Saturday was a day of excitement, which was by no means diminished by occasional reports of cannon from the Southside, and great anxiety was manifested to learn the progress of events in the neighborhood of Drewry's Bluff. It was expected that a general engagement would take place on that day, but in this the popular surmise was disappointed. A report, which turned out to be untrue was in circulation that Sheridan's aiding party was returning, which served to increase the excitement. The accounts from the Southside are meagre, but sufficient to show that nothing of great importance has yet occurred. Skirmishing continued during all of Saturday, and it is reported that at a late hour of the night the enemy charged a fortification held by Corse's brigade, and were repulsed with considerable slaughter. The statement is that our men defended the work will great bravery, some of them even capture over the breastworks to repel the enemy. Nothing official was received yesterday at Gen. Ransom's headquarters from the Bluff, and parties who visited that point are not well posted in regard to details. Musketry Bring was heard yesterday morning on the Southside, with occasional discharges of artillery. Skirmishing was kept up with more or less severity along the lines during the day, but the relative positions of the two armies are unchanged. It is reported that the enemy are entrenching in front of Fort Stevenson, the outer fortification of Drewry's Bluff. The artillery firing and proceeded from the batteries on both face shelling each other, and the woods in the vicinity. The enemy's sharpshooters are posted in these woods, and lose no opportunity of picking off our men when they now themselves over the breastworks. A general engagement may occur at any moment — possibly to-day. It is claimed by deserters that the enemy have forty thousand men on the southside, and the probability is that they mean fight. Our troops — officers and men — are resolute, and confident of their ability to whip them in a fair contest. It is stated that there are seven monitors in the river, and they doubtless contemplate an attack in front on Drewry's Bluff. The boats yesterday brought up a few --among them Col. Clark, of North Carolina, and Major Clark, of the 15th Va. regiment. Our losses thus far have not been heavy.
The raid on the Danville railroad--Destruction of property.
A force of Yankee cavalry, under Spears, the same that made the raid on the Weldon railroad, struck the Richmond and Danville Railroad on Thursday night at ten o'clock, at the Coalfield Station, thirteen miles from Richmond. Here they remained at night, destroying the depot, wood shed, water tank, and five box cars loaded with On Friday morning at daylight they took their departure from Coalfield, back to the road again within a mile of Tomahawk Station, and reached Powhatan about eight o'clock. Here they burnt the depot, freight house, water tank, and twelve cars loaded with forage. They also tore up the track for a distance of three or four hundred yards on one side of the road, and about one hundred yards on the other, twisting the roads and rendering them useless.--The raiders left Powhatan about three or four o'clock on Friday evening, and reached Appomattox bridge at Maltoax Station, where they came upon a body of Confederate soldiers, placed there to guard the bridge. Our men threw one shell at them, when they turned off, crossed Bevill's bridge, and proceeded to Chula Station, about thirty miles from Richmond. The Yankees having misplaced a switch, the locomotive Waynoka, on the way back from Appomattox bridge, ran off the track and was abandoned by the engineer and conductor. The locomotive was subsequently destroyed by the Yankees. At Chula they burnt all the railroad buildings, the residence of the agent — in fact every house at the place, making a clean sweep. On Saturday morning the raiding party returned to Appomattox bridge, where a small skirmish took place, resulting in their repulse. Shortly before noon they attacked our forces at Flat Creek bridge, on the farm of Lewis E. Harvie, President of the road.--A sharp light ensued, in which the enemy are reported to have lost twenty seven killed and nine prisoners, two of whom were wounded. Our loss was only two billed and two wounded. The Yankees were driven off, and retreated, leaving their dead behind — After this repulse they left in the direction of the Southside railroad, between Petersburg and the Junction, where they are reported to have burnt three depots — Wilson's Blacks and Whites, and another. The Yankees committed all the depredations on private property possible during their short stay on the Danville road. At Powhatan they took all of Mr. Gates's provisions except a small quantity saved by a negro, broke his buggy, cut his harness, and destroyed everything in his store. Others were treated in like manner. At Coalfield they stole from a lady eight hundred dollars belonging to the telegraph operator. They arrested some citizens, but let them go after detaining them a short time. A telegram from Mr. James L. Morrow, Superintendent of the telegraph line, confirms the above, and gives substantially the same particulars.Operations in Northern Virginia.
