Later from the North.
the first Fruits of the ‘"Nigger"’ in Ohio — the Riot in Cincinnati — Orders of General Pope--Virginia to be laid Waste to supply his army — the recruiting Services — Sensation War meetings, &c., &c.We have received New York papers of the 19th last. The war meetings are being held nightly, but without much success as regards enlistments. The recruiting officers go around to these meetings and, by taking hold of some recruits at fever heat, hurry them off and get them to enlist. The ‘"American eagle"’ of the orators does not soar undisturbed, and the speakers are frequently interrupted by ‘"why don't you go out and fight?"’ and ‘"what are you doing here at home?"’
The white Vs. Black labor Riot in Cincinnati — House Burning.
The scarcity of white labor on the steamboats at Cincinnati has induced the captains to put wages up to $50 and $75 per month. The negroes, however are willing to do the work for $80. To their employment the whites, particularly the Irish, objected, and at an early hour on the morning of the 16th the first of the rioting, resulting from the objection, occurred. The Cincinnati Gazette, of the 17th, says: ‘ About two o'clock yesterday morning we visited the scene, in company with several officers. Larry Hazen, acting Chief of Police, detailed ten or twelve men to proceed round by way of Seventh street, to the corner of Sixth and Culvert; while he, with an equal number of men, went to the spot by the way of Sixth street. The crowd, numbering one or two hundred persons, chiefly boys, were standing on the corner discussing matters, when several pistol shots were heard on Culvert street, and considerable racket occasioned by breaking window glass and furniture. The police then proceeded to the spot, and found that an Irishman named Burke had been shot in the groin and was badly wounded. He was carried to a grocery and medical aid sent for, but we understood he was mortally wounded. ’ Mr. Hazen made every effort to disperse the crowd with what force he had, but before he could accomplish it he had to arrest five or six men whom he sent to the Hammond street station. It appeared to us that most of the trouble was caused by five or six steamboat men and as many Fourth ward rounders, who feared to make much disturbance themselves, but who had succeeded in inducing a large number of boys and young lads to commit the outrages while they stood in the background and urged them on. The ringleaders were aware that the colored people were armed, and they were evidently not disposed to make the attack themselves. About a dozen of the Irishmen were arrested and fined from $5 to $10 each, but this did not quell the disturbances. The Gazette says: ‘ The disturbance of the night previous caused considerable excitement among our citizens yesterday, and the Mayor issued the following notice: ’ "Apprehensions being felt and expressed that the peace of the city will be seriously disturbed, I give notice that I have at my command a large and well armed special police force, and that I am determined, at all hazards, to maintain the laws and keep the peace of the city. There is no occasion for alarm. The difficulty in the Thirteenth Ward last night is greatly magnified. "George Hatch, Mayor."
Several disturbances occurred yesterday on the wharf, which were entirely unprovoked, and shows very forcibly the malignity of the spirit which has animated the perpetrators of the disgraceful series of outrages.
A negro man was walking along Water street in the morning, without doing anything to excite the most irritable mind, when he was suddenly assailed by a whole crowd of these Irish fiends, and compelled to run for his life, barely escaping from their murderous clutches.
An other occurrence of a similar character occurred on Front street, between Sycamore and Broadway. Mr. Baylis, of Ruffin's independent detective office, who was passing by at the time, compelled a policeman who was standing by to arrest the perpetrator of the outrage and he was taken to the Hammond street station house.
In the afternoon an Irishman threw a large boulder at a negro who was passing by on Front street, at the corner of Sycamore.
The negro drew a large horse pistol, and pointing it in the direction of his assailant fired, but without hurting any one, although the ball must have passed very near a gentleman who was riding by in a buggy.
The negro was chased by the crowd some distance up Sycamore street, but succeeded in making his escape.
Later in the afternoon two firemen, employed on the Leonora, were rather seriously injured by these rioters, one being struck on the head by a huge lump of coal, and the other receiving a severe cut in the back from a knife.
Other disturbances are constantly occurring, for particulars of which we cannot find space in our columns; but threats are being continually made that they will clean out every nigger on the wharf, and that they will prevent them from working on any steamboat on the river.
