Later from the North.
the movements of Morgan in Kentucky.
later from New Orleans — more political Arrests--Yankee news from Pope's army--‘"Occupation"’ of Charlottesville, &c., &c.,From Northern papers to July 22d, we make up the following summary of news:
Proclamation of Gov. Pierpoint to the people of Virginia.
The large area of territory won by the arms of the nation requiring numerous garrisons to hold the military positions thereof; the casualties incident to war, together with the threatened interference of two or three of the great Powers of Europe to destroy our greatness and diminish our power, have caused the President of the United States to call for 300,000 men, to secure the nation's integrity and, if needs be, to punish properly the impermanent Intermeddling with our national affairs. Of this number, the State of Virginia has been called upon to furnish 2,000 men, as her proportion, for the term of three years or during the war. To aid and assist in the work of furnishing the States quotes, I desire all the Senators and members of the House of Delegates to act as agents in procuring volunteers in their respective districts and counties, that they associate with themselves discreet persons in each magisterial district in their several counties as recruiting committees; that they recommend active, intelligent, and brave men to be commissioned as second Lieutenants of the companies raised therein; and that they exercise their discretion as to the most effective means of obtaining volunteers, by holding public meetings and otherwise. Volunteers from the counties east of the Chesapeake bay, and south of the Rappahannock river, and cast of the Blue Ridge, will rendezvous at Norfolk, and from the residue of counties east of the Blue Ridge at Alexandria. Those from the Valley district will rendezvous at Martinsburg; and those from the Wheeling Congressional district, (except the county of Pleasants) at Wheeling and Grafton. Those furnished by the residue of the counties of the State will rendezvous at Charleston, Guyandotte, Parkersburg, and Clarksburg, as may be most convenient. A premium of $2 will be paid for each accepted volunteer, and upon his acceptance by the regimental surgeon $25, (part of the $100 bounty,) and $13, (one month's pay,) will be advanced, thus enabling the volunteer to leave $38 with his family or friends, should be desire to do so. Loyal men of Virginia! although internecine war has devastated our lands, brought grief to our homes and sadness to our hearts, yet I do not doubt that you will voluntarily respond to this call, and fly to assist your brave brethren in this last struggle for home, country, and constitutional freedom, and secure forever, to ourselves and to our children, the priceless legacy bequeathed us by our fathers. Your sister States are nobly responding by voluntary enlistment. Let it not be said that it was left for Virginia to furnish her quota by resorting to a draft.Yankee account of the Arkansas.
Cairo, July 21
--The dispatch boat, which arrived at Memphis on Saturday, brings the following: ‘
The reported escape of the rebel plated battery Arkansas is correct.
The affair took place on the morning of the 15th.
That morning, in consequence of reports brought by refugees that the Arkansas was about to attempt to run by the Union fleet, the gunboats Carondelet and Tyler and ram Lancaster started up the Yazoo to reconnoitre.--When eight miles from the month they came suddenly upon the Arkansas, lying under the bank.
As our boats rounded the bend she opened upon them with sixty-eight-pounders.
Our gunboats returned the fire, and for a short time a fierce engagement ensued.
Finding that the channel of the river prevented successful manœueving, they gradually dropped downward toward the mouth.
The Arkansas followed closely.
Just as the latter was passing over the bar, the Carondelet: closed with her, intending to board.
She succeeded in throwing a grapple aboard and getting out a plank, when the Arkansas opened her steam pipe, throwing hot water across the plank.
The Carondelet replied in the same manner.
While thus engaged both vessels grounded, and the shock separated them.
The Arkansas succeeded in getting off, and the Carondelet remained faster nearly an hour.
The Arkansas immediately passed down the river, the Taylor proceeding her, and maintaining a running fight with her greatly superior adversary.
None of our gunboats with the fleet had steam up, and the entire fleet was so scattered that few could fire at the Arkansas as she passed without danger of hitting our own boats.
As she approached, such boats as could safely do so opened upon her, but her plating resisted most of the shots.
