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Later from the North.

We have received Northern papers to the 8th inst. The steamship Golden Gate, of San Francisco, was burnt off Manzanilla, on the 21st ult., and 180 of her passengers lost their lives. Since the drafting order, large numbers of citizens of Baltimore are leaving for Europe. A letter from there, dated the 7th, in the Philadelphia Inquirer, says:

‘ The British Consul's office in this city continues to be pressed upon by a dense and excited crowd of foreigners, anxious to obtain certificates of their being English subjects. The passage ways leading to it are filled all day, or at least, during office hours. As the Consul himself, Mr. Bernal, is reputed to be quite a strong Secessionist, I presume it will afford him pleasure to accommodate his John Bull brethren to exemption papers. It might not be amiss to look into this business with a scrutinizing eye.

Without designing to compliment the patriotism and bravery of many of our young men and citizens within the years subject to drafting, I may state that quite a number, in anticipation of being called upon to fight for their country, have left for Canada, Europe, and other parts unknown. They were willing to partake of its protection and enjoyments, but in the hour of trial are missing. We can easily spare all such, and eventually fill their places with true and loyal men.

I learn that William B. Norman, a very wealthy purely patriotic and most deserving young gentleman, who owns a fine plantation in Baltimore county, a few miles from Baltimore, has applied to the Government for permission to raise a regiment of volunteers. This is a noble example. Mr. Norman has wealth, youth, and every comfort at his disposal, yet he is ready to sacrifice all for the good of his country. No young man stands higher in the estimation of his friends, and this adds another imperishable laurel to the many he has won. Let others of fortune emulate his example.

The bounty bill passed by our City Council gives $100 to each person who enlists. Other premiums will make the entire bounty about $140. Quite a number of recruits are now being obtained. The quota of the first three hundred thousand called for will, I think, be easily enlisted here. Our people, however, are anxious for the draft to take place. It is desirable to have a fair sprinkling of our-and out Secesh in the loyal legions, to make up an agreeable society. We want to see how gracefully they will act, how many would go to the enemy, or turn their weapons, as they intimate they would do, against their commanders.

From M'Clellan's army — the re-occupation of Malvern Hill.

A letter from Harrison's Landing, August 6th says:

‘ On Monday afternoon Gen. Jos. Hooker, with his entire division, together with the division under command of Gen. Sedgwick, a brigade of cavalry under Gen. Pleasanton, and four batteries, commanded respectively by Capts De Rossy, Benson, Bramall, and Tidball, the whole under the immediate command of Gen. Hocker, were ordered to make a reconnaissance towards the enemy's lines.

At 4 o'clock they left the encampment and proceeded out the Charles City road; after following it a few miles they struck off into the by roads, and about to reached Nelson's farm, where they bivouacked for the night. Early in the morning they were again on their way, and still following a roundabout way; in an hour after this second start they found themselves in the rear of Malvern Hill, and the rebels there stationed, thus effectually getting between Richmond and its protectors. Judging from the preparations that had been made for our reception, it was evident that some of their many spies, which at all times are believed to be among us, had given them the information of our coming.

Soon after reaching our position the forces were formed in line of battle. The artillery on the front, supported by infantry, and the cavalry to the left, to do the scouting.

Soon after six o'clock the enemy opened upon us with their field pieces, our forces promptly returning. The fight lasted nearly two hours, when the enemy retired towards the river, taking with them their pieces.

It was the opinion of the Commanding General, when commencing the battle, that the enemy were in large force at this point, the nature of the ground and the character of the country preventing a sight at their encampment, and hence their numbers were not definitely known. After the fight it was discovered that they had only three regiments of infantry, four pieces of artillery, and a small number of cavalry. The prisoners taken all concur in saying that they would have retired upon the first intimation of our approach, had they not been momentarily expecting the arrival of General Toombs and his division. Up to a late hour last night it had not arrived.

The cavalry under General Pleasanton are deserving of immense credit for the part they took; not only during the time of the engagement, but from the start and during the entire night they were continually on the go, scouring the country in every direction, and securing most of the prisoners captured, some sixty in all.

During the engagement we only had two batteries engaged, Captains Benson and Bradnell; so effectively were they managed that the infantry were not called upon to fire a single shot.

