortally; A L Hunsucker and T Hughes. slightly; privates R Dupres, C P Fincher, W E Lemaster, S P Martin, P Paris, R N. C Vaughn, D Willard, J Walker, and L Saston, slightly; H Wix and W Harbison, severely; color sergt B W Saunders, slightly. Company B, Captain Kirkpatrick--Killed: W R Seaborne. Wounded: Sergt W P Harris, corp's S P McJunkins, John Jerkin, Baidus Dickson, privates Wm Steele, J H Simmons. Missing: J W Liles, supposed to be killed. Company C, Captain Humphrey:--Killed: Sergt R C Nevitt, Privates S L N Smish, and John A Will on. Wounded: Lt A Felton, severely; Sergt J P Sullivan, slightly; Corp'l R L Keys, severely; Privates J N Brown, T C Featherstone, W M George, D A Keaster, W L Land, A H Osborne, Jas T Todd, severely; J D Crawford, H J Lee, E W Stuart, John T Webb, seriously; J T Darlington, C D Gaillard, P C Hall, W G Jenkins P A Keys, H S Hammond; S McCully, slightly. Missing: Privates H F Rice, J B Carpenter. Company D, Capt. Foster.--Killed: None. Wounded: Serg'ts W S Drummond and F V Landnum, slightly; Corporal J J Foster, severely; Privates T W Booker; J H Foster, J M Smith, Jesse Tinstey, David Burns, severely; W H Ballenger, Richard Burnett, Robt Davis, Thos J Foster, B W Greer, R B Howell, W C Knight, Jno Surratt, Wm E Little, J A Settlemyer, Wm Timmons, Jesse O Williams, Perry Workman, P Hawkins, slightly Missing: M E Settlemyer. Company E, Capt C Colclough — Wounded: Corp'l R E Cooper, slightly Private J P Craig, taken prisoner. Company F, Captain Lee.--Killed: Privates James Farney and G W Wooky. Wounded: Captain J E Lee, slightly; Lieut J O nattlebaum, severely; Sergeants W L Steedman, J Wathins; Corp Shealy, in thigh; Corp W M Jackson, severely; privates Atkinson, in leg; Allman, severely; Broyden, mortally; D. F Berr, severely; H H Jackson, mortally; J A Miller, in thigh; N B Steedman, slightly. Company G. Capt. J N Withers.--Lieut J W Carroll, Lieut Jas Black, Sergt G H O Farrall, privates J A Adams, D M Allison, D H Carroll, W F Dye, W K Hackot, Robt McCaw, H R Neal, Jas Wood, R R Robinson. O P Barron, W A Fewet, W W East, G T Hall, John Kersey, severely; Sergt J M Adams, Corp G L McElwee, privates J J Coward, D M Hope, F Jeffreys, C C Roberts, W E Rose, T C Williams, J S K Sims, slightly. Missing: H Surratt. Company H, Captain Martin.--Wounded: Lieut J J Brown, slightly; Serg't T C Brown slightly; Corp'l B T Martin, slightly; privates D Cash, A J Gee, Jas T Paris, slightly; Missing: T W Martin, A M Cash. Company I, Captain Garvin--Killed: Privates J T Lawson, J G Masingaw. Wounded a Serg't W E M Richardson, slightly; Corp'ls W J King, D H Templeton, S M Neal, severely; privates Berry Blackwell, J B Cantrell, J R Crane, Rucker Mauldin, Daniel Mills T Roper, G F Williams, P E A Williams, R S Medlin, slightly; private