A public meeting was held at the Merchants' Exchange, at which it was resolved to organize a force of 1,000 men, to preserve peace.
A meeting was also held at Greenwood Hall, with the same view, at which the following action was taken:
The Chairman said that the Mayor had received to-day five hundred muskets from the State, together with a large quantity of ammunition, both for musketry and artillery.
Earnest remarks were made by several gentlemen upon the necessity of a home guard organization for the preservation of peace in the city.
Mr. Patterson then moved to enroll the names of all persons willing to march to the Mayor's Office and report themselves ready for service.
We are sorry to remark that not a single response was given to the call.
At this juncture the Winfield Rifles marched into the room to report themselves.
They were armed with muskets and fixed bayonets, and supplied with ten rounds or cartridges (not blank ones) each, which they would willingly have discharged into a crowd of rioters.
Perceiving that no fighting men could be found in that assembly, the Rifles reported themselves to the Mayor, who accepted their services and made arrangements to call upon them if necessary.
On motion, Messrs. Willsee, Kirby, and [Patterson were appointed a committee to appoint a committee in each ward, whose duty it shall be to attend to the enlisting of volunteers to defend the city.
A committee of three from each ward (fifty-one in all) was then appointed, and the following call was issued:
‘"The citizens of the different wards will please meet this evening, July 17, at the usual place of meeting, for the purpose of organizing home guard companies."’
Yesterday evening about seven o'clock flames were discovered issuing from the rear of the Shakespeare House, a small one-story frame shanty fronting on Culvert street, and the flames rapidly spreading soon gained possession of the whole cluster of little houses, consisting altogether of five tenements.
The conflagration was speedily checked, however, by the activity of the Fire Department, company No. 4 being almost immediately on the spot, and being soon joined by several other companies.
Had it not been for the prompt exertions of the firemen, there is no doubt that the Bucktown riots would have permanently ceased, on account of the disappearance of the locality.
A large crowd congregated in the immediate vicinity of the conflagration, and fears were entertained that they might interfere for the purpose of preventing the flames from being extinguished; but the thunder storm, which occurred about the same time, speedily dispersed the whole crowd.
Matters were quiet last evening, and, so far as we could learn, no disturbance occurred.
A large special police force was on duty under Larry Hazen, and we know it was that officer's intention to arrest all who made the least disturbance.
Other arrangements were made to call out additional assistance in case of need, but at midnight last night no apprehensions were felt that the peace would be broken.
We have heard, since writing the above, that the negro deck hands on board the Golden Era and the Izetta were run off by the Irish stevedores previous to the departure of those boats.
Trouble was apprehended on board the Ohio No. 3, but it seems that the alarm was groundless.
From M'Clellan's army — Reinforcements.
There is very little news from McClellan's army, save that it has been reinforced by the division of Gen. Stevens, from South Carolina. It consists of New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Michigan troops, and has two batteries of artillery with it. The old Harrison mansion is still being used as a hospital. The troops are stated to be in good health. Commander Wilkes visited McClellan's army on the 15th for the first time since taking command of the James river squadron.The Enlistment demonstrations.
