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Proceedings in the Courts.

Hustings Court, Tuesday, October 14th, 1862.
--Present: R. D. Sanxay, Jas. Bray, Wm. W. Timberlake, N. C. Lipscomb, and Chas. E. Anderson.

Joseph G. Griswold and Edw'd. Y. Cannon qualified as Notaries Public.

Beverly Mortis and James Nicholas, charged with felony, were discharged from custody

Michael Buckton, charged with feloniously killing John Delany, on the 5th day of October,was arraigned, and the Court having heard the evidence in the case, remanded the accused to jail for trial before Judge Lyons, on the first day of the next November term of the Court.

John Cook was arraigned, charged with felony, in stealing a watch, valued at $10 and other articles from Patrick Haley. Nolle prosequi entered by Attorney for the Commonwealth, and accused discharged from custody.

John Pendergast, charged with felony, committed on the 28th day of September, in stealing $450 of Confederate money from John McCartney, was remanded to jail for trial before Judge Lyons, on the first day of the next term.

John Murry, charged with feloniously killing Michael Leary, on the 18th day of September remanded to jail for trial before Judge Lyons. Witnesses recognized to appear on the first day of the next term.

Washington Logan, a free negro, and Dick, a slave, the property of Edward Brown, were arraigned on the charge of stealing the pocket-book, and two hundred and fifty dollars of Peter J. Archer, on the 26th day of September, and the Court having heard the evidence in the case, discharged the accused from custody.

Henry, a slave, the property of James Harris, charged with felony, in stealing Confederate noise, amounting to fifty five dollars, from Wm. Brown, Wm Jones, and Wm. Peasley, was ordered nine and thirty lashes at the public whipping post.

George K Taylor, John Wright, and D S Bevans, entered in to recognizance in the sum of $300 each for their personal appearance on Thursday next, to give evidence in behalf of the Commonwealth against John H. King charged with felony.

Blias Vandeslip, indicted for misdemeanor, was tried before a jury, who returned a verdict of ‘"not guilty,"’ and the accused was discharged.

Isaac Cooper, a free negro, was arraigned on the charge of stealing a trunk and numerous articles of clothing, the good and chattels of Albert C. Pulliam. The Court, after heating the testimony, were not unanimous in their opinion as to the guilt of the accused, and it was ordered that he be discharged.

Mayor's Court.--There was but one case of any importance before this Court. This was the case of J. J. Crawford, charged with feloniously shooting John M. Michie, at the clothing store of E. B. Spence, corner of Main and 13th streets, on Monday evening. A number of witnesses were examined in the case, all of whom testified that the assault was made by Michie upon Crawford, who was standing in conversation with some gentlemen at the time. After hearing the evidence the Mayor admitted the accused to bail in the sum of one thousand dollars--James Moncure entering as surety — to appear before him at 10 o'clock on Saturday morning next. Michie, who was wounded in the affair, was unable to attend the Court this morning.

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