Contributions to Fredericksburg Relief Fund. received by R R Howison. Treasurer Wm. berry, Caroline county, $400; Officers of C B Steamer Richmond, 60; Rd Fontsine, Hanover county 50; Edward Keating, S C, 200; Thomas A Ball, S C, 200; Capt Pettus, &c, of 4th Va Heavy Artillery 20; Maj B N Nash, 20; 17th Mississippi regiment, 651; Anderson Wade, Danville, 50; 13th Virginia cavalry, 1,390 60; Mrs Catherine Friend, Chesterfield, 10; John B Mayo, Farmville, 5; Jos A Waddell, Staunton, 10; Mrs Mann Almond and family, of Bedford, 25; Emmans and Olivet Church, New Kent, through Rev. J D. Thomas, 47; Francis Bell Pulaski, 100 Dr and Mrs G. W Harrison, Goochland, 25; Lady of Prince Edward, 20; W B Davis and wife, King and Queen, 30, Thos C Anderson, Prince Edward, 5; refugee, Knoxville, Tenn, 20, Mrs A M Elam, Chester, 10; Dr Wm H Chappell and others, Buckingham county, 30; Mrs S J Willis, Culpeper, 10; Mrs. M A E Carlington, Mecklenburg, Mrs. M C S Lee, Mecklenburg, 9.20; Union Congregation, (part from servants,) through R F Vaughan, 70 05; St Luke's Church, Powhaton, a Christmas offering 180; Mrs. Landonia Randolph, a Christmas offering, 100, St Peter's Church, Hanover 58; Shepherd's Church, King and Queen 200, Dr Jno M. Shepherd, Henrico, 10; Hill Gartes of Shirley, 50; Gen John B Rood's division Confederate Army, 9,083 85; John S Hardaway, Amelia 200; Edwin B Snead, 1st Howi 2, Rev Dr R D Danney, Prince Edward, 20; Rev Dr J M Atkinson, 19; a lady, through Capt Coke, 10; Anonymous, through T T. Giles, Esq. 30; Mrs Joseph P Tacraton. Mobile, 10, Benj T Tinsley, Big Dick, 10; B W. Leigh, Mecklenburg, 25; Thomas Wooding, Pittsylvania, 10; B C Jones, Nottoway 36 17; Judge Wm Heigh, Halifax, 80; Emanuel Congregation, Henrico, through E J Warren, 107 82; Berea Church, Hanover, through Rev A B Smith, 89 85; Wm M Wathins, Charlotte 100; Mrs Janetta R Harrison and family, of Goochland, 67; Church in Gordonsville and others, through Rev D B Ewing 100 25; Jno Spears Powhatan, 10; Melton Kutley, Augusta, 40; W B Harris, Clarke co, 5 Citizens of Woodstock and its vicinity, through Mark Bird, 363.25; Salem Church Charlotte, Rev E W Roach, through Tn Harvey, 104,85; Spring Creek Church, Prince Edward, through same, 50; Gen'l Fitzhugh Lee's Brigade, of Maj-General Stuart's Divia Cavalry 5,406.25, Citizens of Fincastle, 107; Citizens of Lynchburg, (additional) 293; Hospital attendants at Gordonsville, through Rev D B Ewing, 137.50; Jas B Newman, Orange, 60; J G Lane, Rappahannock, 25; H C Dallam, Md, 30; Mrs Mary G Branton, Hanover, 10; Rev P F Berkeley, and family, An county, Chesterfield, 5; Raind Dickinson, Louise, 30; several Citizens of Amelia and Louise, 30; New Providence Church, Rev E D Junkin 397,30; Dr Wm F Bland, King and Queen, 20; Alex Dudley, 10; Leedle Church, Fauquier through R C Ambler, 220.68; a lady from London, 10; Mrs Cock, from Fruitland Institute, Page co, 125; a Confederate officer, 50; a citizen of Gloucester co, 165; Oliver Church, New Kent, 11.50, Rev G W Leyburn, Redford, 250; Mt Morish Church, Po through Hiram Harris, Esq, 63.75, 48th Va regt, Wise's brigade 433; Mrs. Nancy Rowlett, Church Hill, 10; Officers of 26th Va reg't, 2 Jas B Eston, 40; Mrs J C Graham, N C. 20; Misses Jones, Amelia, 10; through Editors Central Presbyterian, 3,750; 13th Miss reg't, 1,603.75; Co A. 1st Md battalion, 403; Jas W Henry, Henry's Mills, 20; 4th Va heavy artillery a Few Year's gift, through Editors Dispatch, 14; St Paul's Church, Hanover; 276.25; G W Bassett, Hanover, 100; Immanuel Church, through Rev Mr. Carraway, 100; Jos Dupuy, Lumnburg, 20; Mrs Jas T Price, Mecklenburg, 40, Citizens of Newtown, King and Queen county, through R M Garnett, Esq 542 60; Oliver Church, King and Queen, through J M Epane, 36; Ashland Baptist Church and Congregation, through Rev A P. Woodfin, 85; Mrs W L Tinsley, 10; Somerset Church, Orange, through R L Coleman, 40; Church at Louisa C H. through sade 82; George Whitfield 100; Capt W A Perkins, Cumberland, 50; B J D, Scottsville, 20; Mrs J A Murchin, Chesterfield, 25; Jas M Harris, Powhatan, 25; Episcopal Congregation. Charlestown, Jefferson co through Rev C E Ambler, 408.32; Rev Isaac G born and family, Charlestown, 25; David Rowell, Charlestown, 26; Boys and Girls of Clarke co. through Rev Mr. Scatler, 100; additional from Grace Church Berryville, 34; Wichliffe Church, Clarke co through Rev Thos Leavelle, 180.68.
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