A solid shot from Farragut's gunboat No. 6 struck her larboard bow, passing through and under her plating, ripping it off for a considerable distance.
What further damage was done is not ascertained.
The injuries to our fleet are light.
The Benton received a shot near the edge of the after part of the larboard sid, killing one man. The Tyler, which engaged the Arkansas nearly an hour and a half, had seven killed and nine wounded. Among the latter were the pilots Messrs. Sebastian and Hiner, and Engineer Davis.
The ram Lancaster received a shot under her boilers, causing an escape of hot water, scalding six men, three of them fatally.
The entire Union loss is twelve killed and fifteen wounded, five or six of whom will die. The rebel loss is not known, but believed to be considerable, as the hot water streams of the Carondelet, at the time they attempted to board, were thrown directly into her. ’
From Gen. Pope's army — Occupation of Charlottesville — important rebel communication cut off.
Washington July 20.
--We have advices from Warrenton up to this evening.
The news that Gen. Hatch had reached Charlottesville, and cut off the most important source of rebel supplies, is the subject of great rejoicing in the army.
These bold movements, and the recent warlike orders of Gen. Pope, begin to inspire something like admiration for him among the soldiers, who have not, as yet, seen the face of their new commander.
The rapid movements of Gen. Pope confuse the leading rebels in Warrenton.
Some of them swear, and are ready to bet, that Gen. Hatch has not been near Gordonsville, much less Charlottesville.
Their bets are freely taken by our soldiers.
In obedience to the spirit as well as the temper of Gen. Pope's instructions, the rich and aristocratic rebels of Warrenton have already been placed under contribution for the support of the National army.
The leading families, the Extra Billy Smiths, the Tylers and the Shacklefords have received notice that all their spare mattresses and bed clothing will be required for our sick and wounded soldiers, and that all the unoccupied rooms in their mansions, and, if necessary, the entire buildings, will be used as hospitals.
Col. Meyers, of McDowell's staff, to-day took possession of Dr. Bacon's large female seminary.
Dr. Bacon strongly protested against its use by the army, but Col. Meyers told him he must not expect to enjoy secession and all the other luxuries of the season at the same time.
Our sick and wounded soldiers now occupy the rooms but a few weeks since graced by the fair F. F. V. rebels.
The Episcopal, Presbyterian, Baptist and Methodist Churches have also been taken for the use of the army.
The large hotel at Warrenton Springs, and the adjoining cottages, are being fitted up for hospitals.
Two thousand sick can easily be accommodated.
The grounds and springs surrounding the hotels and cottages are said to be finer than any watering place in the whole country, and all the leading physicians in the army of Gen. Pope are of the opinion that not one half so many deaths will occur here as in the hospitals at Washington.
Drs. Magruder, Moseley and Banks have immediate charge of the sick at this point, and are unremitting in their attentions to them.
A courier, with dispatches from Gen. Hatch to Gen. Banks, was drowned in attempting to cross the Rappahannock last Friday night. The Rapidan and Rappahannock have fallen so that our supply trains now have no difficulty in crossing them.
The telegraphic lines were completed to Sperryville to-day.
Gen. Pope now has telegraphic communication with his three army corps.
Warrenton, Va.July 20--A cavalry Captain from Gen. Hatch's command arrived here to-day.
The same officer brought five prisoners of the 2d Virginia Cavalry, captured by Gen. Hatch, at Madison.
Col. Miller, of the Virginia militia, was also taken prisoner, but has not yet arrived.
President Davis's demand for Recognition.