The following dispatches, from the agent of the Associated Press, comprise all we behave in addition from Gen. Lee's army. It will be seen that the slaughter of the enemy thus far has been immense, and if it keeps on at this rate their movement "on to Richmond" will be finally checked. With regard to the sixteen pieces of artillery taken by the enemy, we have a well authenticated report that they were subsequently recaptured by our troops.Latest official Dispatch from Gen. Lee.
The following dispatch was received at the War Department yesterday evening:Spotsylvania C H., May 14.
To the President:
(Signed) R. E. Lee.
Guiney's Station, May 12.
--Very little of interest transpired yesterday.
Heavy skirmishing occurred at intervals during the whole of last night.
This morning at daylight, the enemy having massed heavy forces in front of Johnson's division, made a most vigorous assault upon Jones's brigade.
For a while our line of battle was broken, and the enemy pressed over our breastworks, gaining possession of several pieces of our artillery and capturing a number of prisoners.
Forces, however, were quickly sent to the relief of those thus engaged, and the enemy was driven back.
About 10 o'clock this morning the enemy made most vigorous and repeated assaults upon Field's division, but were driven back with great slaughter.
At 2 o'clock P. M., the enemy are making a most desperate fight in Ewell's front, but all accounts concur that we are driving them back and punishing them with great slaughter.
The musketry firing to-day was the heaviest of the war. The battle has extended along the whole line to-day, and has been fought by the Yankees with more vim and bravery than any other fought on Virginia soil.
Among our casualties are Brig. Gen. Perrin, killed; Brig. Gen. Walker, of the Stonewall brigade, wounded in the arm; Col. Garnett, of the 5th N. C., killed; Brig. Gen. McGowan, reported wounded.
We captured 2,000 of the enemy's wounded, left by them at the Wilderness.
Yankee papers, of the 7th, contain letters written from Grant's headquarters, acknowledging a loss of 20,000 men in the Wilderness fight.
Yankee prisoners say that Gen. Grant is putting fresh troops in the fight to-day.
At 2 o'clock severe and continuous fighting had occurred, all along our lines, but the enemy had been everywhere repulsed, and in some cases we have driven the enemy before us.
A heavy rain has been falling all day and a part of last night, adding to the discomfort of our troops, but our men are buoyant and resolute.
So far we have achieved grand results, but the enemy are still pressing the battle with desperation.
Our loss to day is not very heavy, as we have been fighting mostly behind breastworks.
The enemy are fighting in the open field and their loss must be terrible.
Hill's whole corps has been extensively engaged all day, recovering in some instances the ground lost by other troops, and Mahone's and Lane's brigades, about 2 o'clock, made a most gallant charge, capturing about 300 prisoners and a number of stands of colors.
Gens. Ed Johnson and G. H. Stuart are missing, and are supposed to have been captured.
About 3 P. M., the firing ceased in front, and in a great measure all along the lines, and it is supposed the enemy are gradually moving back.
[second Dispatch.]
Battle Field, Spotsyl'a C. H, May 13,
Via Guiney's Station, May 14.
The battle yesterday lasted all day and late into last night.
Our men, after a temporary repose in front of Johnson's Division, successfully resisted every onset of the enemy, who repeatedly assaulted our lines with troops massed in, as some say, as many as ten columns deep.
Our boys stood nobly to their work, piling the enemy's dead thickly before our breastworks.
The lowest estimate of the enemy's loss in the battle yesterday is 20,000.
