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Van-Dorn's victory in Tennessee.

We have received some further particulars of the brilliant victory of Gen. Van-Dorn near Franklin, Tenn., on the 5th.

The fight continued four hours, and resulted in our driving the enemy from a strong position, killing 100, wounding 450, and capturing five regiments--two from Indiana, one from Ohio, one from Wisconsin, and one from Michigan.

Two thousand five hundred of the enemy escaped, with one battery and three regiments of cavalry, the remainder of his force, to Franklin.--One hundred and twenty-five wounded and thirty killed will cover our loss.

Col. Harl, of the 3d Arkansas, was killed while gallantly leading his men into action, and Captain Watson, of Gen. Armstrong's staff, while leading a charge. Lieut Sullivan, of Gen. Van Dorn's staff, had two horses shot under him while leading a charge to King's 1st Missouri battery.

The success is due in a great measure to Gen. Forrest, who, by coming up in the enemy's rear, compelled their surrender.

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