As regards the sensation report of one of your contemporaries, to the effect that Jeff. Davis has sent a special messenger to France and England, who carries in his portmanteau letters from the French and English Consuls, to prove the ability of the Southern Confederacy to maintain itself, it may be stated positively that if any such missionary has gone, he did not carry any vouchers from the French Consul, at least, and probably none from the English Consul. The story probably has no other foundation than the recent arrival of a messenger to the French Minister from the French Consul at Richmond, and from the intrinsic probability that Jeff. Davis would seize the opportunity afforded by the recent bubble on the Chickahominy, which the rebels persist in accounting victories, for them to try diplomacy in Europe again. Upon the same excellent authority, on which we made the statement that the rebel army at Richmond before the battle week was, according to the official rolls in the rebel War Department, not more than 91,000 strong, and that its loss in the course of the fighting was 35,000, we are enabled to say that the muster roll shows the whole strength of the rebel forces throughout the length and breath of rebellion from Richmond to Texas to be not more than 300,000 men. Before General McClellan's change of base, gold was worth 100 per cent, more than silver at Richmond, and United States Treasury notes from 40 to 50 per cent. Since the battle week, shinplasters have risen 20 per cent.Communication between Fredericksburg and Richmond.
A letter mail is carried daily each way, and Richmond newspapers are received usually on the day of their issue. The Rebel women in the city are intimate with our officers, and derive much valuable information from them, which they faithfully forward to Richmond. The observations of residents in Fredericksburg and the language of intercepted letters, agree with respect to these general facts. At Winchester the same disgraceful intimacy between the women of that place and bearers of shoulder straps exists, and not a few valuable secrets are obtained by the Rebels through this agency.From New Orleans — another arrest of a female — great excitement.
On the morning of the 5th, Commander Heweff of her Britannic Majesty's sloop-of-war Rinaldo called upon Gen. Butler, and stated that he had been instructed by Lord Lyons to recognize Mr. Geo. Coppell as Acting British Consul, and expressed the wish that Gen. Butler would now withdraw his objections to recognizing him as such Gen. Butler stated that he could not recognize him until such time as Mr. Coppell withdrew a letter in which he characterized the oath — prescribed for aliens — as imposing upon them the office of spies. Mr. Coppell apologized handsomely by letter, saying he did not intend to insult the General, and now the British Lion and the American Eagle lie down together in perfect harmony. If there be one man in New Orleans who, more than all other men, deserves well of his country, that man is John McGinnis, editor and proprietor of The True Delta. He has been faithful among the faithless, and was bold and manly in a time of danger. We commend him to the President of the United States, to Secretary Seward, and to Major Gen. Butler. He has done more for the cause of freedom and American nationality than all the other newspaper editors in the State of Louisiana. We trust that President Lincoln will, in some signal way, evince his appreciation of the pluck of this brave editor. Long may The True Delta live. ‘"Red Bill,"’ the terror of New Orleans, was captured on the night of the 7th inst., at Lake Salvador, about twelve miles from Carrolton, by Lieut. Duane and officer May of the Fourth District Police, assisted by Lieut. Finnegas, of the Union Army. He is known to have committed several murders, and is now charged with drowning a German for cheering the Stars and Stripes on their appearance before the city. Three guerrillas were caught at Baton Rouge on the 8th inst., and conveyed to New Orleans. As a result of continuous, day after day reports of National defeats before Richmond, St. Charles street, near the hotel, (through the machinations of the encouraged rebels,) was yesterday the scene of violence and threatening trouble. A young woman, dressed in white and of handsome personal appearance, about 10 o'clock passed by the hotel, wearing a Secession badge. She finally insulted one of our soldiers, and was arrested by a policeman, who attempted to take her to the Mayor's office. As a matter of course, there was instantly a scene of confusion, as she had selected the time when she would find the most obnoxious Secessionists parading the vicinity. Upon reaching the building next to the Bank of Orleans she theatrically appealed to the crowd for protection, and the next moment the policeman was knocked down, and a shot was fired out of the store, that wounded the soldier assisting the civil officer. Thereupon a hundred persons, returned soldiers of Beauregard's army, by concerted agreement no doubt, cried murder, and one of the National officers at the same moment fired at the assassin who wounded the soldier. In the confusion the would be murderers escaped, but the woman, together with some of her most prominent sympathizers, were conveyed before Gen. Shepley, at the City Hall. Upon being brought into the presence of General Shepley, she commenced the utterance of threats and abuse, and further took out of her bosom innumerable bits of paper, on which were written insulting epithets, addressed to the United States authorities, and one by one thrust them into General Shepley's hand. After some few questions she was put in a carriage and conveyed to General Butler's headquarters, where she was recognized as the mistress of a gambler and murderer, now, by General Butler's orders, confined at Fort Jackson, but nominally passing as the wife of one John H. Larue.--The result of the examination was as follows:Headq'rs Department of the Gulf,
New Orleans July 10, 1862
Special Order No. 179,--John H. Larne, being by his own confession a vagrant, a person without visible means of support, and one who gets his living by playing cards, is committed to the Parish.