The party, when they left for the hill in the afternoon, took with them a large number of contrabands, and doubtless ere this they have succeeded in throwing up entrenchments to a considerable extent.

’ Headq'rs of the Army of the Potomac, Thursday, August 7.--At Malvern Hill everything was quiet during yesterday.

It was reported last night, by deserters and contrabands, that the rebels had been moving from the vicinity of Richmond all day in large force towards Malvern Hill, with a view of retaking the position.

Three thousand and nine exchanged prisoners arrived yesterday afternoon, from Richmond. Those who belonged to this army, and are fit to do duty, were sent to their regiments. The others will leave for the North to-day. No officers were among the party.

It is not true that this army is used to protect rebel property, as reported in the case of Hill Carter. During the two days battle of Malvern Hill, from 800 to 1,000 wounded Union men had their wounds dressed at this house, the ladies freely tearing up their sheets and pillow- cases for bandages.--While the army was passing, a guard was posted to protect the women, and children. The horses and cattle are grassed on the farm, and his negroes are working upon our fortifications, all applications for their return having been refused.

Affairs in Norfolk — Newspaper suppressed.

The Norfolk Union was suppressed on the 1st inst., by Gen. Vicle, for publishing a burlesque proclamation, which was calculated to bring Commodore Goldsborough into ridicule. The Union was afterwards allowed to continue its publication upon apologizing for what had been done, and publishing the subjoined communication from Rear Admiral Goldsborough;

U. S. Flag Ship Minnesota, Norfolk, Va. Aug. 2, 1862.
In the Norfolk Union, of yesterday, there appeared a vile and profane communication purporting to be the substance of one recently written by me to you. As I have never before this moment addressed to you a line upon any subject whatever, and as I never to my knowledge, had the pleasure of exchanging even a word with you, I have only to say, with regard to the above, that if you have received one of the kind, it is a forgery, and alone worthy of the vulgar and ridiculous person who conceived it.

Very respectfully, your ob't servant,
L. M. Goldsborough,
Flag Officer Com'g N. A. B. S.
Wm. W. Lamb Esq, Norfolk, Va.

The Philadelphia Inquirer has a long letter, dated the 8th, from Norfolk. From it we learn that Miss Martha Haines Butt, who visited Richmond to ameliorate the condition of the Union soldiers, has gone North. The letter gives the following Yankee news:

The iron works, railroad depots, railways for hauling vessels up for repairs, lumber yards, &c., all have a deserted appearance. Not a workman is to be seen — naught but a grim- looking sentinel, walking away his solitary two hours. The sailor boarding-houses, that formerly teemed with life and merriment, are now deserted by their former occupants. Houses shut up, with no bills on for tenants. All is waste. A sad mockery of former times, when Norfolk fed almost entirely from the spoon of Uncle Sam. It will never regain its naval position. No, never the people have been too ungrateful. They have, vigor like, turned upon the hand that sustained them. The old frigate United States, as it lies in the mud just before the city, is a monument of their ungratefulness. When the rebels burned the Navy-Yard it was a great pity that they did not follow it up by burning Norfolk, like they did Hampton.

The great mass of the citizens of Norfolk are still disloyal to the Federal Government, and many endeavor to show their politics by cunning devices. On east stain street there is a book and periodical store, kept by T. O. Wise, who displays in his window notorious Secession songs, such as ‘"My Maryland,"’ ‘"Southern Marsellaise,"’ &c. This store should be squelched. The little boys and half grown boys, lately, have donned the course gray Secesh cloth cap. This is done, no doubt, in contempt of the Military Governor's order.

A son of Dr. Wright was apprehended last evening, by Provost Marshal Lichenau, and taken to headquarters, charged with making a show of himself in the public streets by appearing in a Secession uniform. He is said to be a paroled prisoner, and if this is so, by right he can wear the uniform of his rank; but his donning the uniform was to insult our military authorities.

British naval officers are continually promenading the streets of Norfolk. You see the doughty little midshipman, with his dagger slung by his side, and the officers of higher grade, on the most intimate terms with dark and damnable traitors — men who would not stop a minute to assassinate a Union man.

