
The raid into Southwestern Virginia--depredations of the enemy.

We submit this morning some additional particulars of the late raid of the enemy on the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, at Salem, on Wednesday last.

The reports with reference to the destruction of the Court-House and jail by the enemy are not correct. The only buildings were those occupied for quarter and commissary purposes, the railroad and Pitzer's large flour mill.-- exception of horses and negroes, was very little private property dis From one of the hotels they took of corn, provisions, and some bed ing, and from the store of Mr. Brown carried off a lot of flour, sugar, and each other articles as suited them. No citizens were molested except those who attempted to escape. About forty of these were arrested, including eight or ten students of Roanoke College, but all were released after being taken about ten miles from the town, on the Newcastle road.

The injury done to the railroad is not as great as was at first supposed. Two bridges were burned--one across Mason's creek, a rails and a half east of Salem, and the other the bridge across Roanoke river, six miles vest of the town. About 300 yards of the track was torn up, and the turntable at the depot destroyed. It is believed the whole damage to the road can be repaired in five or six days. The telegraph wires were cut, but not taken off.

The principal loss of the citizens was in horses, of which they carried off or shot all that fell into their hands. About fifteen negroes were also carried off, six of whom were worthless free negroes.

Mr. Thomas Chapman, who has already been reported killed, was out a short distance from the town watching the movements of the enemy, who came upon him and ordered him to surrender, which he refused to do. They then fired upon him, killing him instantly. They buried him near where he fell. The only persons not released by them after being captured were two furloughed soldiers of the 2nd Va. cavalry, and Mr. Oakey, telegraph operator.

The exact loss sustained by the Government is not known. Pitzer's loss in the burning of his mill is quite heavy. It is said that about 300 barrels of the flour burned in the depot belonged to the city of Petersburg, having been purchased by her agents. The beeves purchased by the same corporation had been driven off before the appearance of the enemy.

The Rev. Dr. Seely, of this city, was in Salem, delivering the annual address before the Hollins Female Institute, when the Yankees made their appearance, but managed to make his escape.

The destruction of the bridge across the Roanoke river it is reported was accomplished by a detachment of only fifteen men, who though six miles from any supports, remained at the bridge several hours.

[Other particulars will be found under our telegraphic head.]

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