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New York papers, of Friday last, have been received. Their intelligence is not important:

The attack on Plymouth, N. C.--the result
not known--Gen. Wessels not surprised — the
town Considered Safe.

The Boston Traveller has the following telegram from Washington, dated the 20th instant:

The following account of the recent attack on Plymouth, N. C., may be relied on:

On Sunday last a large body of rebels moved down the Roanoke river upon Plymouth, accompanied by a flotilla consisting of a ram and four other gunboats. Of these, two were river boats, which escaped our forces when Plymouth was taken. The rest have been built since. The rebel force is variously estimated at three and at five brigades, consisting of between fifteen and twenty-five thousand men.

As the fleet came to the line of obstructions, which forms a part of the protection of Plymouth, it engaged the Union gunboat Whitehead, and it is said sunk her.

At the same time a land attack was made on Fort Grey, our furthest defensive work, about a mile above the town. The fort is under the command of Capt Brown, of the 85th New York. His force is one company of that regiment and one of Massachusetts heavy artillery. The enemy attacked him three times and were repelled with loss on each occasion. The Bombshell, Union gunboat, which was in communication with him, was fired on as she brought down his last dispatch to Plymouth, and had three men wounded.

Gen. Wessels, an experienced officer, is in command at Plymouth. He was not taken by surprise, having been-informed of the probable attack for some days, and with Gen. Peck, the commander of that department, having taken measures to resist it. He had sent non-combatants away, and was apprised of the enemy's advance by his cavalry, who lost several men in killed, and brought in ten wounded in their skirmishing with the enemy's advances.

Our force on the water consisted of the Whitehead, (tin-clad,) 4 guns; Miama and Eutaw, each 8 guns; Bombshell, 4, and the Lockwood, 3. The rebels were said to have 30 pieces of artillery, including a battery of 32-pounders from Lee's army.

The last advices are to eleven o'clock on Sunday night.

No fears were entertained from the land attack. If our gunboats were driven off by the rebel iron-clads, the rebel flotilla would command the town from the river. But it will be seen that our naval force in guns is superior to the enemy's.

The Philadelphia Inquirer has a telegram from Norfolk, dated the 19th, to the effect that refugees from Plymouth reported fighting to have commenced there on Sunday afternoon. It adds:

The rebels in force attacked Fort Gray, which is about a mile from the town, on the Roanoke river. They planted a heavy battery on Polk's island, about a half mile distant, and kept up a continuous fire, during which they succeeded in cutting the flag mast at the fort. This was replaced; and the Stars and Stripes again floated defiantly in the face of the foe.

The rebels then advanced slowly forward up to within a short distance of the fort, when they made an impetuous charge. They were received with a galling fire, which thinned their ranks and caused them to fall back. Again and again they rallied to the charge and endeavored to take the citadel, but to no purpose. Each time they were repulsed with fearful slaughter. They retired with their artillery still keeping up a fire.

Their iron ram and four rebel gunboats moved down the river to the obstructions, within six miles of the town, to co-operate with the land forces.

The rebel force is from 10,000 to 15,000 strong.--The rebel cavalry are under the command of Gen. Ransom. Gen. Wessel is in command of the Union forces. He has Plymouth well fortified, and pronounces it impregnable.

In front of the town are stationed several of our gunboats. They have done good service, and will continue to do more. The gunboats have had to stand already much of the brunt of the engagement. The fire of the rebel artillery has been directed on them, and it is said that on the gunboat Bombshell several have been killed and wounded.

All the citizens of Plymouth have left the place, and most of them are quartered on Roanoke Island. Several of the rebel shells had fallen in the town. During the engagement the rebels captured a member of the 2d North Carolina loyal regiment, who formerly deserted, they allege, from the 7th North Carolina rebel regiment, and it is reported that he was hung on the spot, without even so much as the form of a trial. It is rumored that the rebels have also made a demonstration simultaneous with this is the vicinity of Newbern.

The rebels have a great anxiety to redeem the State, as they see it is fast receding from their grasp. Though they may use exertions almost superhuman, they will find that the Union arms can cope successfully with any force that they may bring.


The Governor of New York has determined to call out the State militia regiments to do duty at the forts around the city of New York, so as to allow the forces now stationed there to be transferred to the field.

In the House of Commons on the 8th Layard said that the Government was taking measures to investigate the alleged kidnapping of Irish emigrants into the service of the Federal army.

A large company has been formed in England, with a capital of a million of dollars, to purchase steamers to run the blockade and bring out cotton.

The steamer Matilda, built at Glasgow for the Confederates, bound from Cardiff for a rebel port, iron and steel clad, was wrecked on Lundy Island.

It is reported that the case of the Pampero has been settled, the owners consenting to a verdict for the Crown, with nominal forfeiture of the vessel.

Butler demands to be relieved from his present position, or to have entire control of military movements having their base within his department.

A great part of the city of Demarara has been destroyed by fire. Loss two or three millions of dollars.

The Emperor of Austria has allowed the formation of a corps of 6000 volunteers for the empire of Mexico.

Burnside left Washington on the 21st for Fortress Monroe in a special steamer.

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