The colored folks almost unanimously wear a brass button, with the Union coat of arms engraved thereon. This is significant. On Buts street there

is a couple of colored churches--one a Methodist, and the other a Baptist. Last Sunday they were crowded with the beauty and elite of the colored population, Pink and showy blue lawn dresses, with bonnets that looked not unlike miniature hot houses, predominated. The bucks swung their canes a la Sixth and Lombard streets.

Norfolk can boast of a very neat and pretty market house, on a wide street. It is nearly all latticed work, so that it can be closed or opened according to the weather. The attendance at the markets on market days is quite numerous, but there is not much to purchase, with the exception of vegetables, Watermelons, cantaloupes, squashes, and tomatoes are in abundance. Meats are somewhat scarce.--Butter, eggs, and poultry are very scarce. The kind of fish known as ‘"spots"’ are plenty. There are some few cabbages of a mean quality.

Late and interesting from Tennessee.

Nashville, August. 5.
--General Nelson occupied McMinnville on Sunday, with six thousand troops. The rebel Forrest fled on his approach, leaving 40 strugglers to fall into our hands. The rebel Morgan is not there.

Forrest is supposed to be at Sparta, with 2,000 cavalry.

Transportation between Murfreesboro' and McMinnville is open for the Unionists. The telegraph line is being erected between the two points.

Gen. Negley arrived at Columbia yesterday.

A. O. P. Nicholson. Judge Martin and brother, and Gen. Brauch have been sent South,

General Negley dispersed a large concentration of guerrillas at Williamsport, twelve miles from Columbia, on Sunday evening, capturing a number.

Capt. Julian, of the Tennessee troops, put to flight a gang of guerrillas, near Bigbysville, a few miles from Columbia.

Guerrillas hear Columbia have been attempting to concentrate for some time. The almost vigilance is required to prevent their concentration.

Liberty is occupied by United States troops.

Cotton has been burned in considerable quantities near Columbia.

The Tennessee and Alabama Railroad, from Columbia to Nashville, was never more secure.

Morgan is supposed to be in Knoxville.

Col. Stokes, of the 1st Tennessee cavalry regiment, made a parade to day, showing strength both in men and horses.

From Memphis — a small Figle.

Memphis, Aug. 4.
--A fight took place on Sunday afternoon, between a Federal reconnoitering party and a party of rebels. It was a small affair. About 150 of the latter were surprised in the vicinity of Mooney creek, and fled at the first fire, with six or seven killed and several wounded.

Nashville, Aug. 7--Gen. Robert McCook was shot by a party of guerrillas, near Salem. Ala, yesterday while he was riding towards Winchester, Tenn., sick, in an ambulance. His remains reached here this evening. Capt. Brooks, who was with the General, was captured. Our forces burned the house of the rebel who led them into this ambuscade.

The War in Kentucky--Another Invasion by Morgan.

Louisville, Aug. 7
--The Journal publishes a rumor of Morgan's advance into Kentucky, and his capture of Burksville, with an increased force of cavalry, expressing a determination to march to the banks of the Ohio.

Military circles here disbelieve the whole story.

Attempted resistance to the enrollment act.

Cairo, August. 7
--A skirmish took place yesterday near Point Pleasant, Missouri, between the citizens and State troops, in which it is reported that several were killed on both sides. It seems that the citizens bound themselves together to resist the enrollment act. Troops were sent from New Madrid to enforce the law, and hence the collision.

From St. Louis.

St. Louis, August. 7.
--Brig. Gen'l Davidson has assumed command of the military district of St Louis. Colonel Merrill, formerly commandant of this district, has been commissioned a Brigadier. General, and will leave for North Missouri this evening, where he will direct operations against the guerrillas.

At a meeting of the Merchants' Union Exchange, held at noon to-day, resolutions were passed agreeing to close the business houses as 4 o'clock P. M. for the purpose of drilling and organizing the loyal citizens for military service, and requesting the proper authorities to cause a suspension of business throughout the city after that hour for a like purpose.

Stopping a Fourth of July celebration.

