--The store-house of Edmond &
Davenport, on 8th street, near the picket landing, was visited by thieves on Saturday night, who after experimenting on the various doors and windows succeeded in breaking down the barriers that guarded one of the latter, and effecting an entrance — They robbed the place of about $400 worth of goods besides breaking into a number of boxes, bales, and trunks belonging to canal passengers, which they also despoiled and left undiscovered.
On the same night an entrance was effected into the dwelling-house of B
M. Morris police officer, on 4th between Canal and Bynd streets, by thieves, who proceeded to carry off several hundred dollars worth of provisions.
They were so well pleased with their first visit that a second was attempted on the same night but was frightened off.
B. Bristow, a boarder at
Mrs. Hatchers on Mayo street, was robbed on Sunday night of a Whitney pistol and $50 in money by
J. Williams, a man speaking with a foreign accent a native of
Manchester, England, who represented himself as a conductor on the Central railroad.
By this ruse he succeeded in conducting himself out of the reach of harm.
Dick, slave of
James Delarue, was put in the cage last evening charged with stealing a pistol from
Dennis O'Brien.