The particulars of the Battle of the Wilderness have not been received in full, (owing to the non-arrival of the Central train last night,) though we give some additional particulars received by telegraph.--The thousands of rumors in the city yesterday are not worthy of notice, and nearly all of them were exploded before night. What we give below is all that is really known relative to the contest. The situation may be understood from the fact that on Saturday night Grant attempted to get back over the river by way of Ely's ford, but was so closely pressed by Gen. Gordon, that, seeing he would have to lose all his artillery, he changed his plan and started for Fredericksburg. He had to march twenty-five miles, and Gen. Lee, at 9 o'clock yesterday morning, had his advance at Spotsylvania Court house, only twelve miles from Fredericksburg. Should Grant arrive without being interrupted, he will make that town his base unless driven from it, and will draw his supplies from Aquia Creek, to which point they can be transported by water. We give the following telegraphic.
Accounts of the battle.
[From Our Own Correspondent.] Headquarters Longstreet's Corps, Friday, May 6th, via. Orange C. H., May 7th.
--My two telegrams of this morning brought the history down to 2 P. M.
Longstreet was wounded in the neck at 12 o'clock by the 6th Va. infantry, through mistake.
At that hour he had completely turned the enemy's left; but during the delay that ensued after his wounding the enemy fell back behind their line of entrenchments, thrown up at the intersection of the road from Germanna Ford to Bowling Green, with the Orange and Alexandria Plank road.
There he had massed heavy forces, and having been driven elsewhere, he made a heavy effort to hold the cross roads as his only salvation.
At 4 o'clock an effort was made by us to carry this point, which was successful; but the force employed was too weak to hold it.
Our casualties do not exceed 6,000, most of them being but slight wounds.
Owing to the thick woods in which the enemy made the attack, his loss is much heavier.
We took between 3,000 and 4,000 prisoner, all told.
We held possession of the battle-field all light.
[Second Dispatch.]
Headquarters, May 7, via Orange C. H. May 8.
--Gen. Lee ordered Gen. Ewell to make a demonstration on the enemy's right at night, during which we captured Gens. Shaler and Seymour.
It was discovered that the enemy had thrown up entrenchments along his whole tent on the Germanna road.
His position behind these works and thick woods is very strong.
It is not impossible, however, that we will get possession of the Germanna road on the enemy's extreme right.
His situation is very precarious.
Gen. Longstreet is doing very well.
All is quiet this (Saturday) morning, but we are not idle.
[by Telegraph.]
Orange C. H., May 7.
--Your correspondent left the front at 4 A. M., bringing the following, reliable information:
Gen. Ewell again repulsed the enemy yesterday, who advanced on his front with five lines of battle.
The Yankee loss is terrible, especially on Early's front.
Ewell's loss is very small.
About 12 o'clock yesterday the enemy having previously attacked Heth and Wilcox and driven them back, Longstreet planned and was in the act of executing a flank movement on the enemy's left wing, when, by the mistake of our men, he was fired upon.
Lieut. Gen. Longstreet and staff were severely, though not mortally, wounded Gen. Longstreet in the shoulder, so say the surgeons with whom the Press correspondent conversed, and who examined his wound, and instantly killing Brig. Gen. Jenkins, of South Carolina.
Our troops continued to press the enemy until about 4 o'clock, driving back the enemy's left and centre some two miles, our left standing fast in its position.
Last night our men held possession of the enemy's battle-field on the left and centre capturing a number of the enemy's wounded and some of the dead.
The enemy fought, yesterday, most obstinately in all parts of the line.
Our success was very great, though not deemed decisive.
The charge of Gordon's (Georgia) brigade Thursday is represented to have been the grandest of the war.
Just before daylight some picket firing was heard in front of Hill's corps, and about 6 A. M. cannonading, lasting half an hour, was heard on Ewell's line.
Our loss thus far is about 5,000, of whom a large proportion are slightly wounded.--The proportion of officers to privates killed and wounded is very much larger than in any previous fight.
