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Judge Lyon's Court.

--This Court commenced its fall term yesterday morning.--Nothing was done further than arranging business for future transaction. This morning the following cases, which have been returned indicted by the Grand Jury, will be called up:

Matthew O'Neale, feloniously stealing one hundred and fifty pounds of lard, valued at $200, and forty pounds of candles, worth $100, belonging to John Ahern.

Patrick O'Brien, assaulting Henry Tern and stealing one silver watch valued at $50 and one pair of shoes worth $35.

John Welsh, feloniously stealing, on the 14th day of June, 1863, one horse valued at $200 from Chas. P. Word.

Richard Costello, feloniously stealing a gold watch and chain from Gen. Joseph Edwards, while stepping at the American Hotel.

Wm. Hinchman, feloniously assaulting, on the 23d of August, Patrick H. Redford, and stealing from him $80 in C. S. notes.

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Charles P. Word (1)
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