Prison till further orders.
Anna Larue, his wife, having been found in the public streets, wearing a Confederate flag upon her person, in order to incite to riot, which act has already resulted in a breach of the peace and danger to the life of a soldier of the United States, is sent to Ship Island till further orders.
She is to be kept separate and apart from the other women confined there.
I understand that Provost Marshal French has issued the most stringent orders to the police, that they must find the man who attempted to murder the national soldier. Fortunately, the person occupying the store into which the scoundrel ran was, beyond question, innocent of any complicity with the affair, or his building would have been by the military authorities leveled to the ground. I hope that Lord John Russell, and other gallant English sympathizers with the lewd women of New Orleans, will at once dispatch a protest to Mr. Seward for his harsh treatment of Anna Larue.
From Pensacola, Florida--arrest of a young Lady.
The steamer General Meigs plied regularly between Pensacola and Fort Pickens, with stores. --At Pensacola there was much suffering in consequence of the scarcity of provisions, which command exorbitant prices from butlers. No supplies come from the interior. There were but few Union families in the city, which still presents the scenes of devastation and ruin which the torch of the rebels created during their evacuation. But few stores were open, and the business transacted was of a very trifling character. Many persons from the interior, whose loyalty was said to be questionable, were permitted to visit the city on Union passes from the interior. This practice still continues, and it is reported that the rebels, by this means, are often advised of the movements of General Arnold, and are thus prepared to counteract them. The continuous treachery of the rebel pickets to our own, about five or ten miles from Pensacola, has created the impression among the Union residents that the practice of issuing passes should be abolished, as some of the Secession pickets have been recognized as recent visitors to the city. Shortly before the steamer left a circumstance occurred which created considerable discussion and excitement among our troops and the civic population of Pensacola. A beautiful young lady, the daughter of the proprietor of an establishment called the Florida, had attracted the attention of the Union officers, who appeared so charmed with her accomplishments that they forgot the thrift and experience of military life. The lady made the acquaintance of the epauletted gentry, who, mounted, escorted her often outside of the city, where, at her bidding, they returned to their quarters. The lady would then ride into the heart of the country, for purposes which subsequent events unveiled to the astonishment of her military conductors and the commanding General. At last, the lady requested that the privilege of proceeding again alone under the same circumstances, and her desire fully developed the dormant suspicious of the military authorities, at whose request she was brought back to the city, and subjected to a rigorous search. Every garment of the heroine was innocent of contraband property, or the supposed evidences of treason; and her inquisitors, like Don Alfonso, were about to declare her innocent, till they stumbled not on a pair of shoes, but of socks, which contained, in ingenious lappings, the damning evidence of her guilt. In these aforesaid stockings were secreted carefully drawn plans of the newly-created forts around the city, the guns on the casemates and parapets, with correct information of the forces to command each, the number of troops in the city, the redoubts outside, and the availability of the boats in the waters. With these proofs to sustain him, Gen. Arnold sent the lady to Fort Pickens, where she is at present incarcerated. The health of the troops was good, and every preparation has been made to give the rebels a warm reception whenever they approach. The conduct of Wilson's Zouaves, in dividing their rations with the indigent Union people of the city, has won golden opinions for them. The regulars, with whom the Zouaves were while at Santa Rosa Island at enmity, are now on the most cordial terms.The Yankee Canal at Vicksburg a failure.