Captain Mirehouse, of the steamship Etna, for bade the celebration of the Fourth of July by the loyal Americans on board that vessel, on her last outward trip, and his conduct is justified by Mr. John. G. Dale, agent of the line, who says that Captain Mirehouse had quite a number of persons from New Orleans among his passengers, who called on him on the 3d of July and informed him that if any celebration was attempted the next day it would be interfered with by them, and that a disturbance would likely take place. Accordingly, with the advice of most of the cabin passengers. Captain Mirehouse decided to have no active celebration.--It is rather singular that a few passengers should be allowed to dictate to the Captain, and prevent the other passengers from celebrating the Fourth of July in a patriotic manner.--Phil. Inquirer.

The news.

The Baltimore Republican, of Thursday afternoon last, August 7, furnishes the following:

‘ The Confederates recaptured Brownsville, Tenn., and burned three thousand bales of cotton purchased by Northern men.

The Federal army under Gen'l Curtis was still at Helena, Arkansas, at last accounts Gen'l Curtis, it is stated, had set free the slaves of Generals Pillow and Bondman, of the Confederate army. Several Federal steamers had gone up the St. Francis river and dispersed several bodies of guerrillas.

A guerrilla attack was made upon the Federal force at Newark, Mo, consisting of 75 State troops, who were overpowered by numbers and captured. Another guerrilla attack was successful in the capture of Alexandria, the party retiring with plunder.

’ Advices from Newbern, N. C., report a skirmish at the head of White Oak river, between a Federal force under Col. Hickman, of the 9th New Jersey regiment, and a party of Confederates, resulting in the rout of the latter.

A large war mass meeting was held in Washington yesterday afternoon, at the east front of the Capitol, the Mayor of the city presiding, with thirty-four Vice Presidents and twenty-two Secretaries.--President Lincoln was present and made a speech, in which he said there was no precedent for his appearance on the present occasion, but it was also true that there was no precedent for you (the people) being here yourselves. He had made an examination but found nothing in the Constitution against it. The President's remarks were characteristic, and, according to the telegraph report, were loudly and continuously applauded. The Intelligencer of this morning, however, with superior deference to the ‘"master,"’ of the Secretary of War and Gen. McClellan says the President's remarks were ‘"silently listened to"’ by men of all parties, and put off the cheers and other demonstrations until he had ‘"resumed his seat."’ The imagination of the telegrapher is perhaps more lively than that of the ‘"dear old Intelligencer."’

Battle near MemphisJeff. Thompson driven back with great loss.

Cairo. Aug. 6
--The Memphis Bulletin, of the 3d inst., reports a fight seven miles from that town on Sunday, between a force of 4000. Federals and the Confederates under Jeff. Thompson. The latter was driven back with great loss. No particulars are given. More fighting is anticipated.

An officer from Tuscumbia says that on Saturday the Confederate cavalry burned the station house at Lexington, ten miles from Tuscumbia, and at Jonesboro', ten miles from the same place, on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad.

Arr St of publishers and Employees.

Harrisburg, Aug. 6.
--This morning, Brig. Gen. Wadsworth, with a Lieutenant and two privates, from Washington, arrived here and arrested Messrs. O. Barrett and Thos C. Macdowell, editors and publishers of the Patriot and Union, on the charge of treasonable conduct against the Government — the evidence, a portion of which I sent you yesterday, having been deemed sufficient to warrant their arrest.

Montgomery Foster, (an employed editor,) Urish J. Jones (local editor.) who confessed to have written the negro placard and all the compositors in the office connected with the affair, have been arrested. The four principals have been sent to Fort McHenry.

It was evidently Jones's intention to escape the officers of the Government by leaving for distant parts this morning.

It is said to be in contemplation to stop the issue of the Patriot and Union, by Government authority.

From Washington.

Washington, August 7.
--The Confederates are concentrating their forces at Gordonsville, with the intention of attacking Pope.

Several Governors of the loyal States are here to-day in consultation with the President in relation to the new orders for drafting. Gov. Buckingham, of Conn., arrived this morning.

Another trial of strength between projectiles and iron plates is about to take place on James river.--The 12 and 15 inch guns which Gen. McClellan is provided with will, it is thought, sink any craft, whether of iron or wood, that can float.

Doctors' certificates of no avail.

The Albany Evening Journal says:

‘ We are requested by the Surgeon General to state, "that doctors' certificates of disability will be of no earthly avail except for mere State service.--Under the order from the War Department, everybody within certain ages — without reference to his physical condition — will be subject to draft. If after they have been drafted they are found to be disabled, they will be exempted. People, therefore, who run to their physicians to get certificates of physical unfitness to 'shoulder arms,' waste their time and breath in vain."