These figures are corroborated by a Yankee Colonel, wounded, and in our hands.
The Yankee General Stevenson was killed on the 10th.
Our losses yesterday in killed and wounded are estimated at 2,000.
Among the casualties on our side yesterday were the following:
Gen. Gordon, slightly wounded; Colonel Baker, of the 16th Miss., killed; Lieut. Col. Felter, of the same regiment, killed; Col. Harding, of the 19th Miss., killed; Lieut. Col. Neimer, of the --Va., killed.
There was continuous fighting for ten hours yesterday on one point, and so severe was the musketry fire that trees were cut down by it.
Prisoners say that Gen. Grant expressed a determination not to recross over the river while he has a man left.
Reports from Fredericksburg say that the enemy are arresting all the male citizens as hostages for prisoners alleged to have been captured by citizens on Sunday last.
It is also stated that the enemy had a force of one thousand men, on Monday, busy putting the railroad between Fredericksburg and Aquia Creek in running order.
The Yankee prisoners say that Gen. Grant is issuing whiskey rations to his troops.
Our troops yesterday fought with more than usual bravery and gallantry, and the enemy fought more stubbornly than ever.
Thus far, to-day, there has been no general engagement, only slight skirmishing and occasionally discharges of artillery.
A heavy rain has been falling since four o'clock A. M., and the roads are deep with mud.
It is supposed that this battle will be called the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House.
Our men are as resolute as ever, whilst accounts from the Yankee side show that their troops are growing dispirited.
The enemy, yesterday, certainly bayonetted some of our men in the breastworks.
The enemy, to-day, are still in our front, strongly fortified, and show no signs of falling back.
Via Guiney's Station, May 14.
[Third Dispatch.]
Battle-Field, Spotsylv'a C. H. May 14,
Via Guiney's Station, May 15.
There was only slight infantry skirmishing to-day, with occasional discharges of artillery.
Grant shows no signs of falling back.--Scouts report him to be receiving no reinforcements, though prisoners say he is expecting Schenck with troops from Baltimore and other points.
It is believed that Grant had Heintzalman with troops from the fortifications at Washington, in the fight of Thursday.
Johnson's division, in the fight of Thursday, lost about 2,000 prisoners and 16 pieces of artillery, principally from Page's and Cutashaw's battalions.
Grafft's dead in our front are still unburied.
The enemy have been busy all day shifting troops from point to point and manoeuvring generally.
Brig. Gen Daniels, wounded in the fight of
Thursday, died to day. Gen. Ramseur was wounded very slightly.
About 1,500 prisoners were captured dur- these fights.
Grant's losses, since the campaign began, put at the lowest figures, is 50,000.
Our losses in killed and missing, all told, since the campaign began, is not over 15,000.
Fredericksburg is said to be garrisoned with negro troops.
Lieut. Gen. A. P. Hill resumed command of his corps to-day.
Our troops have been marching, fighting, and lying in line of battle twelve days to-day, but their spirits are fine and their resolution invincible.
The troops are receiving adequate rations, and the animals sufficiently of forage.
Via Guiney's Station, May 15.
[Fourth Dispatch.]
Battle Field, near Spotsylvania C. H.,
Via Guiney's, May 15th.
Yesterday evening there was a cavalry fight on our left wing.
A body of infantry engaged Chamblis's brigade of cavalry, and fought them some time, until our infantry came to the support of the cavalry, driving the enemy back and capturing about one hundred prisoners.
The enemy are reported to-day to be shifting their position towards the telegraph road and railroad.
There has been no firing at all to-day.
Our wounded are slowly arriving here preparatory to being sent to Richmond.
Brig. Gens. McGowan and R. D. Johnston are slightly wounded, in addition to those previously reported.
Brig. Gen. Gordon, erroneously reported wounded, is not hurt.
Thus far we have lost about seventeen General officers killed, wounded, and captured, and about thirty five field officers.
Via Guiney's, May 15th.