The ‘"Save-the-Union"’ demonstrations continue. The material to operate on, however, seems scarce. The New York Herald publishes a batch of letters from a heroic New Yorker to Governors of other States, asking permission to recruit in their domains. The Governors addressed reply in the negative. The Governor of Vermont feels ‘"compelled to decline the request."’ The Governor of Pennsylvania says he will need all his men to fill up the Pennsylvania regiments, they having ‘"suffered so severely."’ Most of the Governors adopt the Pennsylvania's reasons. In the West they seem more burliest, and less on the music and speech order — In Illinois about 100 companies have been raised. In Jersey City, on the 18th, a meeting was held, with the usual music and transparencies, which requested the Governor to give $50, in addition to the United States bounty. Mr. Richard Busteed, corporation counsel of New York, who was imported to stir up the people, made a speech. Having rapidly and powerfully sketched the crying evils of this unholy conflict, the speaker asked his bearers what they proposed to do in regard to the rebellion. (A voice, ‘"Fight."’) Your fathers, and your brothers, and your sons, continued Mr. Busteed, are out at this solemn hour of the night marshalled in battle array on the James river to defend your country — not from a foreign invasion, not from an attack by any foreign power, but from an invasion by the very man with whom you have solemnly sworn to protect and defend this country in every, even to the last, extremity. (Cheers and cries of ‘"Not every nigger."’) Yes, sir, every negro, as you would protect every person who was weaker than you, and who required you to do so. (Here some confusion occurred, and a voice cried out that no negro worshippers were wanted, while another asked Mr. Busteed why he did not go out and fight himself.) Mr. Busteed continued: Whenever I go into the conflict, you may depend that I will do so with honor and determination. (Cheers) If I could substitute every rib in my body for an arm or a hand I would not have a bone in my carcass. (Cheers.) I am sick to death of listening to this squeamish and hypocritical sentimentality which refuses to use the means which God and nature have placed in the hands of the American nation in order to save this great land. Is a negro better than a white man? Is his blood any better than runs? (Several voices. ‘"Yes in the South."’) No, no. Is not this country in danger? Why should we not allow the negro to fight when be enjoys as much liberty here as you do and I do? (Cries of ‘"Why don't you make them, then?"’ ‘"Why don't they go? "’) Mr. Busteed continued to say that the negro was the cause of this whole trouble, and wound up his speech by an appeal to every able-bodied man to join the ranks of our army. The following telegrams show what efforts are being made to bring the people to the sticking point: Troy, July 19--12:15 A. M.-- An immense war meeting was held here last night in Court-House Square, to strengthen the hands of the President, and to raise money and men in the 17th Senatorial district, composed of Rensselaer and Washington counties. The masses were unanimous in this regard, and were addressed by Judge Gould, of the Supreme Court; Hon. Chas. Hughes, ex-member of Congress; Hon. D. L. Seymour, ex-member of Congress; Hon. G. R. Van Santvoord, ex-Senator, Thos. B. Carroll, Alderman McManus, Hon. Charles R. Ingalls, Rev. Duncan Kennedy, President of Lewis University of Troy, and others. Resolutions were passed, and a liberal bounty was resolved upon. The meeting adjourned amid the utmost enthusiasm. Two regiments from Rensselaer and Washington counties may be rolled upon within 30 days. Bangor, Me., July 17, 1862.--A grand patriotic meeting was held here this evening in aid of enlistments for the late requisition of troops by the general Government. The enrolled militia of this city and neighboring towns, numbering one thousand, marched in procession, with six bands of music. The hall was crowded at an early hour. The immense mass of people caused the breaking down of a portion of the approach to the hall, and some hundreds of people were precipitated some fifteen feet below on to the sidewalk; but fortunately there were no lives lost. The meeting then adjourned to the area in front of the Bangor House, where Vice-President Hamlia, General Howard, Hon, S. H Blake, W. H. McCrillis and others delivered addresses. Resolutions were adopted pledging the people of the Penobscot valley to sustain the Government with their full quota of troops, and calling upon the Administration to prosecute the war with vigor and with all the means and all the men, of whatever color, they can command. Pittsburg, Pa, July 18.--A large and enthusiastic meeting was held to day to make arrangements for a grand mass meeting to prepare a plan for raising the quota of Allegnany county, under the President's call for volunteers. Among the resolutions, which were loyal and patriotic, was one indicating one of the objects of the mass meeting to be to inquire into the dissatisfaction alleged to exist in regard to the mode adopted by the State Government to raise the new quota, and to take all landable steps to allay the same by memorial or otherwise.Gen. Pope's army — Virginia to be laid Waste.
The Northern papers contain advices from Pope's army to the 18th. The ladies of Warrenton. Va. it is stated, treat the Yankees with ‘"dignified politeness."’ It was the impression that Jackson was in Staunton preparing for a ‘"raid."’ Gen. Hatch's command was at Rapidan station, 74 miles from Washington. The following are the orders recently issued by Gen. Pope:General order, no. 5.
Headq'rs army of Virginia,
Washington, July 18, 1862.