Seizure of Secesh emblems.

We learn, says the Frederick (Md.) Union, that

the following Secesh emblems were discovered on Friday last about the premises of Jacob M. Kunkle, Esq, in this city:

‘ "A. Succession flag, a Palmetto flag, framed photographs of Jeff Davis and Beauregard, and a photographic album of the rebel Generals, Including in the collection likenesses of 'Lady' Davis and H. Teakle Wallis."

Latest from Newbern, N. C.

The New York Express, of Wednesday, August 6th, has the following:

From officers and passengers of the steamer Jersey Blue, which left Newbern, N. C, on Saturday, the 2d inst, our reporters obtained the following items of news:

‘ The town of Newbern is kept under the strictest surveillance by General Foster, the present commander of North Carolina, who has signified his intention that in case any of his men were fired upon by residents of the town he should hold the place responsible, and pull down the houses of all persons that are known to be not on the side of the Government.

The inhabitants of the city comprises about one-third to one half Secession element, which is beginning to show itself again daily more and more so much so, that Gen. Foster has forbidden the assemblage of more than three persons in the street.

Fears are entertained at Newbern that an attack will be made from Kinston; but preparations for such an event have been made. All the vessels in port have been instructed to lay at short cables, and the steam transports to have steam up, so as to be prepared for an attack. --Confederate pickets and scouting parties are seen daily within but a few miles of the city.

There are now six men and three women confined in the jail on suspicion of having been connected with the shooting of the Massachusetts soldier, but there is no positive proof against either of them.

The health of the soldiers is fair, the prevailing disease being jaundice; but it is feared that August and September may prove bad months for the men. Ice is getting very scarce, and the soldiers feel the want of it very severely.


New York, Aug. 7
--Money is in abundant supply and easy at 4a5 per cent on call, and 5a6 per cent, for strictly prime paper. Foreign exchange rules dull at 1a5a125½ for merchants', and 126a126 ½ for bankers' sterling. On Paris, 4a50a4. 47½ American gold opened firm at 14 ¾a14¼ and closed dull at 14a14¼ per cent. premium. California gold bars dull at 13¼a13½ per cent premium. Government stocks firm United States 6s, 1881, 98¾198 ½. 7.30 Treasury notes, 102¾a102½. Stocks are firmer. Illinois Central has advanced ¼; New York Central. Ê, Erie, Reading, Hudson, and Cleveland and Toledo. ½; Michigan Southern, ¾; Michigan Southern Guaranteed, 15/8; Harlem preferred, 2 per cent.

Office of the Assistant Treasurer U. S.,
New York, August 7, 1862:

Total receipts$897,232.51
Total payments508,239.57
Total balance9,963,679.40
For customs64,000.00

Philadelphia, August 7--There has been an entire change in the tone of financial circles within the past few days; indecision and dullness has given place to a feeling of buoyancy and confidence, and this is every where manifesting itself.--The advices from the Peninsula have set at rest the fears as to the critical position of McClellan's army, by showing that he is strong enough to take the offensive, and thus the single obstacle in the way of buoyancy in the stock market is taken away.--The advices from Europe confirm the fears of a short crop, and this guarantees a demand for our own produce throughout the season. From all sections of the North and West the harvesting is almost unprecedented both in quantity and quality, and those who can realize the immense individual, corporate, and national interests which are dependent upon these crops, and how much each will be benefitted by the present circumstances of their position, will understand the causes which are operating for a general revival of activity and buoyancy. $4,000,000 of exports per week to Europe will be a strong guarantee for peace; will go far to equalize exchanges; will bring down the price of god; will crowd our railways and canale with freight; will give our merchants and laboring people plenty of business; will fill the pockets of our people with profit; will enable us to make greater sacrifices to put down the rebellion, and give us a better heart to do it.

In stock circles these views, together with the fact of the great plethora of money which is pressing for employment at from 4 to 6 per cent, and for which there appears to be but little use outside of Wall or Third streets, tempts to speculative transactions, and gives an upward turn to prices.

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Winchester (Tennessee, United States) (1)
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Missouri (Missouri, United States) (1)
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