The drying room of the Vancluse Factory, Graniteville, S. C., was destroyed by fire on Sunday morning. The fire caught from the stove.--Loss about $20,600. Mrs. Dr. T. Diliard, of Burke county, Ga., 1(s) making a substitute for gunny bagging. It consists of the inner bark of the poplar, our of which the filling is made, and of cotton warps. Joseph Adams, of Petersburg, of company K. 12th Virginia regiment, was executed in General Lee's army on the 10th for misbehavior before the enemy. Major-Gen. Pickett and his wife were overturned in a carriage near Petersburg, Va., on Friday, the lady being slightly injured. A deserter named Samuel Webb, was shot and killed a few days since in Franklin county, Va., by one of the Provost Guard of the county. An arresian well near Cahaba, Ala., yields eight hundred gallons of water per minute. It once yielded seventeen hundred gallons per minute. The grand jury of Muscogee county, Ga., have assessed $60,000 this year for the benefit of the poor. Gen. Hood left Atlanta on Tuesday for Richmond. He travels in a litter. A resolution of thanks to Gen. Braxton Bragg has been introduced in the Georgia Legislature. St. Patrick's, a new Catholic church in Savannah, Ga., was consecrated on Sunday week. There was a heavy frost — the first of the sea — in Charleston, S. C., on Wednesday. Oysters sell at Raleigh, N. C., at $6 per quart.
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