Official List of casualties in the Corps of Lexington Cadets:
Headq'rs corps of Cadets,
Camp near Harrisonburg.
May 19th, 1864.
The following is a correct list of the killed and wounded of this battalion in the battle of New Marsed, May 15th, 1864:
Field and Staff.--Wounded: Lt Col Ship, slightly in shoulder.
- company A.--wounded: Corp's Geo F Macon, Richmond, badly in arm; Samuel Atwell, Westmoreland, badly in leg; Privates Henry J Meade, Bedford, slightly in side; C H Harrison. Augusta, bruised badly; Jacob Imboden, Augusta, badly bruised; F L Smith, Alexandria, badly in face and shoulder; E H Smith Richmond, very slightly in hip; it a Pendleton, Ambers, slightly in head; I W White, Abingdon, dangerously in leg; George Spiller, Botetourt, slightly in head and leg; Wm P Watston, North Carolina, slightly in arm.
- company B.--killed: Privates J B Stanard, Orange; W H McDowell, North Carolina; D G Jefferson Amelia, died of wounds, wounded: Serg't H H Gannow, Mobile, slightly in both legs; J H Bransford, Chesterfield slightly in foot and band; E D Christian, Petersburg slightly in head; J D garden, Southampton badly in thigh and arm; F G Gibson, Fluvanna, two fingers amputated and in leg very badly; Hagan, Essex, badly in leg; M Marshall, Vicksburg, Miss, badly in knee; P W Woodill, New Orleans, slightly in leg.
- company C.--wounded Capt a G bill, severely in head; Lieut S S Shrivar, Whealing, Va., slightly in arm; Serg't J a Stuart Augusta; slightly in leg; Serg't L E H F Wise, Norfolk, slightly in arm; W Jones, Bedford, badly bruised; J L Merritt, Brunswick, badly in abdomen; G H Randolph, Fauquier, badly in head; C H Reed, Richmond, slightly in head; C D Walker, Richmond badly in shoulder; Jas Wheelwright, Westmoreland, badly in breast
- company D.--killed; Serg't W H Cabell, Richmond; J K Jones, King William; C Crockett, Wytheville. Wounded: Corp'l J nick, Norfolk, slightly in head; Corp'l J R Triplett, Steam and, slightly in arm; S D Moorman, Campbell, badly in arm; Ed Berkeley, London, slightly in head; W Dillard, Amherst, badly in head; G L Garnett, Essex, slightly in leg; Irwin Dickinson, Prince Edward.
Total Killed, | 5 |
Total Wounded, | 37 |