Monday, March 16, 1863.
Senate.--The Senate met at 12 o'clock M.,
Mr. Hunter, of
Va., in the chair.
The President
pro tem laid before the Senate the petition of the Richmond and Danville Railroad Company, praying the passage of an act authorizing the
Secretary of War to supply the iron required for the construction of the Piedmont railroad.
Referred to the
Committee on Finance.
He also laid before the Senate a communication from the
Attorney-General, transmitting reports upon certain claims on file in the Department of Justice.
Referred to the
Committee on Chairs.
Mr Clay, of Ala. from the
Committee on Military Affairs, reported back without amendment the bill to prevent the absence of officers and soldiers without leave.
Placed on the calendar, and ordered to be printed.
Mr. Clay, from the
Committee of Commerce, reported back without amendment the bill to amend the act to prohibit the exportation of cotton from the
Confederate States, except through the seaports of said States.
Placed on the calendar and ordered to be printed.
Mr. Davis, from the Committee of Claims, presented a report relative to certain beef cattle, valued at $170,000, impressed by the military authorities in
Louisiana, and alleged to have been purchased in
Texas by
Payne with counterfeit Treasury notes.
[The report, after setting forth the circumstances of the case, remarks that "the importance of the question involved demand that they should be tried either by the ordinary Courts of Justice or by some higher tribunal than a more special Auditor, according to the plan of the bill submitted to them from the War Office." The committee express the opinion that the case may be referred under existing laws, to the
Attorney General for adjudication, and that "he shall report to Congress such claims as he has allowed, and recommend their payment, and also report such claims as he has refused to allow.] The report was laid upon the table and ordered to be printed.
Mr. Brown, from the
Committee of Naval Affairs, reported back without amendment, the Senate bill to reorganize the Navy of the
Confederate States.
On his motion, the bill was laid upon the table.
Mr Sparrow, from the
Committee of Military Affairs, reported a bill to provide for the arrest of soldiers absent from their commands without leave, and providing compensation for their captors.--Placed upon the calendar and ordered to be printed.
At the conclusion of
Mr. Wigfall's speech, the Senate went into secret session, and soon after adjourned.
House of Representatives.--The
House met at 12 o'clock, and was opened with prayer by
Bishop Early, of the
M. E. Church.
The Speaker laid before the
House a report from the
Attorney General of the
Confederate States upon certain claims field in that Department.
Laid on the table and ordered to be printed.
Mr. Miles, of
S. C., asked a suspension of the rales with a view to make a report from the
Committee on Military Affairs of two Senate bill referred to that committee.
The motion to suspend the rules did not prevail.
Mr. Hilton, of Pa, moved that when the
House adjourn to day it adjourn to meet at 11 o'clock tomorrow.
Mr. Royston, of
Ark., moved that the
House go into secret session, for the purpose of resuming the consideration of the Tax bill.
The motion prevailed and the doors were closed.