--The following named Slaves left the Piedmont Railroad at
Danville, on the 28th August:
Davy--3 feet 2½feet 2½ inches high, yellow, hazel eyes right arm has been broken, about 30 years old — Bought of
Wm. Roraban of
Southampton county, Va.
Tom--5 feet 6 inches high, yellow, black eyes, scar over the right eye, smiles when spoken to, about 2d years old. Bought of
Peter Burchett,
Prince George county.
Thacker — Hired of Jesses
Griffin co., N. C.
A reward of $25 each for
Davy and Tom will be paid, if taken within the
State, and $50 each if taken in another State, and delivered to me at
Danville; and the legal reward for Tharken.
E. R. Welburn,
Superintendent First Division
se 2--ts Railroad at