A letter dated
Manassas, August 31st, written by a member of the 8th Georgia regiment, says: ‘"Fighting continues; we are driving the enemy back."’ The following casualties are mentioned as occurring in the regiment.
Col. Towers and
Capt. Dawson,
Acting Major.
Capt. Phenizy, killed;
Capt. Huley, mortally wounded.
The regiment went into the fight 150 to 200 strong, and had 56 killed and wounded. The
Yankees have removed the monument erected in memory of the gallant
Bartow, near Robertson's house.
The Irish battalion, in the second brigade, went into action with about 60 men and eight officers.
and lost 35 men killed and wounded.
The battalion was under command of
Capt. O. C. Henderson, of company G, who was wounded slightly with a shell.
Among the officers wounded were;
Acting Adjutant Oscar White, in the arm;
Lieut. W. Duval Howard, of company A, through the lungs.
Lieut. Geo. B. Herner, of company D, in the neck.