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Further from the North.

The papers from Baltimore are to Tuesday, July 1st. They contain no war news from the fact that the United States Government has been particularly careful that they shall not got any to publish. The following from the New York Times explains ‘"how it is done;"’

The following dispatch reached this city last night, and was published in the extra editions of the city papers:

Baltimore American office. Baltimore, Sunday, June 29.--9 P. M.

I am writing for the American a detailed account of events at White House, before Richmond, and on the Peninsula, during the past four days, including facts obtained from Washington, having been sent for by special train to communicate with the President.

If you desire it, I will send it to you. It will make four or five thousand words.

We have the grandest military triumph over the enemy, and Richmond must fall.

C. C. Fulton, Proprietor American, and Agent Associated Press.
After waiting patiently for the news, as promised above, until midnight, we were surprised at the reception of the following dispatch:

Baltimore, Sunday, June 29--11 P. M.

The Secretary of War Decides that nothing can be telegraphed relative to affairs on the Peninsula.

Have tried our best to get it off.

C. C. Fulton,
Agent Associated Press.
As a commentary on this, we append the following, which was received from the War Department yesterday afternoon:

War Department, Washington, June 29, 2 o'clock P. M.

As soon as the Department can obtain exact in formation of the state of affairs in front of Richmond, it will be imparted to the public, whether good or bad.

This dispatch is not intended for publication, but for the information of the press.

The Baltimore News Sheet says that Charles C. Fulton was on Monday sent to Fort McHenry for publishing ‘"certain unauthorized news"’ regarding the movements of Gen. McClellan. We take the following extracts from the Northern papers:

The situation before Richmond.
[Correspondence of the New York Tribune.]

Fortress Monroe, June 27.--They who have known the reasons for delay on the Chickahominy, and have experienced no disappointment that the impending battle has not been fought, begin to turn in expectancy towards the quarter that has so long engaged the attention of the world. The period of delay is drawing to a close. The volcanic state of things along the whole line denotes that the eruption is near at band. The present danger, or probability, is that a general engagement will be brought on, not by a direct attack, or any movement having that for its sole purpose, but by a preliminary step, the seizing of a position — the shifting and setting of the scenes, the immediate prelude to raising the curtain on the last act of the drama. While Gen. McClellan is now prepared to accept a general engagement should the enemy regard one of these movements as a challenge, he is not yet quite prepared to make the unmixed challenge by taking the initiative and following it up to the bitter end.

It will not be long before he will arrive at this point in his preparations, when there will be no motive for further delay. We have a variety of rumors, one of which is that Stonewall Jackson has appeared on McClellan's right, and is menacing the White House. Taking Confederate representations for authority, there is some reason for believing that Jackson has arrived in the neighborhood of Richmond, and joined his forces with those of the main army, though the logical supposition is that he would continue to employ the Union forces in the upper part of Virginia, as he has hitherto done. I have no direct authority for saying that the White House will soon cease to be the point of the particular interest which it at present has, as the base of the army of the Potomac, yet I am left to infer as much from a variety of reasons. The breaking up of the hospitals there, by sending away the large number of patients in the vicinity, may not be proof in itself of su intention, though such fact, taken in connection with others, might go to strengthen such a supposition. To day the State of Maine arrived, with between 300 and 400 invalids, but few of them wounded, to be followed by 1,200 or 1,500 more. This may be simply a measure of reform, resulting from a new regime, while it may be that it may be something more.

Prudent men, especially since the recent rains, have felt that the White House was a position too much exposed to be the depot of so much property as the Confederates would be able to destroy by a successful attack. A general removal from White House to West Point is not improbable, if it has not already taken place. It was holding out the highest inducements almost imaginable to the enemy, who, we may reasonably suppose, would omit no occasion or effort to strike at a point so vital. McClellan's right is unquestionably his weak side. Whether there is any real ground for the alleged apprehension concerning the White House, as the base, we may well suppose that, as one of the moves on the board, and among the last moves in the great game now drawing to a close, the Confederate leaders may conclude that Jackson can employ his forces in no way so well as to abandon the campaign in the Shenandoah, and make a rapid descent toward the White House on McClellan's right flank. The prize which the immense stores there offer would not be the only motive, for the movement would be the favorable one for the Confederates to attack our entire line, weakened, as they might reasonably suppose it would be, by the diversions which the sudden appearance of Jackson, or some one else, in our rear would tend to produce.