The ‘"Off Vicksburg"’ correspondent of the Chicago Tribune pronounces the canal to cut that town off a failure. He says: ‘ It is not a canal, but simply a ditch. When we arrived here it had been completed only through that portion of the neck which is inside the levee or embankment, to prevent the river's overflow. It was then about fifteen feet wide, and three or three and a half feet deep. This, it was supposed, was of sufficient depth to allow the water of the river to flow through, but when the levee at each end of it was cut through, it was found to be above the level of the water. The river had fallen some during the process of digging, but not enough to account for so great a shortcoming. The mountain would not come to Mahomet, and some wiseacre determined to make it come by placing an old stern-wheel boat at the lower side of the entrance to the canal, to work her wheel, and no paddle the water up into it, which succeeded in welling the bottom of the canal just enough to make it ruddy, but no more. This experiment of making water run up hill not proving very successful, it was determined to deepen the ditch — The bottom being, as I said before, about 15 feet wide, the one-half of this bottom, longitudinally was dug five feet deeper, the entire length of the canal, the earth being thrown up on the other half of the original bottom. By this means a small thread of water, about a foot wide, was decoyed into it, where it remains at present, looking very much bewildered, as though it did not know where to run to. The entire south side of the canal is now composed of loose earth, thrown up from the deepening, and should the river rise sufficient to make a current through the canal, I think this loose earth would be undermined by the current, and coming down would soon fill it up sufficiently to stop the current. The labor of widening the canal would almost be equal to that of digging a new one. ’The Richmond battles in England — a test case of non-interference
[from the N. Y. Times, July 21.]
No European echoes of American affairs that for a long time have come to us from across the Atlantic, have possessed half the interest that attaches to their views of the late series of great battle in front of Richmond.
It was generally fell at the time of their occurrence that their effect in Europe could not fall to be very marked; and those timid souls who have for mouths been preaching up the imminence of intervention, were sure that England and France would interpret those fights as the ordeal of the war, and promptly step in and recognize the Southern Confederacy.
As yet, indeed, we have but meagre abstracts of the criticisms of the English press alone; but enough appears to make it sufficiently evident that the intervention croakers will be disappointed in their expectations; while it is equally manifest that the Richmond usurpers, who took care to dispatch theirversion of the battles, illuminated with glowing accounts of the ‘"glorious victory,"’ and who doubtless, in prophetic vision, saw the doors of Downing street open to welcome their half starved Commissioners of Half Moon streel, are doomed to another fit of that heart-sickness which deferred hope bringeth.
What is really notable in the criticisms of the London press on the battles in front of Richmond is (bat, while there is not a whisper of intervention, the seven days action is construed as a defeat to the National cause.
Even our staunch friend, the London News which has always taken the most enlightened and liberal view of the campaign, characterizes the late action as ‘"a serious reverse to the Federals, and as likely to lengthen out, rather than shorten the war."’ The Times declares that ‘"the strategical movements of Gen. McClellan are purely unintelligible."’ That may very possibly be, but it can hardly expect that Gen. McClellan is bound to furnish it not only with great battles, but with brains to understand and appreciate them.
Certainly however it may be with the Times, its proteges the rebels, do not find General McClellan's ‘ "strategical movements"’ altogether ‘"unintelligible."’ We fancy they only wish they were not quite so intelligible.
But while the so-called ‘"reverse"’ is founded on a superficial view of the action, which will doubtless be corrected by fuller details, (for we have hopes that, after a while, even the Times may find it a little less ‘ "unintelligible,"’) it is, to a certain degree, a subject of congratulation that they should have taken this view of the matter, and it is in reality, more instructive than if they had regarded the affair in a juster light.
For even though looked upon as a severe defeat, they can still see nothing in it to justify a departure from the fixed policy of England.
There is, withal, not a hint even of interference or intervention.
This is a very proper spirit, whether it arises from the impression that our ‘"reverse"’ was so great that the Confederates will not need any intervention in their behalf, or whether it proceeds from the juster conviction that the battles in front of Richmond, bloody though they were, in reality settle nothing; and that even if interpreted as in themselves a reverse, they yet leave the actual situation very much as it was before the event.
But, whatever motive may prompt their course, we may regard this event as the test case of the war. Europe is not likely to bear any more news that will put its patience to half the strain which the tidings of the Peninsular battles have done, and which it seems to have borne with such exemplary resignation and equanimity.