The Yankee Gen. Hayes is reported killed, and a dead Yankee General, with the initials "H. H. C.," supposed to be Conch or Casey, was found in Ewell's front.
The fight occurred in a desolate wooded country.
Little or no artillery was brought into action.
At one time yesterday, when the enemy were heavily pressing Hill's men, Gen. Kershaw opportunely, by double-quicking with his troops, arrived on the field, checked, repulsed and pursued the enemy, thus turning the fortunes of the day at that end of the line.
The battle field extends over a space of eight miles in length.
Rosser's cavalry fought the enemy all day, on our extreme right, losing heavily and gaining nothing important.
Ewell captured two pieces of artillery in the fight of Thursday and 1,200 prisoners. The wounded are arriving here and receiving every attention.
Gen. R. H. Anderson is now commanding in place of Longstreet.
Two thousand well and wounded prisoners have been captured thus far.
The battle-ground extends from the Rapidan river to the plank-road, and is about 25 miles east of this place.
The battle is not yet ended.
Weather hot and sultry.
[Second Disptch.]
Orange C. H., May 7.
--Gordon's Georgia brigade and Johnston's N. C. brigade, of Ewell's corps, turned the enemy's extreme right flank, about four miles above Germanza ford, last evening, between sunset and dark, capturing four hundred prisoners, including Brig. Gens. Seymour and Shater. --The enemy, completely surprised, hastily fled on finding their breast works turned and stormed.
Our loss very slight.
There are rumors here that Mosby has whipped the negro troops, capturing some, and burning some bridges in Fauquier county.
[Third Dispatch.]
Orange C. H., May 7.
--Trustworthy advices from the front, as late as 1 o'clock P. M., represent that there was no general engagement up to that time.
Lieut Gen. Longstreet's condition to-day is reported as much improved.
There was some cannonading on the extreme right and left during the morning; but it amounted to nothing of importance.
A negro soldier, an infantry man, the first ever captured by this army, was taken near Brandy Station yesterday, and brought in here to-day.
He says that he belongs to the 27th Ohio, Burnside's corps.
The enemy have been fortifying all day, as if to provoke Gen. Lee to attack him.
[fourth Dispatch.]
Orange C. H., May 8.
--Advices from the front to sunrise this morning report that there was no general engagement yesterday — only heavy skirmishing.
The impression prevailed last night that the enemy were falling back towards Culpeper or Fredericksburg.
The negro troops occupying Brandy Station advanced out to Culpeper Court-House Friday and occupied it. Yesterday they went back to Brandy Station, set fire to the stores (principally quartermaster's) and then marched to join Grant.
Scouts say that the enemy have abandoned the line of the Orange railway, and no cars are running on it. It is supposed that Grant now intends to make Fredericksburg his base.
Ewell holds the road leading to Germanna, Ford, but the enemy still have two fords by which to recross the river to Culpeper if they wish.
Stuart was yesterday engaged with the enemy on our right, and it was reported he was compelled to give back until Hampton joined him, when he forced the enemy to retire.
The enemy's losses thus far are estimated at 18,000.
Ours will reach 7,000.
The Yankee Gen. Hayes is certainly killed.
Wads worth is wounded and a prisoner — he may recover.
Oglesby is reported killed.
Twenty four hundred privates and one hundred commissioned officers thus far have been registered here, not including the Yankee wounded, of which we captured some 1,500, chiefly in front of Hill and Longstreet on Friday.
Our men began yesterday evening to bury our own and the Yankee dead.
Siegel occupied Winchester on Friday with 5,000 infantry and 2,000 cavalry.
The country between the Rappahannock and the Potomac is reported to be filled with Yankee deserters.
Gen. Longstreet's condition is much improved.
He left for the interior to-day.
Mosby captured two wagon trains, heavily laden, and horses attached, near Martinsburg, on Thursday.
The latest from the front, at 12 M. to-day, represent the enemy falling back towards Fredericksburg, and our troops following them closely.