If Jackson has abandoned the Shenandoah, and is co-operating in the neighborhood of the Chickahominy, there will be, of course, no reason why the forces, or a large share of them, in the upper part of Virginia, divided into four departments, under as many Major-Generals, should not be at once moved forward to strengthen McClellan. Without undertaking to say that precisely this is being done, I will say the country may rest assured that in case Jackson has made his appearance in the quarter alleged, he will find troops to oppose him; and their embarkation on the Rappahannock or the Potomac, or both, would only prove the vigilance and resources of the Government in checkmating the wily enemy.

The next ten days will in all probability be marked with important events. If plans have not failed a sharp and important enterprise will have been accomplished, as a part of the plan of operations against Richmond, before this reaches the public eye, in which the navy, on one of our in land streams, will have played a conspicuous part. The Confederate army is apparently little disposed to make another retreat. It may have been largely reinforced. That fact, however, would not save it from the inevitable result of suffering McClellan to go forward slowly, yet surely, with siege operations, leaving the only question in the case that of time. The attack, therefore, is not unlikely to be made by the enemy, and that, too, at an early day.

The question of intervention.

The special Washington correspondent of the New York Times telegraphs to that paper as follows:

‘ The question of foreign interference is again agitated here. All the latest advices, public and private, from England, indicate a spirit of restiveness in that country on American matter, more significant than any hitherto manifested. It is stated that the tone of the last dispatches received at the State Department is not altogether satisfactory, but that nothing is said from which it could be at all inferred that the European Powers designed taking any immediate steps toward mediation.--The defeat of the Militia bill in the Canadian Parliament has not improved John Bull's temper, and he will seize upon the reverse at Charleston with as much avidity as he did upon that in Banks department. On this subject Hon. J. A. Gurley has received a letter from a highly intelligent adopted citizen of Ohio, who has been in England for the past six months, spending much time in the cotton district. He says:

  1. Firstly — I have the best reasons for knowing that intervention in our affairs was determined upon by England and France some months ago, and for the reasons, amongst others, I gave you in my letter of March last.
  2. Secondly — This determination would have been acted upon before this had not the contest between the Monitor and Merrimac taken Europe — the world, in fact — by surprise, and upset all the calculations of France and England especially. They became alarmed for their own safety.
  3. Thirdly — The dread of a Monitor fleet, which I understand we are now building, adds another to the reasons which determined these Powers to interfere, and they will never permit this fleet to be completed if they can possibly prevent it.
  4. Fourthly — They will soon offer mediation, taking decided Southern ground — well knowing that this will not be acceptable to our Government. It is not their intention or wish that it should be accepted.
  5. Fifthly — This being refused, they will send their combined fleets to surround our coast whilst there is but one Monitor in existence, knowing that this terrible little thing cannot be everywhere at the same time.
  6. Sixthly — The first of October next, it not an earlier date, will find the French and English fleets on our shores, unless our army is victorious in the meantime, and the rebels defeated. The visit of Lord Lyons to England at this time is in accordance with and necessary to this latter programme, to confer with the Governments of both countries so as to arrange the details of the expedition.
  7. Sevenths--The interference of them Powers is altogether owing to selfish motives, not that either care for our condition, although the ostensible reason to be given for such interference will be ‘"the cause of humanity,"’

From the James River.
[Correspondence of the New York Tribune]

James River Squadron, June 23.--I send you the official report of the affairs at Watkins's Bluff,

on the 20th inst., and as it speaks for itself, we shall offer no comments. We have had some changes here within the last few days. Our squadron is lying this P. M. off City, Point, Contrabands bring the intelligence that the Confederates claim to have lost one man killed and one man's arm shot off in the fight on the 20th, at Watkins's Bluff. It that is all, they came off very lucky We, as I stated before, had no one injured in the least, although they claim to have killed 20 men, as we are also informed by contrabands:

United States Steamer Jacon Bell.
James River,
June 21, 1862.
I respectfully submit the following: Yesterday, in obedience to your orders I proceeded with the dispatches up the river to the Manitor.--On passing the Red Bluff, known as Watkins's Bluff, I was opened upon by two batteries, three pieces, each of 12 pounders, add about 500 sharp shooters.

