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Further from Europe.

the New Confederate loan — more Captures by the Alabama.

The advices by the Canada, to the 22d ult., have arrived. The following is a summary of the news:

Great Britain.

The ship Washington, from Calls, for Antwerp, sized by the pirate Alabama, had been released on a bond for $50,000, and landed the crews of the following vessels destroyed by the private, viz: Golden Eagle, Olive Jane, and Palmetto, at Southampton.

The Confederate loan has been very successful. The bidding closed on the 21st ult., and the total is expected to exceed $15,000,000. On Saturday, after official hours, the loan was quoted at premium.

The Confederate loan would close on the after noon of the 21st, the bids having greatly exceeded the amount needed particularly in London. The report says that the applications in Liverpool were not very heavy and there was considerable diversity of opinion there as to the merits of the scheme.

Paris telegrams say that the loan was quite the rage there.

The London Times' city article says "very little political feeling is manifested in the business and it deems evident, as far as London is concerned, that it is in viewing it as a cotton speculation, that any attraction it possesses is to be found. In other respects there can be no doubt that a majority of the merchants and capitalise's would have wished that it had not been introduced, as the affair will not be officially recognized on Change. The dealers agreed among themselves to fix the 24th April as the setting day.

The London Star cannot believe that bona fide investors will be found to take the loan, even at par,, with out better security than that offered by the hypothecation of cotton which it may never be in the power of Jeff Davis a do to deliver.

The London Newseditorially denounces the loan, and says in it's flagrant indecency and immorality, that wid strike and scandalize most Englishmen who care for the reputation of their country.--Those who subscribe to the loan are aiding and abetting the slave power in the most direct and emphatic manner, and all who have an enlightened regard for the true reputation of England will regard this open assistance to the traffickers in human flesh as a desecration and pollution to the English Exchange.

There was rather less excitement in regard to the loan on Friday, the 25th and after touching at 6½.It closed at 4½a4½ premium. The bids reached £10,000,000 stealing, and were expected to reach £15,000,000 to £18,000,000.

The London Times again asserts that it is regarded as a cotton transaction and not as a political loan, and there is nothing in it to prevent any one from subscribing.

In the House of Commons, Mr. Layard, in reply to an inquiry, said that since the breaking out of the civil war in America the communication between the British Government and the United States in reference to the Island of San Juan, has been suspended.

The bill reducing the tobacco duties had passed through the committee.

On the 20th Seymour Fitzgerald gave notice that he would, on the 23d, ask whether the Government had accepted, or intended to accept, the proposal of President Lincoln as to a communication between England and the United States to inquire into any just complaints of a violation of neutral rights.


The following are the latest advices from Poland, indicating a severe reverse to the revolutionists:

Cracow, March 20.--The insurgents are rallying at Vizdize, commanded by Semesorski.

Pano,March 21.--Dispatches receive at the Russian Embassy confirm the defeat of Langlewhiz who has been conveyed to Varnover. The insurgents lost 400 killed and 54 were taken prisoners. A telegram from Lemberg also confirms the above.

The latest.

The latest telegrams from Cracow say that a report is current that General Langlewhiz has been put to flight and his forces dispersed; that he was at Opolowicz, and sought the concent of Austria to pass through Gallicia, but was refused.

Earthworks are being thrown up around Warsaw. The inhabitants expected an attack at Easter.


A demonstration in favor of Poland has taken place in Paris. The Patric, of the 19th, says: To-day, at the conclusion of the lecture delivered by Prof. DeGirardin, a large number of students set our for the Palace of the Senate with the object of making a manifestation in favor of Poland. On arriving at the Place Odeon they were dispersed by the police.

During the sittings of the Senate the Place Odeon was patrolled by the police, and also the Rue DeDararguard, in order to prevent the people from collecting together. Some arrests were made in consequence of the above demonstration.

The Paris Moniteur and London, Times. regard the news from Poland as showing that the insurrection is becoming general.

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