Ex-President Van-Buren,
A dispatch from Kinderhook, dated July 19th, says ex-President Martin Van-Buren was then in sensible and dying. He was in the 81st year of his age. A letter to the New York Tribune says: ‘ Previous to the wandering of his mind, and once or twice since, when reason returned, Mr. Van Buren has evinced the most lively and patriotic interest in the affairs of the country. No longer since than Tuesday, when the day before he was hardly expected to survive, he inquired of Dr. Pruyn how the good work of crushing the rebellion was going on, and was very particular to learn if the public confidence in the President and Gen. McClellan was yet firm and unshaken, as he thought it should be.--He appeared much gratified when answered in the affirmative. He has continually denounced the course of Buchanan's administration from the first, but has expressed the utmost confidence in that of Mr. Lincoln. The war, he thinks, is justly and as vigorously as possible carried on — the rebels brought it upon themselves and they should be severely punished. He has all faith in the ultimate triumph of our arms and cause, but not without great expenditures of blood and treasure, as events have thus far demonstrated. He has the utmost confidence in the military ability of General McClellan, of whom he is an old and warm personal friend, and if he is sustained and aided by all loyal people, the flag, our country, the Constitution, and the great principles of American liberty will be thoroughly and permanently re-established throughout the rebellious States. ’The "Raids" of Morgan--Northern account of the State of affairs.
A correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial furnishes the following account of Morgan's raid in Kentucky: ‘ On Saturday, the 12th, John Morgan's outlaws were threatening the two most important cities in Central Kentucky. Morgan had moved from Harrodsburg to Lawrenceburg, in Anderson county, his scouts approaching Nicholasville on the east, as they pushed North, creating the impression that an advance was being made on that place. The village was in an uproar on Sunday, and the citizens made excellent time in abandoning it. They poured into Lexington by every means of conveyance, and by their exaggerated reports added intensity to the excitement there. Two cool- headed gentlemen, a railroad agent and a telegraph operator, towards evening took a hand car and proceeded down the track to Nicholasville. They found the town abandoned to darkness and the dogs — the expressmen, operator, switchmen, everybody, in fact, fled incontinently. Doors stood wide open, windows unbarred, offices inviting ingress, and a train of cars loaded with commissary stores standing unharmed at the depot. It was some time before Lexington could be made to believe that Morgan was not in Nicholasville. Lexington was in a terrible state of excitement Sunday and Monday. All business was suspended — stores, shops, offices shut up — even the post-office. Stringent martial law was declared. Every man capable of bearing arms was ordered out. The streets were patrolled by a citizen's guard, authorized to arrest or shoot down any man found on the streets without arms. This drove traitors to their holes. A lisp of sympathy for Morgan or the rebellion was as much as a man's life was worth. The 85th Ohio, Col. Sowers, from Camp Chase, arrived on Monday, to the infinite relief of the inhabitants. They were received with the greatest enthusiasm. Other reinforcements came pouring in. Brigadier General Ward, commandant of the post, made preparations for an apprehended attack. Morgan was said to be within a few miles of the city. Morgan was at Midway Station. Morgan was on the banks of the Kentucky, advancing on Frankfort; then came reports that the fight had commenced at Frankfort. It was decided that the Eighty-fifth Ohio should go to the relief of besieged Frankfort. One company mutinied; they had agreed to go to Lexington, but no farther, they said; but they did go, and the resolution of the officers is creditable.