Hereafter, as far as practicable, the troops of this command will subsist upon the country in which their operations are carried on. In all cases supplies for this purpose will be taken by the officers to whose department they property belong, under the orders of the commanding officers of the troops for whose use they are intended.
Vouchers will be given to the owners, stating on their face that they will be payable at the conclusion of the war, upon sufficient test many being furnished that such owners have been loyal citizens of the United States since the date of the vouchers.
Whenever it is known that supplies can be furnished in any district of the country where the troops are to operate, the use of trains for carrying subsistence will be dispensed with as far as possible.
General order, no. 6.
Headq'rs department of Virginia,
Washington,July 18, 1862.
Hereafter, in any operations of the cavalry forces in this command, no supply or baggage trains of any description will be used, unless so stated specially in the order for the movement.
Two days cooked rations will be carried on the persons of the men, and all villages or neighborhoods through which they pass will be laid under contribution in the manner specified by general order No. 5, current series from these headquarters, for the subsistence of men and horses.
Movements of cavalry must always be made with celerity, and no delay in such movements will be excused hereafter on any pretext.
Whenever the order for the movement of any portion of this army emanates from these headquarters, the time of marching, and that to be consumed in the execution of the duty, will be expressly designated and no departure therefrom will be permitted to pass unnoticed, without the gravest and most conclusive reasons.
Commanding officers will be held responsible for strict and prompt compliance with every provision of this order.
General order, no. 7.
Headq'rs army of Virginia,
Washington, July 18, 1862.
The people of the Valley of the Shenandoah and throughout the region of operations of this army, living along the lines of railroad and telegraph and along the routes of travel in the rear of the United States forces, are notified that they will be held responsible for any injury done the track, line, or road, or for any attacks upon trains or straggling soldiers, by bands of guerrillas in their neighborhood.
No privileges or immunities of war can apply to lawless bands of individuals, not forming part of the organized forces of the enemy, nor wearing the garb of soldiers, who, seeking and obtaining safety on the pretext of being peaceful citizens, steal out in the rear of the army, attack and murder straggling soldiers, molest trains of supplies, destroy railroads, telegraph lines, and bridges, and commit outrages disgraceful to civilized people and revolting to humanity.
Evil-disposed persons in the rear of our armies, who do not themselves engage directly in these lawless acts, encourage them by refusing to interfere, or to give any information by which such acts can be prevented or the perpetrators punished.--Safety of the life and property of all persons living in the rear of our advancing army depend upon the maintenance of peace and quiet among themselves and upon the unmolested movements through their midst of all pertaining to the military service.
They are understood distinctly that the security of travel is their only warrant of personal safety.
It is, therefore, ordered that whenever a railroad, wagon road, or telegraph, is injured by parties of guerrillas, the citizens living within five miles of the spot shall be turned out en masse to repair the damage, and shall, beside, pay to the United States, in money or in property, to be levied by military force, the full amount of the pay and subsistence of the whole force necessary to coerce the performance of the work during the time occupied in completing it.
If a soldier or legitimate follower of the army be fired upon from any house, the house shall be razed to the ground, and the inhabitants sent prisoners to the headquarters of this army.
If such an outrage occur at any place distant from settlements, the people within five miles around shall be held accountable, and made to pay an indemnity sufficient for the case.
Any persons detected in such outrages, either during the act or at any time afterward, shall be shot without waiting civil process.
No such acts can influence the result of this war, and they can only lead to heavy affliction to the population to no purpose.
It is therefore enjoined upon all persons, both for the security of their property and the safety of their own persons, that they act vigorously and cordially together to prevent the perpetration of such outrages.
Whilst it is the wish of the General commanding this army that all peaceably disposed persons who remain at their homes and pursue their accustomed avocations shall be subjected to no improper burthen of war, yet their own safety must of necessity depend upon the strict preservation of peace and order among themselves.
And they are to understand that nothing will deter him from enforcing promptly and to the full extent every provision of this order. By command of Major-General Pope.
Geo. D. Ruggles, Colonel, Assistant Adjutant
General, and Chief of Staff.
Geo. D. Ruggles, Colonel, Assistant Adjutant
General, and Chief of Staff.