W J M Ferguson, severely; privates W G Smith, W A McDow, seriously; private J W. Giltrap, mortally. Company K, Captain Evins--Killed: Corp'l Jas A Moon; privates Geo N Hughston, Marsh T Beyson. Wounded: Capt Evice, severely in left arm; Lieut Jno W White, severely in left wrist; Serg't W T Miller, in foot; privates G J Bulman, in thigh; Elias Gentry, severely in shoulder; W H Gray wounded and missing; W. D Hamett, in hand; S W Haynes, dangerously in side; J D Hensly in hand; Elisha Hughston, leg broken; Thomas Hughston, flesh wound in thigh; W. P Hughston, slightly in foot; J C Hawkins, in hand; James P Lockwood, slight contusion on arm; S. W. Miller, flesh, in thigh; J Scates, slightly in hand; W Scates, flesh, in thigh; C Simmons, head; H Stephen on, slight; Samuel Tuck, in thigh; F Walker, severely; J Williams, slightly; J Williamson, severely: Missing: D T Beardin, E T McSwain, taken prisoners while attending the wounded. Company L, Captain Daniels.--Killed: Corporal A. W Ford; Privates W. M Shurly, C R Hicks. Wounded: Captain Daniels, severely; Lieut Rankin; Sergt G W McCay; Corporals J B Moore and Wm Brams; Privates J M Acker, W M Bedloth, J S Dickinson, W T Eskew, J M Foister, D S Harbin, W B Harbin, E M Holland, D N Major, J Owen, P M Sammy, M G Smith, W H Stephenson, J B Whisten. Company M, Captain Carpenter--Killed: Capt Carpenter; Privates P Bonner, R Harris, M Lipscomb. Wounded: Sergt Jonas Harris, severely; Sergt J J Camp, slightly; Privates B Bonner, W Davis, mortally; A Husky, A Thrift, Jas Goforth, Jno Ramsay, Dan Ramsay, W B Scruggs, severely; --Pearson and M Collins, slightly. Missing: Jos Reynolds R Taylor.Casualties in the 11th Virginia regiment.
Field and Staff.--Killed: None. Wounded: Col Davis Funsten, in the foot; Lt Col Langhorne, in leg, badly; Color Sgt C V Cerley, in forearm; Cotor Corporal M Hickock. Company A, First Lieut Kennedy, commanding.--Killed: None. Wounded: Sgt Harvey, thigh, badly; Corporal Hunt, and; Privates Leslie Price, shoulder; A Camp, hand; Charles Pugh, arm, badly. Company B, Capt Huten, commanding.--Milled: Privates J W Fermer, J T Atkerson, Edward Russell, James A Taylor. Wounded: Sgt J W Anthony, wrist; Corporal W H Sandiford, badly; Corporal James W Edmunds, badly; Privates John W Burruss, slightly; C W Brooks and W R Brooks, leg; W Bondurant, thigh; W J Bolling thigh; E F Brown, head; Daniel Cassady, shoulder; C H Crough, shoulder; J R Dupriest, face; Wm Dooly, arm; S T Eates, ankle; Edward Farmer, side; Jas M Finch, head; J H Gill, thigh; B W Hughs, foot; Peter Moore, arm; W T Moore, head; James McNames, wrist; H T Patrick, leg and arm; J A Powers, leg; A D Panon, hip; W S Simmonds, thigh; N B Shurman, head; W A Sandifer, shoulder, side, and arm. Company C, Captain Morgan--Killed: Sergeant Silas Barber; Privates J M Wood and J M Terrill. Wounded: Privates R A Murrell, W S Kabler, slightly; J J Brooks, hand; James Brown, arm. Company D, Captain D G Houston.