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Fighting between the negroes and Yankees.

There seems to have been a collision, of quite a serious character, between the Yankees and the colored allies at Fort Jackson, below New Orleans. A few days ago we published a dispatch from Mobile, in which a confused allusion was made to the matter, which was not understood for want of previous information.

Yesterday a member of the House of Representatives received the following dispatch, which partially explains the affair:

‘ "Mobile, Dec. 24.--I have this moment received the following dispatch from Magnolia, dated Dec. 23; 'News from Fort Jackson, brought by released prisoners, state that they were fighting there yesterday.--Six thousand negroes were in the and all the gunboats had been sent with three thousand troops.'"

Magnolia is a station on the Jackson and New Orleans railroad. The solution of the telegram is, that the negroes, who were garrisoning the fort, have mutinied, and that a fight between them and their Yankee friends has ensued.

With the lights before us at present, without any strong feeling of friendship for other party, we can only hope that the dark may be successful.

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