The channel being very narrow, being obliged to go within a few feet of the Bluff, I suffered severely. The had of bullets from the sharpshooters prevented me for a time from responding, as having no covering for my men at the batteries, I would not expose them to the heavy fire.

A shot, however, came and carried away my rudder chain, and my vessel got ashore in front of the batteries. I was determined to go by, so manned my guns, steaming on, and forced her over. The batteries were so masked that I could hot see them until opened upon, though the upper battery raked me as I headed toward it — which from the nature of the river I had to do — but we stood on under their fire for about five minutes, which I considered better, as I had no idea of retreating until my duties were performed, and as long as my vessel lasted.

As soon as I got up to the upper battery the lower battery raked me all, doing more damage to my upper works than the other.

I think I should not have been damaged so much had it not been for my getting ashore directly in front of them, giving them but a few feet between me and their guns.

The officers and men behaved with their accustomed coolness and efficiency, and promptly responded to the order to man the battery, though under a heavy fire of musketry.

A shot has penetrated the flange of the port wheel, cracking it in several places; it will not do for me to be in any seaway, as I will lose my wheel.

The starboard side of the pilot-house was carried away, together with two iron plates; in fact, my upper works are completely riddled. One shot struck the steam valve, bending it, which slowed us down — fortunately not stopping the engine.

As you ordered me to return after delivering the dispatches, I passed the batteries again at night, but was not fired at. Ten shots struck the vessel in all, to say nothing of the bullets in the wood work from the sharpshooters.

Very respectfully, your ob't serv't.

E. P. McCrea,
Lieutenant Commanding.
Commander J. M. Gillis, commanding naval forces,
James river.

The great battle before Richmond,
[from the N. Y. World, June 30.]

A battle, which resulted, as we are informed by a trustworthy authority, in the grandest Union triumph of the war, and which would probably insure the capture of Richmond, took place at the close of last week, but the particulars we are not permitted to publish, Secretary Stanton having taken upon himself to prohibit the sending of all dispatches from Washington giving the details of the fight.

This decision of the Secretary of War will profoundly incense an anxious public. The people who are waging this war have a right to know the news as soon after it is known at Washington as is consistent with the public interest. There may be some good and sufficient reason for keeping back the news; and it is well, perhaps, not to be too hasty in condemning Secretary Stanton; but enough is known to excite the keenest anxiety until the particulars are published and the result understood.

There are several obvious theories to account for this suppression of the news. The first and most probable is that the final result was not officially known, and that General McClellan, if he was following up the enemy to Richmond, had not time to compose official dispatches to the War Department, Until he was heard from it may have been deemed inexpedient to make any publication of the disjointed facts in possession of the Government.

Another and not so hopeful view of the case may be that after the telegraph agent left the ground to take his special message to Washington another battle may have taken place not so favorable to our arms, or which had not been concluded up to last evening. There is an unpleasant rumor, by way of City Point, that ‘"Stonewall"’ Jackson turned the right of Gen. McClellan's line on Thursday last, but the authority for it is very bad, and then the Associated Press news must be later.

We incline to the belief that a victory has been won, and that General McClellan is now in or near Richmond. In a few hours, however, we hope that the public may be relieved from its painful suspense.

The Withheld news from Richmond.
[from the New York times, June 30.]

The public appetite, which was whetted last night, at a late hour, by the publication of the telegraphic news, via Baltimore, that ‘"we have the grandest military triumph over the enemy and Richmond must fall,"’ will find little satisfaction in the brief dispatch to the Press this morning, which merely announces that ‘"the Secretary of War has decided that nothing can be telegraphed relative to affairs on the Peninsula."’ The Press had previously been informed by the War Department that as soon as information of the state of affairs in front of Richmond could be obtained, it would be imparted to the public, ‘"whether good or bad."’