The Interview between the Border State representatives and Lincoln — old Abe Appeals under a pressure — the result.
On Saturday, the 12th instant, the representatives of the ‘"Border"’ States assembled, by invitation, at the Presidential mansion in Washington, and were addressed by Lincoln ‘"from a paper which he held in his hand."’ He commenced by sadly reproaching them for not voting for the gradual emancipation resolution sent to Congress in March. He then urged emancipation on them, and said: ‘ If the war continues long, as it must if the object be not sooner attained, the institution in your States will be extinguished by mere friction and abrasion — by the mere incidents of the war. It will be gone, and you will have nothing valuable in lieu of it. Much of its value is gone already.--How much better for you and for your people to take the step which at once shortens the war, and secures substantial compensation for that which is sure to be wholly lost in any other event! How much better to thus save the money which else we sink forever in the war. How much better to do it while we can, lost the war ere long render us pecuniarily unable to do it. How much better for you, as seller, and the nation, as buyer, to sell out and buy out that without which the war could never have been, than to sink both the thing to be sold and the price of it in cutting one another's throats! I do not speak of emancipation at once, but of a decision at once to emancipate gradually. Room in South America for colonization can be obtained cheaply and in abundance, and when numbers shall be large enough to be company and encouragement for one another, the freed people will not be so reluctant to go. ’ He then alluded to his disagreement with Gen. Hunter's proclamation, and the ‘"powerful party that supported it,"’ and added: ‘ Yet, in repudiating it, I gave dissatisfaction, if not offence, to many whose support the country cannot afford to lose. And this is not the end of it. The pressure in this direction is still upon me, and is increasing. By conceding what I now ask, you can relieve me, and, much more, can relieve the country in this important point. ’ He then advised them to go home and deliberate on his request, which they did, and a few days after the conclusion of the majority was made public. They are sensitive about interfering with an institution peculiarly under the control of the States, and then they are appalled by the sum to be paid for the slaves, which would be $1,200,000,000, even at $300 per head, the compensation contained in the emancipation act for the District of Columbia. They are alarmed at his sentence about the Hunter proclamation, and say: ‘ We will not allow ourselves to think that the proposition is, that we consent to give up slavery, to the end that the Hunter proclamation may be let loose on the Southern people, for it is too well known that we would not be parties to any such measure, and we have too much respect for you to imagine you would propose it. Can it mean that by sacrificing our interest in slavery we appease the spirit that controls that pressure, cause it to be withdrawn, and rid the country of the pestilent agitation of the slavery question? We are forbidden so to think, for that spirit would not be satisfied with the liberation of 700, 000 slaves, and cease its agitation, while three million remain in bondage. Can it mean that by abandoning slavery in our States we are removing the pressure from you and the country, by preparing for a separation on the line of the cotton States! We are forbidden so to think, because it is known that we are, and we believe that you are, unalterably opposed to any division at all. We would prefer to think that you desire this concession as a pledge of our support, and thus enable you to withstand a pressure which weighs heavily on you and the country. Mr. President, no such sacrifice is necessary to secure our support. ’ They announce their willingness to leave it to a vote of the people in their respective States, but say: ‘ Before they ought to consider the proposition, it should be presented in such a tangible, practical, efficient shape as to command their confidence that its fruits are contingent only upon their acceptance. We cannot trust anything to the contingencies of future legislation. If Congress, by proper and necessary legislation, shall provide sufficient funds and place them at your disposal, to be applied by you to the payment of any of our States, or the citizens thereof, who shall adopt the abolishment of slavery, either gradual or immediate, as they may determine, and expanse of deportation and colonization of the liberated slaves, then will our States and people take this proposition into careful consideration, for such decision as in their judgment is demanded by their interests, their honor, and their duty to the whole country. We have the honor to be, with great respect. C. A. Wickliffe, Chairman; Garrett Davis, R. Wilson. J. J. Crittenden, John S. Carlile, J. W. Crisfield. J. S. Jackson, H. Grider. John S. Phelps. Francis Thomas, Charles B. Calvert. C. L. L. Leary, Edwin H. Webster, R. Mallory, Aaron Harding, James S. Rollins, J. W. Menzies, Thos. L. Price. G. W. Dunlop. Wm. A. Hall. The minority of the body fall still more abjectly at the foot of the gorilla. They promise to urge his measure in their States. Their response concludes thus. Few of us though there may be, we will permit no man from the North or from the South to go further than we in the accomplishment of the great work before us. We, in order to carry out these views, will, so far as may be in our power, ask the people of the border States calmly, deliberately and fairly to consider your recommendation. We are the more emboldened to assume this position from the fact, now become history, that the leaders of the Southern rebellion have offered to abolish slavery among them as a condition to foreign intervention in favor of their independence as a nation. If they can give up slavery to destroy the Union, we can surely ask our people to consider a question of emancipation to save the Union. With great respect, your ob't servants. John W. Noell, Samuel Y. Casey, Geo. P. Fisher, A. J. Clements, Wm. G. Brown, Jacob B. Blair, W. T. Willey. ’Closing Scenes of the Yankee Congress.
