Treatment of our Surgeons by the Federal--Robbery of clothing.
We wore yesterday called upon by Drs. Haldeman, Donelson, and Goodlet, Surgeons of our army who were left in charge of our wounded after the battle of Murfreesboro', Tenn. In total disregard of the provisions of the cartel in favor of Surgeons, these gentle. men were taken prisoners, and treated with the grossest indignity. Everything that they possessed was taken from them by the brutal inspectors who are appointed to do the dirty work of the Lincoln Administration. They were entirely divested of their money, surgical instruments, blankets, &c. In one instance, the gloves worn by one of these Surgeons was taken from his hands. After their capture at Murfreesboro' they were taken to Nashville, thence to Louisville, and from there sent on to Cincinnati, and afterwards to Baltimore, and from the latter city to Richmond, via Fortress Monroe. Littin liberty was allowed them in any of these cities; but still they had some opportunity of ascertaining the sentiment now prevailing.--In Nashville and Louisville they were called upon by the ladies and citizens, who were bold in the expression of their contempt for the miserable dynasty which has so long held them in chains, and from whose rule they cherish a hope of find deliverance. The term "rebel," which is tauntingly applied as an epithet by the Yankees, is esteemed an honor, rather than a reproach, by the ladies of these two cities. In Cincinnati the authorities were less rigid in the exercise of their rule over our prisoners, and they were allowed to visit one or two of the newspaper offices of that city. During their stay there they were called upon by several ladies, who were accompanied by Colonel Boon, of Ohio. The following is a copy of a letter of introduction from the commandant of the post to Dr. Donelson: Sir:
--Allow me to introduce Colonel Boon, 15th Ohio State infantry, who has in charge several of the fair, who wish an interview with you and your associates.
You will please allow Col. Boon to be present at said interview.
I have the confidence to believe that nothing improper will occur either to civil or military law. Respectfully,
John A. Thompson,
Captain 18th U. S. Infantry.
Dr. J. D. Donelson, Surg. 2d brigade, Breckinridge's division.
John A. Thompson,
Captain 18th U. S. Infantry.
Dr. J. D. Donelson, Surg. 2d brigade, Breckinridge's division.
Notwithstanding the presence of Colonel Boon the conduct of the Northern Government was freely discussed, and severely criticized by our Surgeons and their lady visitors. In the Northwestern States, these gentlemen state, the opposition to the Administration is spreading rapidly and increasing in bitterness. The people everywhere fearlessly denounce Lincoln's negro policy, and, in some instances, declare their determination to resist its execution. At Knightstown, Ind., a short time ago, a collision occurred between the citizens and the military, which resulted in the arrest of 250 citizens, who were carried to Louisville in chained. Among the Ohio troops there is tersely a man who is not in favor of Vallandigham, who is a candidate for Governor of that State. The revolution in the public sentiment in the Northwest, our informants think, is much greater than we have any idea of here, and must eventually lead to some important result. In Baltimore, although they were carefully guarded, our Surgeons were not allowed to wear their uniforms, or to have any communication with the people of the city. Below will be found a letter addressed to the Secretary of War, setting forth the harsh treatment to which they were subjected:
--We the undersigned, Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons C. S. A., of Department No. 2, Army of the West, having been ordered to remain behind with the wounded captured at Perryville, Murfreesboro', and Fort Donelson, do most respectfully represent to the Medical. Department of the Confederate States Army our treatment while inside the Federal lines. We enter into a detailed statement, hoping that the Government which we serve will enter a protest against a repetition of the same, it being in violation of General Orders issued by the United States and Confederate Governments in June and July last, whereby Surgeons were declared non combatants, and were not to be considered as prisoners of war, but were entitled to kind treatment and freedom while performing the duties of their sacred calling. After fulfilling our duties with our respective wounded we were ordered to report to Baltimore Md., for the purpose of release; but, on attempting to reach that place, we were arrested and thrown in prison at different points. Two were confined in the penitentiary at Nashville with convicts and deserters; six were thrown into military prisons at Cincinnati, Ohio, and marched through the public streets under a file of men, with a non-commissioned officer, subjected to the hootings and jeerings of the mob. Three were arrested and closely guarded in Columbus, Ohio, and subjected to insult, &c., by the military authorities of that place. On Baltimore Md., all were placed under arrest and confined in the guard allowed under any circumstances to go on the streets, nor wear our uniform. Arriving at Fortress Monroe, we were put on a steamer which was anchored out in the stream and not allowed to hold any communication with the shore; our baggage went through a rigorous march, and articles not contraband were taken — articles of necessity, purchased by us to relieve our immediate wants; in fact, we were robbed. Our private instruments, private baggage, money, &c., were taken. On asking the Federal authorities the cause of our arrest, we could obtain no definite answer. No cause existed. We immediately threw up our paroles, believing it was impossible for us to be under parole and arrest at the same time. The following protest was entered on the back of each parole:"I hereby enter my protest against my arrest and imprisonment by the military authorities of Cincinnati, &c., and, believing that the terms on which I have taken the parole were violated by being placed under arrest, I herewith return my parole, never having violated it."These parole were received by the authorities. We now earnestly appeal to our Government for redress, believing that a call made by he would not be disregarded. We ask not for ourselves, but for the sake of those whose misfortune it may be to be left behind with our wounded in future. We know the insults, the harsh treatment, and the suffering they will have to be subjected to, unless some action is taken. We know our surgeons will hereafter, instead of flying to the call of humanity and duty, try and shrink from the gloomy prospect before them. We most respectfully submit this for your consideration, sincerely hoping that some action may be taken to protect our surgeons while in the discharge of their duties in the enemy's lines.
J. R. Haldeman, Ky., J. D. Donelson, Miss.,
H. Plummer, Ky., E. H. Fuller, Ky.,
W. S. Delancey, Tenn., J. C. W. Steger, Ala.,
Walt. P. Johnson, Ky., J. S. Goddard, Ark.,
Hy. G. Lungeon., Fia, R. D. Gwin, Tenn.,
C. W. Donelson, Md., J. Edgar Goodlett., L.
H. Plummer, Ky., E. H. Fuller, Ky.,
W. S. Delancey, Tenn., J. C. W. Steger, Ala.,
Walt. P. Johnson, Ky., J. S. Goddard, Ark.,
Hy. G. Lungeon., Fia, R. D. Gwin, Tenn.,
C. W. Donelson, Md., J. Edgar Goodlett., L.