--Killed Sergeant J B Harmer, Corporal W H Northern; Privates L W Alderson, S J Surtis, J F McAllister. Wounded: Captain D G Houston, hand and leg; Sergeant R B Williams, breast; C H Murray, chin; Corporal Wright, head; J Blankinship, leg; J Falls, arm and leg; J Goodwin, legs; A R Gibbs, arm; A P Grady, slightly; V B Hickock, shoulder; J S Hopkins, leg; B A Hypas, abdomen; James Keisler, badly; R Lemon, arm; J L Lemon, breast, C W Lemon, foot; J P Lemon, hand J B Smith, leg; W D St Clair, knee; W W Ward, hand; --Zimmerman, hand. Company E, 1st Lieutenant Abbott commanding — Killed: Privates A J Thomas, Jno Carney and James Catney. Wounded; Privates E Wray, badly; H H Colvin, slightly; John Kelly, slightly; John McD Wills, badly; J N Butterworth, slightly; R L Haynes, slightly; D Lawhorn, slightly; C R Roberts, badly; W Rockacharlis, badly. Company F, Capt E Fowlkes.--Killed Capt Fowikes, Corp'l R E Hines, private W H Cooper. Wounded: A Akers, in arm; N R Alley, W. C. Bain, arm; John Burk, arm; Daniel Core, leg; Thomas Grille, thigh; R Hudgins, thigh; James Kirby, hand; H R Love, thigh; Samuel Munasy, leg; Phillip Senfew, head; W J Trent, W Trump, arm, thigh and breast; Jesse Weddle, arm; Whitworth, shoulder. Company G. 1st Lieut Smith, commanding, Killed Sergt C W Terry, privates A Cross, E H Elliott, Jas A Beld, S B Tyree. Wounded: Lt Smith, 21 Lt Hamner, corp'l W A Toot privates J G Anderson, R E Apperson, S H Benson, R C Berkicy, J H Cross, John Crum, packer, H C Guy, W P Holland, J R Emt, W H Kent J M Moore, John Mussill, J A Moorman, W S Nelson, J Joler, C D Poindexter, R C Saunders, E Valentine, R L Weloun, Jack Wills. Company H. 1st Lieut Horde, commanding.--Killed; Private C L Fitzgerald and Thomas Still. Wounds: Lieut Horde, Corp'l P H Rourke, privates Joseph Stanley, Peter McEliany, R H Blanks. Company J, Capt Jones--Killed: Private C Courtuy, W Hoofman and James Loring. Wounded: 1st Lieut B W Stringfellow, shoulder; 2d Lieut H W Eskridge, mortally; Corporal A J Burns, badly; privates J W Stribbling, badly; A S Embry, mortally; Thomas R Embry, W A McConcher, J M McConcher, badly; Robert Smith. Company K, 1st Lieut Houston, commanding: Killed--Sergeant Jos Houser. Wounded: John Montgomery, hand; W Bowyer, slightly, Tom Reynolds, band and nose.Killed. | Wounded. | |
Field and staff | 0 | 40 |
Company A | 0 | 5 |
Company B | 4 | 27 |
Company C | 3 | 4 |
Company D | 5 | 21 |
Company E | 3 | 9 |
Company F | 3 | 17 |
Company G | 5 | 28 |
Company H | 2 | 5 |
Company I | 3 | 2 |
Company K | 1 | 3 |
28 | 127 |
John W. Daniel, Adjt.
Casualties in the 8th Virginia regiment.