The Yankee Congress closed its session on the night of the 17th. The two bills passed that evening — that suppressing shinplasters and the confiscation act — were, according to letter writers, ‘"hustled through with the usual disregard of order, attention, or concern."’ An account of the adjournment says: ‘ Not more than one-third of the representatives attended to the reading of the President's sanction of the confiscation act, as modified, and scarcely ten members kept their seats during the reading of the veto, as proposed and afterwards withdrawn. Such conduct might be denominated reprehensible by a novice, but in reality all proceedings in the House are conducted with the same absence of decorum and dignity. Doubtless the listless, indeed noisy, manner in which the proposed veto was received, took its rise from the disaffection of the radicals, who do not conceal their dislike of the President's moderate course. His action in this case has been far from pleasing to them, and the tone of the veto amounted to a signal reproof of the insane system of legislation that they have enforced. ’ The differences between the radicals and the President widen every day. At the same time, he receives for the loss of their confidence the respect and devotion of all conservative and national citizens. ‘"He was loth,"’ said one member, in the middle of a group of Congressmen, ‘"to see his composition neglected and has had it brought here to receive our eulogiums."’ ‘"Whoever heard,"’ said another, ‘"of the reading of a veto that was not a veto, or the production of a document the necessity for which had passed away?"’ A large body of the radicals adjourned during this stage of the proceedings to a cosy and convenient refreshment room, situated within a secret recess of the Capitol, and satisfied at once their disappointment and their thirst. The House, indeed, presented a sorry spectacle. Many members were not present. The ladies' and gentlemen's galleries were almost deserted, and the diplomatic gallery was quite empty. All seemed to be cognizant of the general course of legislation, and there was nothing at hand startling, exciting or impressive. The body parted as if for a night, without the formula of a farewell or if prayer.--The storied men, whose names engross the legislative annals of the rebellion, were as indifferent as of yore — Lovejoy, Ely, Stevens and the rest, pacing up and down before the Clerk's desk, or throwing themselves into picturesque attitudes at their seats, smiling, nodding, and gossiping. Far back sat Crittenden, in the ripeness of an honored age, once rising to change his vote, and then subsiding into silence; while Wickliffe, occupying a like remote postion, scanned the attitude of things quietly, as if brooding upon the great changes which the recess might make upon the character of his State and the fortunes of the nation. The keen and capable Speaker, Mr. Grow, was prompt as ever at determining the parliamentary position of things, and the reading clerk went on in his usual mechanical vein at the calling of names and the uttering of sections and motions. That was the word for the whole body, and, like the going out of the hall of a great congregation of hissing, flitting files, the Thirty- seventh Congress locked up its desks and closed its occupation. Many will thank God that it concluded to go home without effecting, what some of its members seem to have been urging, the ruin of the whole country. The Senate sat in secret session, confirming and rejecting nominations, and the doors were besieged by many applicants and nominees, who had feverish faces and a general appearance of dissatisfaction. The last Senator to remain in his place after adjournment, was Sumner, of Massachusetts, who sat writing until the great hall was quite empty. Another session will find, at least in part, a more patriotic, rational, and politic Congress; but in the recess grave matters may be enacted that will change the policy, perhaps the very principles, of the realm. Among the last acts signed by the President was the one authorizing the issue of postage and other Government stamps as currency, and prohibiting banks and other corporations from issuing notes below the denomination of one dollar for circulation. The President and members of the Cabinet occupied the Vice-President's room at the Capitol while attending to the public business.Gen. Halleck to be Commander-in-chief.