--They prevented the disgrace of the regiment and the State it represents in the face of the enemy. We proceeded to Frankfort, expecting John and his outlaws all along the road, but he didn't appear. We saw nothing but pleasant fields of blue grass, fat battle, and acres of wheat in shock. Not a hostile shot was fired on the way, for want of somebody to shoot at. Arrived at Frankfort, we could not hear of the enemy very near there. There had been no skirmishing with pickets, and no evidence of Morgan being about, but an attack was momentarily expected. It is true, Morgan has made a demonstration on Frankfort, but it was a feint. From Lawrenceburg he had sent advance guards to Rough and Ready, and even as far as the military institute, within six miles of the city. Here they stopped. They had effected their purpose, creating an uproar and excitement in the capital, which put the people on the defensive. They didn't think of taking the offensive. Then Morgan turned east, crossed the Kentucky river at Saryock's Station, and marched to Versailles, which is about equidistant from Franklin and Lexington. There he stayed Monday night. Finding the coast clear, he next day moved north to Midway Station, on the Louisville and Lexington Railroad, tore up the track and destroyed the Elkhorn bridge, while his advance guard, passing by Georgetown, made a sudden dash on the Kentucky Central Road, destroyed a bridge and burned Keyser's extensive distillery, between Paris and Cynthiana, thus completely cutting Lexington off from its northern and western communications. --His exploits seem to have been arose familiar to Cincinnati than to those of us who were at Lexington. Morgan's great objects in this raid into Kentucky have been panic among the people and indecision among military managers. He has, in fact, kept every considerable place in Central Kentucky in a state of sledge, and frantically calling for assistance to defend it. Lexington could not spare a man to pursue him — because she momentarily expected an attach, Frankfort couldn't send her privatise in pursuit, because Morgan was hovering at her gates Paris and Cynthiana were in the same condition, and really had need of more men than could be brought to their defence — that is, if nobody pursued Morgan, and he was allowed his own time to prepare an attack on them. In the meantimes Morgan moved at his leisure through the country. Morgan's forces have been greatly over estimated. He has not, or had not at Lawrenceburg more than 1,000 men. Not more than 700 should be counted in a body by an intelligent scout and allowing for the pickets and scouts, 1,000 would be a large estimate. It is a mistake to suppose he is receiving large accessions from the people of Kentucky. His raid is not on a scale of sufficient magnitude to inspire confidence. It lacks military character.--There is no evidence in it that he intends to remain long in the State. He cares nothing about his lines of communication, and moves across the Blue Grass region with the independence and freedom of a Bedouin Arab across the desert. He obtained but twenty-five recruits in Henderson county, and not many in Versailles. I hear that he has received considerable accessions from Owen county, one of the most pestilent holes in the State, but, there is no general rising. The idea of a horse thieving and plundering gang of scoundrels marching through their Empire State with impunity, is something they cannot tolerate with patience, Even the quest precedently openly disapprove of this raid, and have offered their services in defence of their cities and comes against such lawless outrages. This was the case in Frankfort, and several individual cases, of men of standing and influence, came under my notice. There is therefore, no need to apprehend a rising in the State against the Government. A few who have nothing to lose, animated by hope of plunder, and regardless of remote consequences, will join in this raid upon their neighbors. If John Morgan is allowed to remain in Central Kentucky, attack town after town, defeat their defenders in detail, capture citizens, plunder houses, burn bridges, rebellion steal horses, and the like, he may become in its military character, his raid is in its dash and daring, it is admiration What Morgan has commenced us a raid may become a revolution, and it will unless he is checked. What is being done to put a stop to this miserable business, do you ask? Very little, it seems to an observer, as it should be done. A defensive pulley is adopted. That is what Morgan wants. --If he can keep the forces that should be pursuing him busy defending towns for fear he might slip in at the back door, he gains everything and risks nothing. And that is what is being done in Kentucky. While forces sufficient, if massed, to pursue, rout, and disperse his gang, are squatted down on the hills about Frankfort and Lexington, John slips between, destroys bridges and interrupts communications. Why, when at Versailles, his men so fagged out that they slept in the streets, with their horses' bridles on their arms, was not a movement made simultaneously from Frankfort, Lexington, and Nicholasville? At the first-named place were the Eighty-fifth Ohio, Col. Sowers; the Fifty fifth Indiana battalion, Col. Mohen; two or three pieces of artillery, quite a body of regular troops, and mounted men sufficient for scouting and flanking purposes. Brigadier General Ward was at Lexington with a force of not less