Leaving us in this condition of total darkness, with the knowledge simply that some action or movement of fundamental importance has taken place, we know not what to communicate to our readers, nor what inferences are to be drawn in the premises. What just or wise reasons there can before withholding news from the public of events which have actually taken place, it is impossible to conjecture. If we do not have reliable advices at an early hour this morning, the city will be thrown into a condition of uneasiness and ferment more painful than could be produced by the publication of any intelligence whatever.

We shall, however, be hopeful. Our first dispatch, announcing a triumph for our arms, comes from a source usually careful and reliable; and, as it speaks of events which have been going on in front of Richmond for the last four days, it would seem as though Gen. McClellan had followed up his victory near the Seven Pines on Wednesday last, and finally gained in the struggle of which that was the initial movement. But speculation is useless until we have something definite upon which to base it, be it good or bad.

Resignation of Gen. Fremont.
[from the Hartford (Conn.) times, June 28.]

All true friends of the country will rejoice at the recent act of the President in placing Gen. Pope, a true soldier of proved military skill and efficiency, over General Fremont, the mere political Abolition aspirant for the Presidency; and they will still further rejoice, at the resignation of the office seeker, whose place is not the field of battle, at the head of an army. Gen. Pope is a man of military knowledge and genius. He has shown his energy and talent in the Western campaign. Fremont has exhibited no military skill, but has proved himself to be incompetent to command an army, though highly skillful in expending the public money, and parading himself in a pompous manner, with a ‘"body-guard"’ of foreigners who can not speak English.

It is indeed fortunate if the Administration has got rid of this office-seeking Abolitionist. It is fortunate for the country; for his ignorance of military operations would certainly have brought further and greater disasters upon the army of that department. Let him be commander- in-chief of the Abolitionists, with ‘"no subordinate,"’ since he has resigned his military commission for being placed in a subordinate position. He is fit only for Garrison's army of destructive, who desire to live under an ‘"unwritten Constitution, "’ so that they may, to use the beautiful and impressive language of our esteemed neighbor of the Courant, ‘"loose the bonds of every slave upon this continent, and make the whole Southern region a live hell for one generation at least. "’

News from Fredericksburg — Departure of Gen. King for the Shenandoah Valley.

Fredericksburg, Va., June 28.
--Gen. King and staff left Fredericksburg to day for the Valley of the Shenandoah, where he assumes command of General Fremont's corps. The news of his removal from the division created great stir, and is regretted by every officer. Last night bands from each of the regiments serenaded the General, and this morning his headquarters was thronged with officers come to say ‘"good-bye."’ Gen. Pope is daily expected to arrive, though it is not yet known at what point his headquarters will be established.

Imprisonment of clergymen in Nashville.

Nashville, June 28.
--At the special second conference of clergymen before Governor Johnson all declined to take the oath of allegiance, Most of them were sent to the Penitentiary, prior to their removal to General Halleck, for the purpose of being exchanged for Tennessee prisoners. Many Nashville churches will be without pastors to-morrow. Among those sent to durance were the Rev Drs. Baldwin, Schouc, and Sawvle, Methodists, and Ford and Howell, Baptists. The Rev. Dr. Wharton was allowed some days' grace on account of illness. The Rev. Mr. Killett did not appear. The Rev. Mr. Hendricks is expected to take the oath. Catholic livings, being loyal, were not disturbed.

Affairs at Alexandria.

Alexandria, June 30.
--Capt. McMillan, of company E, 4th Ohio, fell overboard yesterday, and before assistance could be extended to him he was drowned. The hospitals in this city are full of sick and wounded soldiers, numbering altogether some 1,800. The buildings are kept clear and well ventilated, and the patients receive the best care and attention. Yesterday delegations of citizens from nearly every loyal State visited these and were escorted through the different reatas of each building. Although no State excepting Ohio has contributed anything for their benefit, the sick placed here want for nothing which money can procure.

What is said of Fremont's conduct.