Official Dispatches from Gen. Lee.
The following official dispatches from Gen. Lee have been received at the War Department: Early this morning as the divisions of Gen. Hill, engaged yesterday, were being relieved, the enemy advanced and created some confusion. The ground lost was recovered as soon as the fresh troops got into position, and the enemy driven back to his original line. Afterwards we turned the left of his fresh line and drove it from the field, leaving a large number of dead and wounded in our hands, among them Gen. Wadsworth. A subsequent attack forced the enemy into his entrenched lines on the Brook road, extending from Wilderness Tavern on the right to Trigg's Mill. Every advance on his part, thanks to a merciful God, has been repulsed. Our loss in killed is not large, but we have many wounded, most of them slightly, artillery being little used on either side. I grieve to announce that Lieutenant General Longstreet was severely wounded and General Jenkins killed. General Pegram was badly wounded yesterday. General Stafford, it is hoped, will recover. General Gordon turned the enemy's extreme right yesterday evening, and drove him from his rifle pits. Among the prisoners captured are Generals Seymour and Shaler. A number of arms were also taken. The enemy has abandoned the Germanna Ford road, and removed his pontoon bridge towards Ely's. There has been no attack to-day — only slight skirmishing along the line. The following later dispatch from Gen. Lee was received yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. It was sent from the battle-field at 9 o'clock in the morning: May 8th, 1864.
Hm. Secretary of War:
The enemy has abandoned his position and is moving towards Fredericksburg.--This army is in motion on his right flank, and our advance is now at Spotsylvania Court House.
Cavalry engagement near Spotsylvania C. H.
Quite a spirited fight took place on Saturday last four miles above Spotsylvania C. H., on the road leading to Todd's Tavern, in which Wickham's cavalry brigade was principally engaged. Both sides engaged were dismounted cavalry. The enemy fought very obstinately for several hours. Wickham's men finally forced back his left about one mile and held their position. When the enemy fell back a large number of their dead were left on the field. Our loss in the fight was about 150 killed and wounded. Fifty-one prisoners were captured during the engagement, among whom were two Captains and two Lieutenants, who were brought down by the Fredericksburg cars yesterday evening. Among the officers killed was Lieut. Isaac Wingfield, company G. Hanover Troop, and Lieut. Puryear, company A, 3d Virginia cavalry, was shot through the left lung, and reached this city yesterday evening. Col. Collins, of the 15th Virginia cavalry, is also reported killed. The loss in Gen. Fitz Lee's division since the fighting began last Thursday is estimated at 250 killed and wounded. Most of the casualties occurred in Saturday's fight, Wickham's brigade having lost more heavily than any other.List of wounded officers from the battle of Wilderness.