Gen. Halleck has left the West for Washington. Telegrams from that city say he is to be the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and military adviser of the President. He will remain in Washington and McClellan and Pope will retain their respective commands. A telegram from Corinth, dated July 16th says: ‘ Gen. Halleck has just issued a special field order, saying that, in giving up the immediate command of the troops constituting the army of the Southwest, he desires to express his high appreciation of the endurance, behavior and soldierly conduct which they have exhibited, and to express to the commanders of the army corps and their subordinates his warmest thanks for their cordial co-operation. He says the soldiers have nobly done their duty, and accomplished much towards crushing this wicked rebellion, and that if they continue to exhibit the same vigilance, courage and perseverance, it is believed they will soon bring the war to a close. ’Capture of Cynthiana by Morgan — surrender of the Federal troops.
The New York Herald, of the 19th, contains the following account of another Federal disaster: Cincinnati, July 18--A man who came into Boyd's, on the Kentucky Central Railroad, this morning, reports that the town of Cynthiana. Ky., sixty-six miles from here, surrendered at 5 o'clock yesterday, after half an hour's fight. He saw Morgan and shook hands with him. Morgan's men number about 2,500. A soldier, who also came into Boyd's, says Morgan's men fired two rounds after the surrender. --Capt. Arthur's company, from Newport, Ky., were all killed or taken prisoners. The excitement at Newport and Covington is very high and increasing, and the citizens are organizing rapidly for defence. The Provost Marshal of Newport arrests all rebel sympathizers to-day. Louisville, July 18--The train has arrived from Lexington this evening. The railroad and telegraph have been repaired. Morgan's loss at Cynthiana greatly exceeded ours. Although most of Lieut. Col. Landrum's men were captured, he and thirty of his men have arrived at Lexington.Rebel invasion of Indiana.
Cincinnati, July 18
--Indianapolis dispatches to the Executive Department say that Henderson, Kentucky, and Newberg, Indiana, have been taken by the rebels.
At the latter place one Unionist was killed and two hundred and fifty sick soldiers taken prisoners.
The rebels also took two hundred and fifty stand of arms.
Wm. H. Aspinwall, of New York, has presented his check for $25,290 to the U. S. Government, that being his share of the profits on purchasing arms from Europe. Gen. Vicle, Military Governor of Norfolk, Va., is on a visit to West Point, N. Y. The U. S. postage stamps, to be issued as a ‘"circulating medium,"’ are as follows:--The five cent are chocolate color, with the head of Jefferson; the ten cent green, with the head of Washington; the twelve cent black, with like head; the twenty-four lilac, with same head; the thirty yellow, with head of Franklin; the ninety blue, with portrait of Washington as a young General. The stamps differ from the old ones in the fact that the figures are in the upper corners. One hundred and seventy-five witnesses have been examined by the Committee on the Conduct of the War. The testimony is very voluminous, and it is estimated will cover eighteen hundred pages. Ed. Hughes, Aid to Gen. Boyle, U. S. A., who distinguished himself at Shiloh, committed suicide at Louisville, Ky, on the 17th inst. The Republican State Convention of Pennsylvania, after endorsing Lincoln's Administration, nominated Thomas E. Cochrane for Auditor General and Wm. S. Ross for Surveyor-General. Rigl Reverend Andrew Byrne, Catholic Bishop of Arkansas, died at Little Rock on the 10th of June last. He was well known in New York, having been pastor of St. James's Church, James street. A National Exhibition of Angle-African Industry and Art is to be held in New York city in the early part of the ensuing fall. The directors of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company are preparing new iron bridges in place of the wooden ones destroyed (about twenty in number) by the rebels, in June, 1861. The large bridge at Harper's Ferry is nearly completed. An effort is being made in Philadelphia to raise $100,000 by voluntary subscriptions among the merchants, for the purpose of putting ten new regiments into the field from that city without delay. The design is to have one hundred subscribers, each of whom will give $1,000 towards this fund. Many have already responded.Financial.