than 1,500 men, probably 2,000, and there were 300 at Nicholasville, irregular troops, it is true, but men in earnest in defence not over fourteen miles, and cars might have been employed, if necessary, to transport troops a portion of the way. It was proposed, and might have been successfully executed on Monday night. But while it was being discussed the hours slipped away, and it was found too late to under-take the enterprise. A golden opportunity to put Morgan on the defensive had passed. Next day we were not surprised to hear that Morgan had left his encampment on Zeb. Ward's farm, from which he took a large number of blooded horses, had moved north, and occupied Midway Station, tearing up the track on the Lexington and Louisville road. It does seem that the bridges on the road might have been saved by posting infantry in position to defend them.--But there was such a tenacity to the defensive system that it was not done. It was deemed more important to endure an interruption of communication than to risk the safety of a town. The place to fight Morgan was at the city gates; besides, who could think of marching infantry under such a sun? When I left Frankfort, cavalry, artillery and infantry were pouring into the city by every train.--Brigadier-General Clay Smith had arrived to take command, and as he is said to be a man of spirit, with daring and dash in his composition, and military capacity, perhaps something may happen.--There are regular and irregular troops in and about Lexington and Frankfort to eat up John and his thieves, and not furnish half rations at that. It will be a blistering shame if he is allowed to escape after having plundered and despoiled the fairest portion of Kentucky. The people are willing to second the enterprise of a military chieftain. All they want is direction. Companies of mounted men were being raised, horses impressed, and every means taken to outfit an expedition formidable in its proportions and swift in its movements. But there is so much waiting, so much preparation, so much desire to make a ‘"big thing"’ of it, that by the time the Federals are ready to move Morgan will be on his retreat and a hundred or two hundred miles from here. ’The Raids of the guerrillas.
Cairo July 19
--The steamer General Anderson, from Evansville, has arrived.
She passed Henderson, Ky., yesterday forenoon.
The rebels had possession of the town.
They say they don't intend to interfere with navigation on the river, except Government boats, nor with private property.
The number of rebels is not ascertained.
Lt. A. R. Johnson, of Bridewell's Tennessee Cavalry, in command, has issued a proclamation, in which he says he has come to protect the citizens against insults and ruling despotism.
They claim to be regular soldiers, not guerrillas.
Some commissary stores, belonging to the Government, were captured, and a few soldiers taken.
Newburg, ten miles above Evansville, is also in possession of the rebels.
News from Tennessee.
Nashville, July 16
--Lebanon, Tenn., is in possession of the rebels.
The rebels, 800 strong, are at Hartsville.
Dr. Rice, Benjamin Daniels, and John Barnes, respectable citizens, were hung last night at Tennessee Ridge, twenty-five miles from Nashville, for entertaining men employed in reconstructing telegraph lines.
Nashville,July 18--One thousand and forty-six paroled prisoners at Murfreesboro' have arrived.
They are mostly of the Michigan Ninth, and some of Hewitt's Battery.
There are no commissioned officers.
The trains run through to Murfreesboro'.
Running the blockade.
United States Gunboat Chippewa, Captain Bryson, New Inlet, (Off Wil., N. C.,) July 2, 1862.
An English steamer, loaded with heavy guns, &c., arrived here last Friday morning; was partially headed off by the Cambridge and Stars and Stripes, (the only two vessels then here — the Chippewa being at Beaufort for coal and repairs, and the State of Georgia at Fortress Monroe for officers and men,) but succeeded in running ashore near the beach, about a mile from the fort, and for five days, until our arrival last night, was unloading, in plain sight, heavy rifle-cannon, and carts transporting them along the beach to the fort.
This morning all appears quiet.
She has probably discharged all she wants, and looks low in the water — perhaps leaks, or is waterlogged.
Our men are almost frantic with rage, and talk loud against the management of affairs.
The Stats and Stripes fired 106 shots without much effect, as it did not prevent their landing the guns.
At this rate we will all be home on parole in a short time.
Our men will have to bite the dust in some future battle from the effect of these guns.
However, I am but an ordinary seaman, and have no responsibility about the management here.
In haste for the mail.