The following is a list of the wounded officers who have been received at the officers' hospital in Richmond. They were wounded in Thursday's and Friday's fights: W. L. Saunders, col. 40th N. C., Cook's brig; T. G. Jenkins, it co C, 46th N. C.; A. W. Dockery, it co E. 38th N. C.; A. F. Bost, Capt co K, 46th N. C.; J. M. Linneer, it co E, 3d Ga; S. M. Brighter, it co I, 14th N. C.; W. G. Meacher, it co I, 14th N. C.; G. B. Ginto, it co K, 15th Va cav; B. W. Reque, it co H, 43d Ala; D. H. Clark, Capt. co G., 1st Tenn; it J. W. Pouty, Huckstep's battery; W. H. McClure, it co E. 21st Ga; G. A. DeLay, it co B., 16th Ga; J. W. Emmett, Capt. and A. A. G., Rosser's brig; A. W. Latimer, it co I, 49th Ga; R. S. Anderson, it co K, 19th Ga; C. D. Lowell, it co C, 61st Ga; E. J. Phillips, it co F, 1st Ala. bat'y; R. M. Hood, it co D, 31st Ga; P. Byron, It co A., 10th La.; J. D. Graham Capt. co D., 2d S. C.; H. L. Farley, It co G., 3rd S. C.; T. S. Moorman, It co E., 3rd S. C.; M. Charles, It co C., 1st N. C.; F. M. Farr, It co H., 15th S. C.; G. A. Atwell, It co E., 34th N. C.; G. W. Flowers, Maj. 38th N. C.; D. B. Sanford, It co A., Phillips's Degion; T. B. Lamar, col. 5th Fla.; J. H. Strein, It co H, 2d Miss; S. D. Mann, it co D., 44th Ga.; J. M. McConnel, It co F., 4th Ga; S. A. Saunders, It co J., 53d Ga.; M. V. Timmens, It co G., 15th S. C.; S. E. Fahn, It co E. 50th S. C.; J. J. Hicks, it co D., 2d Miss; W. F. Hartsfield, It co 53d Ga.; E. J. Goggin, Capt. co M., 7th S. C.; R. S. Saddler, It co I., 55th Va; J. H. Fleet, Capt. co H., 55th Va; H. Baxter, it co B., 5th La; A. W. Gibson, Capt. co K., 46th Ga; N. T. Johnson, Adj't 12th Ga.; A. S. Thorp, it co C., 4th Ga.; W. P. Neely, Capt. co E., 21st Miss; T. A. Hudgins, Capt. co B., 7th S. C.; L. Poole, Capt. cod, 24th Ga.; L. S. Crawford, It co K., 10th Ga.; T. W. Alexane, Capt. co C., 1st Tenn., D. L. Duke, Capt co F., 16th Miss. J. A. Morgan, It co A., 1st N. C.; L. C. Latham, major 1st N. C.; B. D. Calhoun, It co C., 4th Ga.; J. P. Pugsley, it co C., 38th Ga.; G. F. Pierce, It co C., Cobb's cavalry legion; C. W. Baldwin, Capt. co G., do; J. I. Dodge, Capt. co D., Phillips's Legion; R. A. Pierson Capt. co C., 9th La; W. C. Holt, It col. 10th Gen., W. C. Dodd, It co it, 50th Ga.; J. H. Small, It co F., 9th L, Brig. Gen. J. H. Stafford (died Sunday morning) Brig. Gen. Henning (painful, but not serious), H. C. Williams, It co E., 4th Ga.; W. H. Willia, It col 4th Ga.; B. R. Herty, It co H. 4th Ga.; T. C. James, Adjt. 3d N. C.; W. C. Hodges, col. 17th Ga.; A. K. Melton, Capt. co I, 3d Ala.; W. McKenney, it co H, 12th Ala; R. T. Pry, Maj. 31st Ga; W. B. Jones, Maj. 6th Ga.; J. F. Ferguson, Maj. 5th Ala.; E. J. Martin, A. D. C., to Gen. Johnson; E. D. Willet, col. 1st La.; H. C. Gill, It co B., 1st La; G. W. Woody, It co A., 34th N. C.; J. Castein, It co A., 3d N. C., J. Rossler, it co I, 13th N. C.Movements on the Southside — Butler reported to be in command--two fights at Port Walthall — the enemy Twice repulsed.