New York, July 18.
--Money is much more abundant to-day; no loans are being made above five percent. The money which was withdrawn from the street for the July dividends, and which was kept idle in consequence of the check at Richmond, is finding its way back into its old channels.
Certificates of indebtedness are quoted at 98; green back Treasury notes, 108a108¼.
Gold advanced this morning from 119 at the opening to 119¼ by midday.
After sales at this price, it then fell back to 119¼, 119 118¾, and finally closed 118½ bid. Bills on London opened at 130½, rose to 131½, and were last quoted 130¼a131, there being in many instances a very wide difference between the views of buyers and sellers.
The importation of dry goods for the week is over a million, nearly $200,000 of which are silks.
The new tariff will have the effect of reducing our imports of dry goods very materially, though persons engaged in the trade still believe that many important and expensive classes of goods will continue to come here as usual.
They are slow to believe that American manufacturers can compete with their rivals across the water, even with the duty.
The stock market was erratic and irregular, but generally lower, to-day.
There is not much active speculation going on, and no general rule governs the course of prices.
At the first board to-day the feature was the decline in Governments.
The sixes of 1881 fell ½@ ½, 730 notes ½, and the fives of 18741½.
Considering that we had no bad news in the morning papers, this decline was a matter of surprise.
It affected the general market to some extent.
Tennessee fell ½, Missouri ½, Michigan Central ¾, Southern old ¾, Illinois Central ½, Toledo ½.
On the other hand, Pacific had advanced ¾, N. Y. Central ¼, Erie ¼.
After the board, vague rumors of changes in the army began to circulate, and under the influence United States 6's sold down to 98; New York Central to 90¼. After a time it began to be understood that the appointment of General Hallock to the general command of the armies might be a guarantee for increased and not diminished vigor and efficiency in the conduct of the war, and the tone of the market improved.
At the second board, however, the market was very dull and the course of prices downward.
United States Treasury notes (7.30) fell to 101a101½.
The market closed weak, the following being the last quotations: United States 6's registered, 1881, 98a98¾ do. 6's, coupon, 1881, 981/8a98¼ do. 5's, 1874, 85a85¼; Treasury notes, 310 per cent., 101a101½; Tennessee 6's, 49¾a50; Virginia 6's, 51a54; North Carolina 6's 65a68; Missouri 6's, 46¼a46¾;American gold, 118½a 118¾.
The business of the Sub-Treasury was as follows to-day:
Receipts | $2,506,885.34 |
--for customs | 292,000.00 |
Payments | 1,288,531.50 |
Balance | 7,811,680,77 |
June, 62. | June, '61. | Increase. | Decrease. | |
Capital | $69,125,660 | 69,650,605 | 524,945 | |
Net pr'frs. | 8,647,615 | 8,328,802 | 318,843 | |
Circulation | 8,962,284 | 8,297,715 | 661,568 | |
Due b'uks. | 44,848,803 | 25,006,717 | 16,842,608 | |
Deposits | 112,195,094 | 77,158,416 | 35,036,678 | |
Due others. | 2,242,666 | 901,671 | 1,340,395 | |
Total | $243,021,549 | 189,345,926 | 53,677,623 | |
Loans | $118,540,094 | 105,322,353 | 12,717,741 | |
Stocks | 42,568,120 | 17,851,260 | 24,716,860 | |
B'de & mtgs | 564,227 | 612,578 | 21,5 | |
Real estate | 6,759,954 | 6,430,873 | 319,081 | |
Due by b'ks | 3,915,897 | 5,350,018 | 1,434,121 | |
Cash items | 49,095,670 | 13,205,923 | 28,889,748 | |
Specie | 30,496,556 | 39,972,361 | 9,565,305 | |
Overdraits. | 71,031 | 58,461 | 12,570 | |
Total. | $243,021,542 | 189,343,926 | 48,677,623 |