The conduct of Gen. Fremont has forfeited the support of nearly all of those, who were ardently supporting him. Many who were his strongest friends are now willing to ‘"whistle him down the wind."’ They believe that he has committed political suicide, and will never be able to recover from this last most miserable fear pas, The action of the President is university approved, and the conduct of General Banks highly commended.

Important rumor from Richmond.

City Point,Va, June 27.
--Refugees, who have been taken by our gunboats to-day, report that the rebel Generals Jackson, Price, and Beauregard are in Richmond, and will be assigned to important commands shortly.

A rumor prevailed in the rebel camp yesterday to the effect that Jackson's forces had arrived and had turned McClellan's fight wing.

M'Clellan's headquarters.

The army correspondent of the Philadelphia Press thus describes the headquarters of the commander of the army of the Potomac:

‘ "In the corner of a field of five hundred acres surrounded on two sides by woodland, the tents are pitched. The camp is on a hill, a quarter of a railed from any road, and the whole covers a space of four acres. The ground plan of the camp is a parallelogram, with the staff tents on the long sides, the General's tent on the short side nearest the road and the guard tents on the other.

At the upper end of this parallelogram a space a hundred feet square is marked out, constantly guarded by sentinels and upon which no one, no matter how high in position, is allowed to encroach. In the centre, of this sacred spot are two wall tents, each about twenty feet square, set alongside of one another, though with a slight intervening space. The left hand one is occupied by Gen. McClellan, the other by his father-in-law, Gen. Marey, the Chief of Staff. Both are furnished alike, each has a stove, camp stools and table, corsage camp bed, desk and toilet materials, and various wine bottles lying about denote the means used even by Major- Generals to beguile weary hours and entertain visitors. In front of the General's tent a hundred feet wide street runs to the opposite side of the camp, where two or three peaked Sibley tents are pitched to accommodate the soldiers acting as the camp guard. On each side of this Street tents are pitched, whose occupants decrease in honor according as they are farther away from the General.

There are the tents of the staff officers — the Provost Marshal General, the Adjutant General, the Quartermasters and Commissaries, the Aids to the Commander-in-chief, &c. A row behind these, on each side, is devoted to under officers and clerks, and a third row to servants. Outside of all this, the horses are picketed, and further still are the headquarter's baggage trains, so useful in moving all this paraphernalia. Each tent is like a small parlor, well finished, and having every comfort and luxury one could expect. The officers who occupy them are always about, chatting and talking, the business of many of them not requiring attention more than one fourth of the time. The clerks and aids have the most difficult duties. They prepare everything for those they assist, a simple reading or signing being all that is required of the superior officer."

The Northern Press.

We have received a number of Northern papers, some old and some of late dates. The editorials are very rich. We give the following from Harper's Weekly, of Saturday, July 5th, considerably ahead of time:

Before Richmond.

In all human probability the decisive battle of the war will be fought before Richmond before this paper reaches our subscribers. On Friday last, 20th, Gen. McClellan was ready. He had his works complete, and his artillery massed. He was prepared at any moment to open an artillery fire upon the rebels which they could not stand. Every soldier in the army of the Potomac knew well that day that the battle was only a few hours distant.

Most of the correspondents appear calmly confident of the result. The army is in such splendid condition, it is led by a General who inspires such unbounded confidence, it is accompanied by so enormous a force of artillery, and it is so the toughly impressed with belief in its own success that officers, men, and newspaper-writers, all predict a triumph — bloody, it may be, but decisive. We need not say that we most earnestly and prayed fully trust those hopeful presages may be fulfilled.

In the event of success before Richmond, the war on the Atlantic, like the war on the Mississippi, will virtually be over. There will still remain small armies to be dispersed here and there, forts to be taken, guerrillas to be shot. But the critical question of the division of the Union will have been determined.

For there is no section of country south of Virginia and Tennessee in which the rebels can subsist such an army as could hope to resist the Union forces. Davis and Lee, retreating into North Carolina or the Gulf States, with perish in a given period of time from want of animal food, just as Beauregard's army is scattering in Mississippi from the same cause. Before evacuating Corinth, Beauregard contracted for the delivery to his army in Mississippi of 200,000 head of cattle and sheep from the States lying west of the Mississippi. It is in order to transport these cattle across the river that Vicksburg is so resolutely holding out. By this time Fasragut has probably given a good account of that obstinate city, and not another head of cattle will cross the river.

