[from our own Correspondent.]
Army of Northern Virginia. Near Hanover Junction, May 25th, 1864.
My last letter told you of the change of base, and of the fact that our forces were in position around this place.
Yesterday evening about four o'clock, Thomas's, McGowan's and Lane's brigades, of Wilcox's division, with Seales's of the same division in support and reserve, were sent forward to meet the enemy, who had crossed the North Anna river at Jericho Fard, a point about six miles above Hanover Junction.
Our forces came up with those of the enemy near Noel's turn-out.
Thomas, McGowan and Lane engaged them in front, while Scales was sent to take them in rear.
A sharp fight ensued, and the troops were rapidly pressing them back, when just as Scales was opening on their flank and rear, Thomas's brigade, for some unexplained reason, gave way, and thus the fruits of victory were lost.
We however captured some sixty prisoners, who say that when our men commenced giving back the enemy were already on the run, and our boys were within a very few yards of their batteries.
Our loss is put at about three hundred and fifty in this engagement.
During this same evening Gen Anderson sent a force across the river at the Telegraph Road bridge, but this force meeting a superior force of the enemy was compelled to return this side.
Our loss however, was slight.
Yesterday evening Mahone, who was commanding Anderson's division assented Laidley's brigade of the enemy, who had crossed at Oxford Mills, capturing some sixty prisoners, among them an via of Gen L's.
About the same time the enemy attempted to make a lodgment for his sharpshooters in front of Rodes a division, but Rodes's skirmishers quickly drove them off.
To day there has been nothing done save slight skirmishing.
I still incline to the opinion that Grant is too much worsted to make an immediate fight, and the fact that he is entrenching and fortifying substantiates it.
As showing the extent to which the Yankee army has been cut up in the recent engagements, I give you the following figures in regard to the losses sustained by a Massachusetts regiment an the late fights.
They are official, and were taken from the pockets of an Adjutant who was captured:
The regiment went into action on the 6th with | 464 |
Lost this day | 257 |
Leaving for duty | 207 |
Lost on the 12th | |
101 | |
Lost on the 18th | 24 |
82 |
Thursday, 12 M.
Very little infantry skirmishing to day. X.
Very little infantry skirmishing to day. X.