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Proceedings in the Courts

Major's Court, Wednesday, Nov. 26>--Recorder presiding.--Jas. H. Saunders, charged with stealing a gold watch and chain valued at $250, a pair of pantaloons valued at $35, a vest at $50, and $12.50 in Confederate States and other notes, belonging to Jos. F. Redford, was examined and sent on to a called Court, to be held on the 1st of December.

Jacob Henderson, charged with drunkenness and trespassing on J. B. Signiago, was committed to prison in default of security for his good behavior, and an order was entered setting him to work as a member of the chain gang.

Frank Crofield, arrested as a suspicious character, and one without visible means of support, was committed to jail until the 4th day of December.

Samuel Blake, arrested for stealing a valuable bundle of goods from William W. Blackford, a passenger on the Richmond and Danville Railroad, was examined and committed for trial on the charge of felony and grand larceny. In this case the Hus gs Court was summoned to meet on the 1st day of December.

L. Held was fined $20 for huckstering in the 2d Market.

George Annaker was committed till Thursday, on the charge of stealing a horse worth $300, from George Walker, of Hawley's cavalry company.

John H. King was examined and acquitted of the charges of shooting and wounding Israel, slave of Algernon B. Bradley. King had been indicted in Judge Lyons's Court for an attempt to steal the negro. The case ended there by a nolls prosequi. The shooting occurred when the negro tried to escape from King in Caroline county, several months since.

C. S. District Court, Tuesday, Nov. 25th, Judge H presiding.--The Confederate States of America against John Jones, defendant, on a petition filed by Thos. T. Giles, Receiver, &c., to sequester the property of August Belmonte & Co., of New York, as alien enemies. This cause came on this day to be heard on the petition, the answer of John Jones and of Rothachild Bros., and the testimony filed in the cause, and was submitted without argument, upon consideration whereof, the Court being of opinion that there is no sufficient proof of the allegation that the tobacco mentioned in said petition is the property of any alien enemy, or Hable to sequestration, doth order and decree that the petition aforesaid be dismissed. The number of hogsheads of tobacco involved in this case is 2,550, valued in good times at over $300,000--The property will, no doubt, be delivered to an agent of the French, Government (the real owner) on application.

Hustings Court--Judge Lyons's Court was engaged yesterday in the trial of Bernard Gotlich for stealing swine, the property of John Clash, living on Bacon's Quarter Branch. The Jury acquitted prisoner.

Thomas Collier and Richard Morris were put on trial for entering the restaurant of John McPherson, near the 1st Market, and stealing $2,200. The trial had not concluded when the Court adjourned, and will be resumed to-day.

Called Court--The Aldermen of the Hustings Court were convened in special session yesterday at 11 o'clock at the City Hall, for the examination of Patrick Haley, charged with stealing $65 from Ephraim 8, Dailey. The witness in the case not being present, the examination was adjourned to the regular sitting of the Court on the second Monday in December next.

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