Major James Thrift, mortally wounded, since died. Company A--Wounded: Corporal Thos B James, in the right hand; private J W Elder, finger shot off. Company B--Killed; Brevet 2d Lieut Wm C Carr. Wounded Capt H C Bowie, in the right arm; 2d Lt John T Ashby, in the face and neck; private A F Triplett, flesh wound in left leg private Jos M Newton, flesh wound in right leg. Company C--Killed; Sergeant A Fletcher. Wounded: Serg't Berry Horst, slight in arm; privates A Horst and John Riley, in the less; Jno R Graham, in the back; R C Carter, in the testicles; Ro Brawner, in the neck; Snowden Morton, in the head. Company D--Wounded: Corp'l F A Boyer; in the arm; privates W C Donnelley, hand badly shattered; W C Thomas, in the testicles badly. Company E--Wounded: Privates Thomas Gaines, left arm; Henderson Cox, in left side; Sergeant F M Fliny, in the left knee Company F--Killed: Private W F Fulton. Wounded: Corporals Howard Trossell, in the eyes; Howard R Hopkins, in the arm; Privates Joseph R Vaughn, in the hand; Joseph B Barton, wrist; Van Buren Costellow; in the wrist; Thomas E Owens, in the arm; W F Dickey, in the knee; Thos E Tavener, slightly in the arm. Company G--Wounded Capt J O Berry, badly in the hip; Privates J T Ayres in the shoulder badly; G W Commins, badly in hip; J H Dickey, slightly in hip; C C Dyer, in leg; John Mclntosh, slightly in arm; J E Frammel, badly in hip. Company H--Wounded: Lt C T Chamblin, in face badly; Serg'ts Elikbride Taylor, contusion of the arm; C M Fadeley, severely in the right shoulder; Corp'l G W Peacock, slightly in the arm; Private J P Bass, severely in the arm. Company I--Wounded: Private W A Dennis, in the arm. Company K--Wounded: Lieut I L Lake, in head and leg; Private E Redman, badly in the face. This regiment went into action with two hundred and twenty muskets. Total — killed, 4; wounded, 42; killed and wounded, 48.Casualties in Col. A. H. Colquitt's State Georgia regiment.
Lieut Col Newton, slightly wounded. Adjutant Jas M Reid, severely wounded. Company A, Capt Arnold.--Killed: Ord'ly Sgt S M Knowles, Corp'l Geo F Lewis, Privates Duncan Brown, Jesse Hardeman, J A Perdu. Wounded: G M Amos, A M Hutchinson, John Keough, Sidney Blount, Irvin Johnson, F McClain, Jno T Tyus, Sgt S P Burnett, W H Brett, K Johnson, Jas Rogers, Missing: Sgt W H Stewart, W Martin. Company B, Capt Hannah.--Killed: Sgt A P Stovall, Privates Jas Frezler, Wm T Payne, E Winters, Newton J Young, D L Moore, Wounded: Lieut C Tracy, (C S A,) Corp'l B M Wilkinson, Privates James Bellinger, Jno Brumley, Jno Coody, B G Stewart, L Steele, W M Anderson, C S Bacon, Julius Davis, Ro Gifford, C S Kelley, Wm Eogers, Rufus Stovall. Missing: Corp'l G W Stewart, W C Morgan, M L Henry, Jas Bryant Company C, Capt Anderson.--Killed: C H Cousins, A G Mills, B F Jordan, Sgt Samuel Felder. Wounded: First Sgt J M Gray, Sgt A W Murray, Corp'l B Vinson, L D Rumph, E W Turner, A Sledge, J L Vinson, A Glozler, D. Hutto, J M. Johns. Company D, Captain Watson--Killed: First Sergt W T Head, W A Lee, John W McGehes, Moses A Sutton. Wounded: Capt L D Watson, H J Moore, M Hendrick, John A Rowe, Joel Hardin, Willis Newton, Lucien B Newton, Robt Edge, J T Ames, S W Nolen, R V Smith, R N Coody. Company E, Capt Cleaveland--Killed: Albert H Wellons. Wounded Sergeant John W Preston, W M Watson, A H Wells, J M Sanders, W A Elliott, J M Harper, Wm P Matthews. Company F. Captain Shackelford--Killed: Sergt B D McKeivin, color hearer. Wounded: Lieut M S Poore, Henry Arline. Missing: 1st Sergt W W Smith. Company G; Capt Grillin--Wounded: M H Riley, Thos Saxon. Company H, Captain Plane--Killed: J W Grace. Wounded: Sergt S Sutton, G W Williford, J M Adams, J T Adams, J J McMullen, W L Spurlin. Company I, Capt Barclay--No casualties. Company K, Capt Lotten--Wounded: M Kenan, Asa Dansford, In action 23 officers, 484 privates, Sum of casualties: Killed, 22; Wounded, 69, missing, 7 Total, 98. The foregoing is a correct list of casualties. A. W. Rowland, Act'g Adj't.