The result will be the same it the rebels should evacuate instead of fighting before Richmond. If they are going to carry on this war they must retain possession of enough grazing country and wheat country to subsist a large army. This involves, as a necessity, a continued and undisturbed rebel occupation of the plains and valleys of Virginia.

Their Generals.

From some of the Northern papers we take sketches of three of the Federal Generals, commencing with the unhappy.

Brigadier-General Silas Casey.

Brigadier-General Silas Casey commanded the advance division at the battle of Fair Oaks. --General Casey was born in Rhode Island about the year 1806; entered West Point in 1822; graduated in 1826, and entered the Seventh infantry; was promoted to First Lieutenant in June, 1836, and Captain in July, 1839. In the Florida war Captain Casey served with distinction under General Worth. He served also throughout the Mexican war, and added still further to his reputation for gallantry. At Contreras and Churubusco be distinguished himself, and received the braver of Major. At the assault on Chapuitepec he led the storming party, and was severely wounded. For this he received the brevet of Lieutenant Colonel. At the outbreak of the rebellion Colonel Casey was one of the first to offer his services to the Government, and obtained command of a brigade in August, 1861. On the reorganization of the army under Gen. McClellan he was appointed to the command of a division in Gen. Heintzelman's corps.

General McClellan's first dispatch, written hastily on the field of battle, did some injustice to General Casey, which has since been repaired by an explanatory dispatch. General Casey's division, though weak, and much reddened by sickness, stood its ground splendidly, as its long record of killed and wounded proves.

Brigadier-General Hooker.

Brigadier-General Joseph Hooker commands a division of the army of the Potomac, and has distinguished himself exceedingly at the battle of Fair Oaks and the other conflicts of the campaign in Virginia.

He was born in Massachusetts, about the year 1817, and is consequently about 45 years of age. --He entered West Point in 1833, and graduated in the artillery in 1837. At the outbreak of the war with Mexico he accompanied Brigadier-General Hamer as aide-de-camp, and was brevetted Captain for gallant conduct in several conflicts at Monterey, in March, 1847, he was appointed Assistant Adjutant General, with the rank of Captain. At the National Bridge he distinguished himself, and was brevetted Major; and at Chapellepec, he again attracted attention by his gallant and meritorious conduct, and was brevetted Lieutenant-Colonel.

At the close of the war with Mexico he withdrew from the service, and soon afterward emigrated to California. The outbreak of the rebellion found him there, and he was one of the first of the old West Pointers who offered his services to the Government. He was one of the first batch of Brigadier-Generals of volunteers appointed by President Lincoln on 17th May, 1861; and was, on his arrival, placed in command of a brigade of the army of the Potomac, and subsequently of a division. From July, 1861. to February, 1862. he was stationed in Southern Maryland, on the north shore of the Potomac, his duty being to prevent the rebels crossing the river, and to amuse them with their river stockade while McClellan was getting his army into trim. This difficult duty he performed admirably.

Maj. Gen. John Pope.

Major-Gen. John Pope is a man about forty years of age, and a native of Kentucky. He is a son of Governor Nathaniel Pope, of Virginia, who went to Kentucky before the birth of John, and, after living in Kentucky a few years removed to Illinois John, the son, entered the West Point Academy in 1838. He graduated in 1842, and was appointed to the army from the State of Illinois, entering the service as a Brevet 3d Lieutenant for gallant and meritorious conduct in several conflicts at Monterey, the brevet bearing date from September .

On the 23d of February, 1847, he was brevetted Captain for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Vista. On the 1st of July, 1862 he took the actual rank of Captain in the corps of Topographical Engineers, and on the 17th of May, 1861, was made a Brigadier-General of volunteers. His brilliant movement in Central Mississippi tended as much as anything to restores place to that State, and his brilliant of New led to the evaluation of that place.

Since its first possession by our troops Gen. has held New Madridgin force.

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McClellan (17)
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