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Morgan in Nashville.

--We learn from an authentic source (says the Knoxville Register of the 19th inst.,) that great excitement was created in Nashville a few days ago, by the report that John H. Morgan had arrived in the city over night and was boldly stopping at a well known boarding house. The Federal Provost Marshal immediately ordered out a large force for his capture. The house was surrounded in such a manner as to render his escape impossible, and the officer who had charge of the expedition feeling service of his grave demanded, with some show of politeness, that the notorious John H. Morgan should be brought out and delivered to the Federal force, quietly, in order to avoid bloodshed. The gallant Federalist and somewhat chagrined when he was informed that such a process would be highly detriment to the health of John H. Morgan, who had arrived this night previous, and was but six hours old — patriotic Southern women having bestowed that name upon her new born bay.

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