Owing to the difficulty in transmitting intelligence from the Southside during Friday and Saturday a number of extraordinary rumors were in circulation relative to affairs in that quarter. The rumors relative to the strength of the enemy's force were greatly exaggerated. The transports which had arrived at City Point up to Friday were one hundred and twenty-one in number. Not more than half of these had troops aboard, and the number of fighting men on the other side of James river is probably not more than 20,000. There is a good harbor at Port Walthall and on Friday the enemy landed there and proceeded to a point on the Port Walthall Railroad known as the Port Walthall Junction, five miles from Petersburg and two miles from Swift Creek bridge. At five o'clock two brigades of the enemy, which moved out from Bermuda Hundreds some time during Thursday night, and were slowly and cautiously advancing during the day yesterday, attempted to cross the field of Mrs. Howlett's farm, immediately at the Junction, but were met with a deadly fire from six hundred of the 21st and 25th South Carolina Volunteers, commanded by Col. Graham, of Hagood's brigade. Three times the enemy essayed to reach the railroad, coming with a yell, but our men, unawed by such music and unintimidated by such apparent ferocity, met them with a steady fire, causing them to recoil and stagger from the bloody reception. They finally retreated in some confusion, and retired about a mile and a half distant, in the direction of Port Walthall landing. The disparity of numbers was too great for us to pursue. The enemy had artillery, but used it with poor effect. Our casualties were 25--two killed and twenty-three wounded. We had no artillery. The object of the enemy in this movement was evidently to tear up the railroad and burn the bridge over Swift Creek. They lost heavily yesterday, but carried off their killed and wounded. The movements of the enemy on the Southside appears to be of a vacillating character. Gilmore and Baldy Smith are in command of the white troops, while Beast Butler is in supreme command of the expedition. One large brigade, numbering about 4,000, are negroes, under the immediate command of Gen. Hinks. It was this brigade who accomplished the daring feat of capturing our signal station on Thursday last, near City Point, while the white flag was flying. On the approach of the Yankee fleet the officer in command of the signal station communicated with the commander of the Yankee flag of truce boat, then lying at City Point with paroled Confederate prisoners on board and intimating to him his apprehensions in regard to being molested, he was assured by that officer that no fears need be apprehended, as due notice would be given him under the circumstances in case the troops landed at that point. As soon, however, as the transports arrived the troops on board, who were negroes, disembarked and took possession of the signal station, capturing the signal corps. This was done under the immediate supervision of Butler, who came up in the "Greyhound" at the same time. When our flag was hauled down the Beast is said, by an eye-witness, to have been highly elated at the grand feat accomplished by his "pets," as he calls them, and slapping an officer on the shoulder chuckled in delightful ecstasy. This brigade of negroes have been pushed out about three miles from City Point, in the direction of Petersburg, where they are entrenched.The Second fight at Port Walthall Junction.
On Saturday evening the enemy in large force attacked our position at Port Walthall Junction. The fight lasted three hours, and resulted in a handsome repulse of the enemy with heavy loss. Their loss is reported by prisoners taken by our pickets to have been at lest 1,000 killed and wounded. Our loss is small. The particulars of the engagement we have been unable to get. --Gen. Bushrod Johnston was in immediate command of our troops. It appears that the enemy were too badly crippled to make another advance. Some of their scouts, however, reached the railroad about a mile and a half this side of the Junction, and commenced to tear up the track, but did but little damage. The road last night was clear, and in running order. The main body of the enemy who landed at Bermuda Hundreds are entrenching three or four miles from Port Walthall Junction, in an easterly direction from the Richmond and Petersburg railroad. The position of affairs on the south side is now regarded as favorable. Indeed, no serious fears have been entertained from an advance on Richmond from this direction, as we are satisfied that our advantages of position, with the large force we have operating in that quarter, can repel, if not annihilate, any force the enemy can bring. Butler together with his staff, narrowly escaped being captured by our pickets on Friday evening last. He ventured out about dusk beyond his lines, and got near some of our pickets, but managed to escape. His Orderly was captured, and when our gallant men were apprised of the nature of the game that had eluded them their mortification is said to have exceeded all measure.[by Telegraph.]
Petersburg, May 8.
--A battle was fought in the vicinity of Port Walthall on Saturday.
It raged from eleven to half past 4 o'clock, with an intermission of half an hour.
The enemy greatly outnumbered us, but were handsomely repulsed and retired from the field, leaving some dead and wounded.
The heaviest fighting was on our left, near the railroad, where chiefly South Carolinians were engaged.
Our casualties are 175--about thirty killed. Prisoners taken say they belong to Gilmore's corps, and are recently from Florida, and that Butler commanded in person.
the enemy lost heavily — prisoners say 2,000.
All quiet to-day, save slight firing from gunboats in the Appomattox.