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From Eastern North Carolina.

The latest advices received from Kinston leave little doubt that the enemy has been largely reinforced at Newbern, and that a movement has already commenced. Wilmington is believed to be the point aimed at. These reinforcements have been sent by way of Norfolk, through Gates county, and thence down the Chowan to Newbern. The Raleigh papers state that as many as eight thousand took this route at one time. A negro who escaped from New bern, and recently arrived at Kinston, says that the notorious Butler is in command. Their force is now estimated at from 40,000 to 60,000. Last week a number of gunboats ascended the Neuse river four miles above the mouth of Big Swift Creek, but returned without doing say injury. A dispatch was received by Governor Vance on Sunday that the enemy had begun to move towards Wilmington.

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